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The main objective of this study was to promote the evaluation of an educational method to identify health risks among adolescents exposed to mercury by their work in gold mining production.The project was carried out with adolescents from a public school from the District of Monsenhor Horta, Municipality of Mariana, state of Minas Gerais. Statistical evaluation of the results revealed a significant increase in the amount of correct answers between the first and fifth stage concerning the definition of work accidents and its importance in relation to work-related diseases, accidents on route to and from the work place and violence at work site itself.  相似文献   
Bothrops jararacussu myotoxin I (BthTx-I; Lys 49) and II (BthTX-II; Asp 49) were purified by ion-exchange chromatography and reverse phase HPLC. In this work we used the isolated perfused rat kidney method to evaluate the renal effects of B. jararacussu myotoxins I (Lys49 PLA2) and II (Asp49 PLA2) and their possible blockage by indomethacin. BthTX-I (5 microg/ml) and BthTX-II (5 microg/ml) increased perfusion pressure (PP; ct120=110.28+/-3.70 mmHg; BthTX I=171.28+/-6.30*mmHg; BthTX II=175.50+/-7.20*mmHg), renal vascular resistance (RVR; ct120=5.49+/-0.54 mmHg/ml.g(-1)min(-1); BthTX I=8.62+/-0.37*mmHg/ml g(-1)min(-1); BthTX II=8.9+/-0.36*mmHg/ml g(-1)min(-1)), urinary flow (UF; ct(120)=0.14+/-0.01ml g(-1)min(-1); BthTX I=0.32+/-0.05*ml g(-1)min(-1); BthTX II=0.37+/-0.01*ml g(-1)min(-1)) and glomerular filtration rate (GFR; ct120=0.72+/-0.10 ml g(-1)min(-1); BthTX I=0.85+/-0.13*ml g(-1)min(-1); BthTX II=1.22+/-0.28*ml g(-1)min(-1)). In contrast decreased the percent of sodium tubular transport (%TNa(+); ct(120)=79,76+/-0.56; BthTX I=62.23+/-4.12*; BthTX II=70.96+/-2.93*) and percent of potassium tubular transport (%TK(+);ct120=66.80+/-3.69; BthTX I=55.76+/-5.57*; BthTX II=50.86+/-6.16*). Indomethacin antagonized the vascular, glomerular and tubular effects promoted by BthTX I and it's partially blocked the effects of BthTX II. In this work also evaluated the antibacterial effects of BthTx-I and BthTx-II against Xanthomonas axonopodis. pv. passiflorae (Gram-negative bacteria) and we observed that both PLA2 showed antibacterial activity. Also we observed that proteins Also we observed that proteins chemically modified with 4-bromophenacyl bromide (rho-BPB) decrease significantly the antibacterial effect of both PLA2. In conclusion, BthTx I and BthTX II caused renal alteration and presented activity antimicrobial. The indomethacin was able to antagonize totally the renal effects induced by BthTx I and partially the effects promoted by BthTx II, suggesting involvement of inflammatory mediators in the renal effects caused by myotoxins. In the other hand, other effects could be independently of the enzymatic activity of the BthTX II and the C-terminal domain could be involved in both effects promoted for PLA2.  相似文献   
We did a secondary analysis of data from three large colorectal adenoma chemoprevention trials to assess the association between 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitor use and reduced risk of recurrent colorectal adenomas. Reported use of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors was not associated with a reduced recurrence of colorectal adenomas, multiple adenomas, or advanced adenomas. Lack of statistical power from limited exposure to HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors might be responsible for the lack of association.  相似文献   
The aim of our study was to identify whether vitamin-D deficiency (VDD) can alter the geometry of the coronary-resistance-artery system. Male Wistar rats were divided into vitamin-D-deficient (VD−, n = 10) and vitamin-D-supplemented (VD+, n = 8) groups. After eight weeks, branches and segments of the left-anterior-descending-coronary-artery (LAD) network were analyzed by a video-microscopy technique. Segments were divided into 50 μm-long cylindrical ring units. VDD did not increase the number of morphological abnormalities. The number of segments did not differ between the groups (VD−: 210 and VD+: 224; pooled data of 8 networks). A larger lumen area of branches was found in VD+ group, while 1–4-order branches were lengthier in the VD− group. VD− rats had less rich coronary-resistance-artery networks in terms of 50 µm-long units. (VD−: 6365 vs. VD+: 6602; pooled data of 8 networks). VD+ animals were richer in the 100–350 µm outer diameter range, and VD− animals were richer in the 400–550 µm-diameter units. In VD− rats, 150–200 and 300 µm units were almost missing at higher flow distances from the orifice. Serum vitamin-D alterations caused by dietary changes can affect the geometry of the coronary-artery network, which may contribute to vitamin-D-dependent changes in cardiovascular mortality.  相似文献   
Bites of brown spiders (Loxosceles spp.) are responsible for dermonecrotic lesions and potentially systemic envenoming that can lead to death. The only effective therapy is the use of the antivenom, usually produced in horses. However, little is known about the consequences of the systematic use of the Loxosceles venom and adjuvants and of the bleedings on antivenom-producing horses. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical changes in horses in their first immunization protocol for Loxosceles antivenom production. Eleven healthy horses, never immunized, were evaluated in three different periods: T0 (before immunization); T1 (after their first venom immunization); and T2 (after their first bleeding). Horses were clinically evaluated, sampled for blood, and underwent electrocardiographic (ECG) recordings. Several suppurated subcutaneous abscesses occurred due to the use of Freund’s adjuvants and thrombophlebitis due to systematic venipunctures for the bleeding procedures. ECG showed arrhythmias in few horses in T2, such as an increase in T and R waves. In summary, the immunization protocol impacted on horses’ health, especially after bleeding for antivenom procurement.  相似文献   
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