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前列腺癌去雄激素治疗不良反应的预防和处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的观察去雄激素治疗前列腺癌的不良反应,并探讨其预防和治疗。方法回顾性分析1998年7月-2006年1月112例去雄激素治疗晚期前列腺癌的临床资料。结果112例患者中,97例完成了不良反应的调查。随访3-36月,去雄激素治疗后潮热、性功能障碍、病理性骨折发生率分别为46%、75%、4%;患者潮热、精神疲乏、四肢乏力、纳差症状明显加重(P<0.05);性功能明显减退(P<0.05)。12例潮热症状严重者使用抗抑郁药博乐欣(25mg,tid)1-2周症状减轻。7例有骨转移性疼痛或严重骨质疏松患者,应用唑来膦酸4mg静脉滴注,每45d一次,骨痛症状缓解。结论去雄激素对前列腺癌患者生活质量有一定影响。博乐欣可减轻患者潮热症状,唑来膦酸可预防和治疗去雄激素相关的骨质疏松并发症。  相似文献   
目的 运用通瘀注射液在非直视下经输卵管盆腔给药对子宫内膜异位症 (EEMs)的治疗作用 ,探讨活血化瘀法对EEMs的作用机理及此给药法的优势。方法 将临床治疗的EEMs患者 60例随机分为治疗组 (通瘀注射液组 )和对照组 (丹那唑组 ) ,疗程各为 3个月。用药前后测定下列指标 :临床症状与体征、内分泌激素、血液流变学、癌抗原 12 5 (CA12 5)和子宫内膜抗体 (EMAb)的阳性率变化。结果 治疗组的临床症状与体征、血液粘滞度和红细胞压积、CA12 5和EMAb的阳性率均降低 ,卵泡刺激素 (FSH)、黄体生成素 (LH)、雌二醇 (E2 )和孕激素 (P)的含量均受到调节 ,与对照组相比 ,差异有显著性。而治疗组对内分泌的调节能力弱于对照组 ,但作用柔和、均衡。结论 通瘀注射液对EEMs的作用是通过清除月经时异位内膜的瘀血、水肿、改善微循环及组织供氧、调节免疫功能和内分泌紊乱而实现的 ,与丹那唑相比其副作用小、并以治本为主。盆腔给药法则可使药物直达病灶 ,见效快  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Odontoma is the most common odontogenic tumor. It includes 2 types, the compound and complex odontomas. There has not been a series study of the clinical and histologic features of odontomas from Taiwan. This study evaluated the clinicopathologic features of odontoma in Taiwanese. METHODS: Cases of odontoma treated from 1998 to 2002 identified from medical records were included. The microscopic features, radiographic features, and clinical history of the patients were reviewed and analyzed. RESULTS: A total of 81 odontomas in 81 patients (36 males and 45 females) were included. There were 62 compound and 19 complex odontomas. The mean age of the patients was 18 years with the majority of odontomas occurring in the first (32%) and second decade (38%) of life. Odontomas had a marked predilection for the maxilla (70%) and for the anterior region of the jaw (83%), particularly for the anterior maxilla (62%). Sixty four (79%) of the 81 odontomas were associated with 80 impacted teeth, including 71 permanent teeth, 2 deciduous teeth, and 7 supernumerary teeth. Of the 71 impacted permanent teeth, the maxillary central incisor (27%) was most commonly affected, followed by the maxillary canine (26%) and mandibular canine (24%). Histologic examination revealed enamel matrix in 90%, dentin in 100%, cementum in 88%, pulp tissue in 96%, fibrous capsule in 93%, ghost cells in 83%, reduced enamel epithelium in 86%, and nests of odontogenic epithelium in 58% of odontomas. Dentigerous cyst was associated with 9% of odontomas. CONCLUSIONS: In this series, odontomas occurred most often in the first and second decade of life. Although complex odontomas are usually found in the posterior jaw, in this Taiwanese series they were most commonly found in the anterior maxilla. Odontoma is frequently associated with an impacted tooth and occasionally with a dentigerous cyst. No recurrence of odontomas was found after surgical excision with follow-up of 1 to 15 years.  相似文献   
We have isolated two recombinant cDNAs whose corresponding RNAs have an increased abundance in scrapie-infected hamster brain. DNA sequence analysis has shown that these two recombinants represent the genes for sulfated glycoprotein 2 and transferrin. The abundance of sulfated glycoprotein 2 RNA is increased in hippocampus from patients with Alzheimer disease and Pick disease, whereas transferrin RNA is not strongly modulated in these conditions. Expression of two previously identified scrapie-modulated genes, encoding glial fibrillary acidic protein and metallothionein, is also increased in both of these neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   
慢性心力衰竭病人的临床分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘涛 《护理研究》2007,21(5):1335-1335
慢性心力衰竭(CHF)目前是老年人住院和死亡的主要原因,近几年研究结果显示CHF病人出现的肾功能障碍即心肾综合征发病率高,预后差,狭义的心肾综合征特指CHF引起的进行性肾功能损害,并导致肾功能不全,我们回顾性分析我院收治的100例CHF住院病人,着重探讨CHF程度与肾功能不全的发生率及其与住院的时间的关系。现将其临床分析介绍如下。  相似文献   
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