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This study investigated the effects of an intervention programme that mentally prepared police trainees for stressful assignments in order to counteract unfavourable, possibly damaging, psychobiological reactions. Seventy-five police trainees participated. One group received mental imaging training. A reference group did not. All trainees were evaluated at the beginning of their final term at the Swedish Police Academy and at the termination of supervised mental training. Subjects completed a questionnaire on both occasions and physiological factors were measured. The baseline evaluation showed no significant differences between the groups. The second assessment showed that mental training affected the intervention group, which experienced their daily situation more positively than the reference group. The intervention group also reported higher well-being–with fewer intestinal and sleep problems. The study to date indicates some positive cognitive and psychological effects of the image programme. Whether the programme over time will also impact on the physiological and somatic health remains to be determined. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Ejaculatory sequence in men with low sperm chromatin-zinc   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The composition of seminal plasma in the sperm-rich split ejaculate fraction was studied in a group of men with a low zinc content in their sperm chromatin, to evaluate the availability of zinc at ejaculation. Men with low-chromatin zinc had, in the sperm-rich split-ejaculate fraction, high amounts of seminal-vesicular fluid, a low zinc:fructose molar ratio, and a high percentage of zinc bound to high molecular weight ligands of seminal vesicular origin (HMW-Zn). This indicates premature admixture of vesicular fluid at ejaculation. It is suggested that the zinc:fructose molar ratio and HMW-Zn in the sperm-rich fractions could be used as a measure of the availability of zinc in seminal plasma.  相似文献   
The clinical course of necrotizing fasciitis in 8 patients is compared with observations on 22 other patients with erysipelas. In necrotizing fasciitis the early erythematous areas turn into a dusky blue colour with later vesiculation and formation of bullae. An important finding is a non-pitting oedema extending outside the erythematous patches. The disease often progresses and involves further skin areas proximal to the initial ones. Gangrene tends to follow in multiple sites after the 1st week of illness. Group A streptococci in conjunction with widespread thrombosis and vascular necrosis of the involved skin are two major factors in the pathogenesis of the gangrene. Early debridement and excision of necrotic tissue in combination with large doses of penicillin and cloxacillin are confirmed as mandatory to remove toxaemia and inhibit further necrosis of the skin. In 3 of the 8 patients with necrotizing fasciitis the syndrome of disseminated intravascular coagulation complicated the course of the disease. A promising therapeutic result was seen in 2 further patients exhibiting alarming signs and symptoms of early necrotizing fasciitis; the combination of heparin, given intravenously in therapeutic doses guided by activated partial thromboplastin time studies, and of systemic antibiotics alleviated the symptoms, which vanished within 10 days of the start of treatment.  相似文献   
Rabbit antisera against H-2K and D antigens react with molecules composed of 12,000 and 45,000 dalton subunits derived from human, monkey, rat, guinea-pig, cow und pig lymphocytes. The antisera failed, however, to react with similar type molecules from chicken. A rabbit antihuman β2-microglobulin serum reacted with chicken molecules comprising 12,000 and 45,000 dalton polypeptide chains. An antiserum against HLA-DR antigens reacted with Ia-antigen-like molecules from monkey, rat, mouse, guinea-pig, cow, pig and chicken lymphocytes. All Ia-antigen-like molecules displayed two dissimilar subunits. The present data suggest that xenoantisera directed against highly purified MHC antigens from one species may be useful tools in elucidating the structure of similar antigens in other species where alloantisera are not available.  相似文献   
Human sperm, separated on Percoll gradients and transferred to cell culture medium, were exposed to various concentrations of propranolol (0.8-800 microM) or caffeine (3 microM-17 mM) for 4 h. Their motility pattern was analysed after 5 min and 4 h, employing the computerized Cellsoft system. Curvilinear velocity (VCL), percentage motile sperm, linearity (LIN), mean amplitude of lateral head displacement (ALHMEAN) and beat cross-frequency (BCF) were assessed. Both drugs had a practically immediate effect on the sperm. Propranolol concentrations greater than 80 microM had a negative effect on all movement variables, except VCL and ALHMEAN, which showed a slight, non-significant, initial increase. LIN and the percentage motile sperm appeared to be somewhat negatively affected at lower concentrations (80 microM) than the other variables, and were reduced further at higher concentrations and with time. The presence of 800 microM propranolol immobilized all sperm within 4 h. Caffeine at 1.7 and 5 mM, increased VCL and ALHMEAN. In contrast, the highest caffeine concentration tested (17 mM) had a negative effect on all variables at 4 h after addition.  相似文献   
A surgical technique involving exact repositioning and rigid fixation is required for the reduction of fractures of the orbital floor. Even then, sequelae may be present long after the trauma. The aim of this study was to establish the frequency and type of sequelae after surgery for orbital floor fractures and to investigate the extent to which the method of surgery had any impact on the severity of the sequelae. A questionnaire was sent to all 107 patients (response rate 77%) 1 to 5 years after the injury. Further clinical data were obtained from the patients' charts. Eighty-three percent of the patients were affected by some kind of permanent sequelae in terms of sensibility, vision, and/or physical appearance. A high frequency of diplopia (36%) was related to the reconstruction of the orbital floor with a temporary "supporting" antral packing in the maxillary sinus, a technique which has now been abandoned at our department in favor of orbital restoration with sheets of porous polyethylene. Our conclusion is that, because long-term sequelae are common, the surgical technique must be subjected to continuous quality control to minimize future problems for this group of patients.  相似文献   
Studies were done to determine the percutaneous absorption ofisofenphos in human volunteers from whom informed consent hadbeen obtained. In vivo absorption in man was 3.6±3.6%of applied dose for 24-hr exposure and 3.6±0.5% for 72-hrexposure. Skin wash recovery data show that isofenphos evaporatesfrom in vivo skin during the absorption process; the surfacedose is minimal (<1%) by 24 hr. Skin stripping showed noresidual isofenphos in stratum corneum. This explains the similarabsorption for 24 and 72-hr dose prewash exposures. Skin surfacerecovery in vivo with soap and water was 61.4±10.4 forthe first dosing time (15 mm). Time-recovery response declinedwith time to 0.5±0.2% at 24 hr. In vitro absorption utilizingflow-through diffusion methodology with human cadaver skin andhuman plasma receptor fluid gave 2.5±2.0% dose absorbed,an amount similar to In vivo studies. An additional 6.5±24%was recovered in the skin samples (total of 9%). Skin surfacewash at 24 hr recovered 79.7±2.2% and skin content was6.5±2.4% (total dose accountability of 88.7±4.6%).Thus, isofenphos was available for absorption during the wholedosing period. Neither in vitro absorption nor in vitro evaporationstudies predicted the potential skin evaporation of isofenphos.Published dermal studies in the rat had predicted isofenphosabsorption at 47% of applied dose (12-fold greater than actualin man). Subsequent toxicokinetic modeling predicted possibleconcern with the use of isofenphos. This is an example wherethe choice of the rat produced a nonrelevant absorption prediction.In vivo studies in human volunteers seem more relevant for predictingpercutaneous absorption in man.  相似文献   
Percutaneous Absorption of [14C]DDT and [14C]Benzo[a]pyrenefrom Soil. WESTER, R. C, MAIBACH, H. I., BUCKS, D. A. W., SEDIK,L., MELENDRES, J., LIAO, C, AND DIZIO, S. (1990). Fundam. Appl.Toxicol. 15, 510–516. The objective was to determine percutaneousabsorption of DDT and benzo[a]pyrene in vitro and in vivo fromsoil into and through skin. Soil (Yolo County 65-California-57-8;26% sand, 26% clay, 48% silt) was passed through 10-, 20-, and48-mesh sieves. Soil then retained by 80-mesh was mixed with[14C]-labeled chemical at 10 ppm. Acetone solutions at 10 ppmwere prepared for comparative analysis. Human cadaver skin wasdermatomed to 500 µm and used in glass diffusion cellswith human plasma as the receptor fluid (3 ml/hr flow rate)for a 24-hr skin application time. With acetone vehicle, DDT(18.1 ± 13.4%) readily penetrated into human skin. Significantlyless DDT (1.0 ± 0.7%) penetrated into human skin fromsoil. DDT would not partition from human skin into human plasmain the receptor phase (<0.1%). With acetone vehicle, benzo[a]pyrene(23.7 ± 9.7%) readily penetrated into human skin. Significantlyless benzo[a]pyrene (1.4 ± 0.9%) penetrated into humanskin from soil. Benzo[a]pyrene would not partition from humanskin into human plasma in the receptor phase (<0.1 %). Substantivity(skin retention) was investigated by applying 14C-labeled chemicalto human skin in vitro for only 25 min. After soap and waterwash, 16.7 ± 13.2% of DDT applied in acetone remainedabsorbed to skin. With soil only 0.25 ±0.11% of DDT remainedabsorbed to skin. After soap and water wash 5.1 ±2.1%of benzo[a]pyrene applied in acetone remained absorbed to skin.With soil only 0.14 ±0.13% of benzo[a]pyrene remainedabsorbed to skin. In vivo percutaneous absorption of DDT inrhesus monkey was significantly less (p < 0.02) from soil(3.3 ± 0.5%) than from acetone solution (18.9 ±9.4%). DDT in vitro skin penetration values into human skinwere similar to in vivo absorption values in the rhesus monkey.In vivo absorption in the rhesus was not statistically differentfrom published in vivo absorption in man (10.4 ± 3.6%).In vivo percutaneous absorption of benzo[a]pyrene in rhesusmonkey was significantly less (p < 0.015) from soil (13.2± 3.4%) than from acetone solution (51.0 ± 13.2%).Thus, with in vitro and animal in vivo systems relevant to man,skin absorption of DDT and benzo[a]pyrene from soil was significantlyless than when the chemicals were applied to skin in acetoneSolvent.  相似文献   
gunningberg l., brudin l. & idvall e. (2010) Journal of Nursing Management  18, 757–766
Nurse Managers’ prerequisite for nursing development: a survey on pressure ulcers and contextual factors in hospital organizations Aim To describe and compare pressure ulcer prevalence in two county councils and concurrently explore Nurse Managers’ perspective of contextual factors in a hospital organization. Background Despite good knowledge about risk factors and prevention of pressure ulcers, the prevalence of pressure ulcers remains high. Nurse Managers’ have a key role in implementing evidence-based practice. Methods The present study included five hospitals in two Swedish county councils: county council A (non-university setting) and county council B (university setting). A pressure ulcer prevalence study was conducted according to the methodology developed by the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel. The Nurse Managers’ answered a (27-item) questionnaire on contextual factors. Results County council B had significantly less pressure ulcers grade (2–4) (7.7%) than county council A (11.3%). The Nurse Managers’ assessed only two out of the 27 general contextual items significantly differently. Some significant differences were observed in ward organization. Conclusions In county council B, the Nurse Managers’ seemed more aware of prevention strategies compared with Nurse Managers’ in county council A. The Nurse Managers’ should take more responsibility to develop the prerequisite for quality improvement in nursing. Implication for nursing management Nursing outcomes (e.g. pressure ulcers) should be incorporated into national quality registries for benchmarking and Nurse Managers’ competence in evidence-based practice and research methodology increased.  相似文献   
A decision concerning the appropriate sex of rearing of an intersex patient can be difficult, especially in the patient in whom biological tests favour the male sex but the phallus is so small that it could be called an enlarged clitoris. Two such patients are described; one was reared as a male and the other as a female, and the reasons for the sex of rearing are discussed.  相似文献   
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