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From 1978 to 1981, 151 patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) were enrolled in a prospective, collaborative study of North American patients, most of them white. Thirty-seven had World Health Organization (WHO) type 1 tumors, and 114 had WHO types 2 and 3 tumors. The anti-Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) profile of elevated antibody titers directed against viral capsid antigen and early antigen was seen in 85% of the patients with WHO types 2 and 3 tumors but in only 16% of the patients with WHO type 1 tumors. Geometric mean titers tended to be higher in higher stages of the disease in several staging systems. Low antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity at diagnosis appears to reflect a poorer prognosis, and the determination of antibody titers by this assay may prove to be useful for identifying persons in whom recurrent disease is likely to develop after conventional therapy. Anti-EBV titers can aid in diagnosis and treatment planning in patients with NPC, particularly those with occult primary NPC.  相似文献   
Axial length is a major determinant of ocular refractive power that has not been well established for keratoconus eyes. The purpose of this study was to establish the mean and range of axial length among both keratoconus eyes with no previous surgery and postkeratoplasty keratoconus eyes, and to determine if there is a significant reduction of axial length following variations in surgical techniques in penetrating keratoplasty. The axial length of 157 keratoconus eyes with no previous surgery was measured using applanation ultrasonography. The mean axial length measurement was 24.39 (+/- 1.13 mm), with a range of 21.82-28.69 mm. The axial length of 66 postkeratoplasty keratoconus eyes was similarly measured. The mean axial length measurement was 24.10 (+/- 1.22 mm), with a range of 21.83-26.87 mm. These values are not significantly different from the axial length mean and range found among emmetropic eyes. A significant shortening of the axial length (F = 5.2, p = 0.04) was obtained in the postoperative penetrating keratoplasty eye if the donor trephine was 0.3 mm smaller in diameter than the recipient trephine. The axial length of individual keratoconus eyes is a major factor in determining postoperative refractive error. It therefore becomes important when considering variations in surgical procedures to reduce postoperative myopia.  相似文献   
Forty-two patients with oesophageal cancer were identified among Alaskan Natives from 1955 through 1981. Based on rates for US whites, there were 1.3 and 3.8 times the number of Native men and women diagnosed with oesophageal cancer as expected. Forty of the patients were Eskimo or Aleut, resulting in an incidence for Eskimo-Aleuts of 10.9 for males and 8.3 for females per 100 000 adjusted to the world standard population. The distribution of cancer patients by residence at diagnosis showed marked regional clustering, which has been observed among oesophageal cancer patients in several other areas of the world.  相似文献   
Alaskan Natives (Eskimos, Indians, Aleuts) are at increased risk of developing nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) and there is family clustering of NPC. This study reviewed the total cancer experience of relatives of NPC patients and found that siblings of Eskimo NPC patients had a nearly threefold risk. No cancer family syndrome was identified and the cancers diagnosed in the siblings were similar to those seen in the general Alaskan Eskimo population.  相似文献   
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