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Background We explored the prognostic meaning of local relapse and surgical margins in adult soft tissue sarcoma of the extremities. Methods Out of a series of 1017 patients with extremity soft tissue sarcoma treated over 20 years, we picked a group of 238 patients operated on at our institution for their first local relapse: 88 after their primary operation performed at the same center and 150 elsewhere. At operation for relapse, margins were microscopically negative in 77% and 75% of patients, respectively. Median follow-up was 107 months. Results The 10-year mortality rate was 22% in the absence of local relapse, whereas in locally relapsing patients it was 54% and 43%, respectively, for patients first operated on at our institute and for those who were not. The hazard ratio of positive versus negative surgical margins was 1.7 for cause-specific death and 2.1 for distant metastases in patients first operated on at our institute, as opposed to 1.2 and 1.3 for the others. Conclusions Local relapse was an unfavorable prognostic factor. In the face of a consistent surgical policy for local relapse in a single-institution setting, patients relapsing after the first operation performed at our institution received rescue treatment less frequently than those previously operated on outside a referral center. This is likely due to an inherently higher tumor aggressiveness. In the presence of such a higher aggressiveness, the adequacy of surgical margins at operation for first relapse seemed more critical prognostically. This may have clinical and speculative implications. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, June 2–6, 2006, Atlanta, GA (USA) (abstract 9565).  相似文献   
ObjectiveAlthough most patients with urinary bladder cancer present with noninvasive and low-malignant stages of the disease, about 20% eventually develop life-threatening metastatic tumors. This study was designed to evaluate the potential of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) to identify molecular markers predicting the clinical course of bladder cancer.Materials and methodsWe employed MALDI-MSI to a bladder cancer tissue microarray including paraffin-embedded tissue samples from 697 patients with clinical follow-up data to search for prognostically relevant associations.ResultsAnalysis of our MALDI imaging data revealed 40 signals in the mass spectra (m/z signals) associated with epithelial structures. The presence of numerous m/z signals was statistically related to one or several phenotypical findings including tumor aggressiveness (stage, grade, or nodal status; 30 signals), solid (5 signals) or papillary (3 signals) growth patterns, and increased (6 signals) or decreased (12 signals) cell proliferation, as determined by Ki-67 immunohistochemistry. Two signals were linked with tumor recurrence in noninvasive (pTa category) tumors, of which one was also related to progression from pTa-category to pT1-category disease. The absence of one m/z signal was linked with decreased survival in the subset of 102 muscle-invasive cancers.ConclusionOur data demonstrate the suitability of combining MSI and large-scale tissue microarrays to simultaneously identify and validate clinically useful molecular markers in urinary bladder cancer.  相似文献   


Knowledge of the cumulative balance of sodium (CBS) is important for the diagnosis of salt disorders and water homeostasis and has the potential to predict hypovolemic status in acute neurological patients. However, an extensive application of the use of CBS is still lacking in the intensive care setting, where salt and water homeostasis represents a priority.


Records of consecutive series of acute neurological patients admitted to a neurointensive care unit over a 6-month period were retrospectively reviewed. CBS was calculated at the admission to the Emergency Department. Discrimination between cerebral salt-wasting syndrome (CSWS) and the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) was performed on the basis of the classical criteria. Additionally, we used the findings of a negative CBS exceeding 2 mEq/kg for the diagnosis of CSWS. Two independent clinicians who were blinded to the CBS results performed diagnosis of the causes of hyponatremia and estimated the daily volemic status of the patients on the basis of clinical parameters. Logistic regression analysis was used to determine the independent prognostic factors of hypovolemia.


Thirty-five patients were studied for a total of 418 days. Four patients (11.4 %) fitted the criteria of CSWS and three patients (8.5 %) had SIADH. The unavailability of the CBS led to a wrong diagnosis in three of the eight hyponatremic patients (37.5 %). The risk of developing hypovolemia in patients with negative CBS was 7.1 times higher (CI 3.86–13.06; p < 0.001). Multivariate analysis revealed that negative cumulative fluid balance, negative CBS >2 mEq/kg, and CVP ≤5 cmH2O were independent prognostic factors for hypovolemia.


CBS is likely to be a useful parameter in the diagnosis of CSWS and a surrogate parameter for estimating hypovolemia in acute neurological patients.  相似文献   
Lipoprotein(a)-associated atherothrombotic risk in hemodialysis patients   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
BACKGROUND: Hemodialysis patients show a considerably higher risk of atherothrombotic disease than the general population. We investigated both lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] plasma levels and apolipoprotein(a) [apo(a)] phenotypes in relation to occurrence of atherothrombotic events in hemodialysis patients compared with subjects showing a normal kidney function. Methods: Lp(a) levels and apo(a) isoforms were determined in 118 hemodialysis patients, including 59 with prior atherothrombotic events, and in 182 subjects with normal creatinine clearance, including 82 who experienced a prior atherothrombotic event. Results: Lp(a) levels in hemodialysis patients (median; 20 mg/dl) were higher (p < 0.01) than in age- and sex-matched subjects with normal renal function without a history of atherothrombosis (11.3 mg/dl). Among hemodialysis patients, median Lp(a) levels were higher in subjects with than in those without prior atherothrombosis (34 vs. 15 mg/dl, p < 0.05). In hemodialysis patients and in subjects without nephropathy, the percentage of low-molecular-weight apo(a) phenotypes were significantly higher in patients with than in those without a history of prior atherothrombotic events (56.9% vs. 33.9%, p < 0.05; 62.2% vs. 25%, p < 0.00001,respectively). Stepwise regression analysis indicated that the presence of at least one apo(a) isoform of low molecular weight was an independent predictor of atherothrombosis in hemodialysis patients (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Elevated Lp(a) plasma levels appear to be associated with atherothrombosis, independent of their origin due to genetic factors or related to the impaired kidney function. Low-molecular-weight apo(a) isoforms are reliable genetic markers of atherothrombosis both in patients with impaired kidney function and in subjects without nephropathy.  相似文献   
D'Andrea G  Angelini A  Romano A  Di Lauro A  Sessa G  Bozzao A  Ferrante L 《Neurosurgical review》2012,35(3):401-12; discussion 412
We report our preliminary series of patients treated for lesions involving the motor cortex and the corticospinal tract in BrainSuite, with intraoperative MRI, tractography and "neuronavigated" electrophysiological cortical and subcortical mapping. An exact localization of the cortical and subcortical functional areas is mandatory for executing surgery of intra-parenchymal neoplasm involving the motor cortex and the corticospinal tract. Nowadays modern technology offers a variety of tools to reduce as much as possible postoperative deficits during surgery of cerebral eloquent areas. From December 2008 and June 2010, 18 patients underwent functional surgery, for neoplasm involving the motor cortex and/or the subcortical pathway, in BrainSuite. Our preliminary series include 14 gliomas and 4 metastases; Table 1 summarizes all of the data. We included in this series patients with complete removal of lesions of eloquent areas with an average distance from the corticospinal tract of 4 mm. Six neoplasms were considered in contact and/or involving the motor cortex, while in 18 cases (100%) the tumour involved eloquent areas concerning the corticospinal tract. All of the patients underwent complete removal of the lesion as subsequently demonstrated by intraoperative postsurgical MRI. Our series highlights the good integration and the high compatibility between BrainSUITE with 1.5 T intraoperative magnetic field and neurophysiological monitoring. We strongly believe that intraoperative MRI with DTI allows us to treat complex surgery tumours that without its auxilium we would not be able to deal with.  相似文献   


Complete pathologic response (CPR) after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (combined modality treatment, CMT) for rectal cancer seems associated with improved survival compared to partial or no response (NPR). However, previous reports have been limited by small sample size and single-institution design.


A systematic literature review was conducted to detect studies comparing long-term results of patients with CPR and NPR after CMT for rectal cancer. Variables were pooled only if evaluated by 3 or more studies. Study end points included rates of CPR, local recurrence (LR), distant recurrence (DR), 5-year overall survival (OS), and disease-free survival (DFS).


Twelve studies (1,913 patients) with rectal cancer treated with CMT were included. CPR was observed in 300 patients (15.6%). CPR and NPR patient groups were similar with respect to age, sex, tumor size, distance of tumor from the anus, and stage of disease before treatment. Median follow-up ranged from 23 to 46?months. CPR patients had lower rates of LR [0.7% vs. 2.6%; odds ratio (OR) 0.45, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.22?C0.90, P?=?0.03], DR (5.3% vs. 24.1%; OR 0.15, 95% CI 0.07?C0.31, P?=?0.0001), and simultaneous LR?+?DR (0.7% vs. 4.8%; OR 0.32, 95% CI 0.13?C0.79, P?=?0.01). OS was 92.9% for CPR versus 73.4% for NPR (OR 3.6, 95% CI 1.84?C7.22, P?=?0.002), and DFS was 86.9% versus 63.9% (OR 3.53, 95% CI 1.62?C7.72, P?=?0.002).


CPR after CMT for rectal cancer is associated with improved local and distal control as well as better OS and DFS.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (BAC) is considered a subtype of adenocarcinoma of the lung, without pleural, stromal or vascular invasion (World Health Organization (WHO) classification). Previous reports had demonstrated a better prognosis following surgery for patients affected by early stage BAC than those affected by other type of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). We aim to analyse differences between stage I peripheral nodular BAC and stage I peripheral adenocarcinoma of the lung, METHODS: From January 1, 1993 to December 31, 1999, 1158 patients were submitted to surgical resection for NSCLC. Out of them, 28 patients (2.4%) resulted affected by stage I peripheral pure BAC and 80 (6.9%) by stage I peripheral adenocarcinoma. We made a comparison between these two groups. RESULTS: The percentage of females in BAC patients was similar to that registered in adenocarcinoma patients (21.4 vs. 17.5%). No differences were detected between smokers in BAC and adenocarcinoma patients (P=0.331). The upper lobes were the most common sites of the primary tumour in both tumour subtypes (71.4 vs. 67.5%). Relapse of disease was less frequent in BAC than in adenocarcinoma patients (14.2 vs. 33.7%); recurrent disease developed intrathoracic with higher frequency in BAC patients (75 vs. 33.3%). Both 5-year disease-free and long-term survival were significantly higher in patients affected by BAC (81 vs. 51% and 86 vs. 71%, respectively) (P<0.05); when analysis is performed by dividing stage IA from IB tumours, BAC patients resulted to have higher DFS (stage IA, 93 vs. 58% - P=0.044; stage IB, 61 vs. 32.5%) and higher long-term survival (stage IA, 92 vs. 79%; stage IB, 75 vs. 56%). CONCLUSION: Patients with stage I pure BAC have significantly longer disease-free and overall survival than those with similar stage adenocarcinoma. Even if classified as subtype of adenocarcinoma, BAC is characterised by clinical behaviour less aggressive than similar stage adenocarcinoma.  相似文献   
Sarli L  Costi R  Iusco D  Roncoroni L 《Surgery today》2003,33(11):823-827
Purpose. To evaluate the clinical role of subtotal colectomy with cecorectal anastomosis (CRA) and its postoperative results, based on our surgical experience. Methods. We retrospectively analyzed 26 patients who underwent subtotal colectomy with CRA during an 8-year period (1992–1999) in our university hospital. The indications for CRA were intractable constipation, colon tumors, diverticulitis, Crohns disease, and postactinic colitis. CRA was performed using a new technique of end-to-end antiperistaltic anastomosis. Postoperative and late complications, and functional results, defined as the number of bowel movements per day and quality of life, were evaluated. Results. None of the patients experienced postoperative or late complications. Two patients died from progression of colon cancer. The mean follow-up period was 4.5 years (range 1–8 years). By 1 month after surgery, 58% of the patients were passing frequent bowel movements, and by 1 year after surgery, only 23% of the patients were passing frequent bowel movements. The last follow-up revealed a mean 1.7 bowel movements per day, and only one patient was taking medication for diarrhea. All patients were satisfied with the results of their surgery and reported that their quality of life was good or improved, and even very good in six cases. Conclusions. Subtotal colectomy with our new CRA technique is appropriate for treating inflammatory diseases of the bowel, colon tumors, and intractable constipation in selected patients.  相似文献   
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