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Objective : Chronic middle ear disease is common in Aboriginal children, and may be linked to nasal inflammation and Eustachian tube dysfunction. The pattern of nasal inflammation is unknown. The study reported here was performed to define the role of allergy and infection in causing nasal inflammation in Aboriginal children with chronic middle ear disease.
Methodology : Thirty-one Aboriginal children aged between 3 and 7 years underwent clinical assessment, audiometry and allergy skin tests. Nasal swabs for bacterial culture and cytology were performed during the winter and again in spring to identify any seasonal variation. A randomized trial of nasal beclomethasone for 8 weeks was conducted in children with abnormal tympanometry to identify the effect of therapy upon nasal cytology.
Results : Twenty-six of the 31 children had abnormal tympanograms. Average hearing levels were reduced in nine children. Pathogenic organisms were isolated from most children: Streptococcus pneumoniae (82%), Haemophilus influenzae (79%), Moraxella catarrhalis (39%) and Staphylococcus aureus (29%). Eight of the 31 children (26%) were atopic. Nasal cytology disclosed a marked neutrophil infiltrate (80% of cells) during the winter, which fell significantly in spring to 52% of cells. Only two subjects had nasal eosinophilia of >10%. There was no effect of beclomethasone on nasal cytology.
Conclusions : Chronic ear disease in Aboriginal children is associated with nasal inflammation, neutrophil infiltration and the presence of bacteria. These features suggest respiratory infection as the main cause of chronic nasal inflammation in Aboriginal children with middle ear disease. There is a seasonal variation in the severity of the nasal infiltrate, consistent with increased infections during winter. Despite a high prevalence of atopy, allergic nasal disease was uncommon.  相似文献   
BB-10010 is a genetically engineered variant of human macrophage inflammatory protein-1 alpha with improved solution properties. We show here that it mobilizes stem cells into the peripheral blood. We investigated the mobilizing effects of BB-10010 on the numbers of circulating 8-day spleen colony-forming units (CFU-S8), CFU-S12, and progenitors with marrow repopulating ability (MRA). A single subcutaneous dose of BB-10010 caused a twofold increase in circulating numbers of CFU-S8, CFU-S12, and MRA 30 minutes after dosing. We also investigated the effects of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G- CSF) and the combination of G-CSF with BB-10010 on progenitor mobilization. Two days of G-CSF treatment increased circulating CFU-S8, CFU-S12, and MRA progenitors by 25.7-, 19.8-, and 27.7-fold. A single administration of BB-10010 after 2 days of G-CSF treatment increased circulating CFU-S8, CFU-S12, and MRA even further to 38-, 33-, and 100- fold. Splenectomy resulted in increased circulating progenitor numbers but did not change the pattern of mobilization. Two days of treatment with G-CSF then increased circulating CFU-S8, CFU-S12, and MRA by 64-, 69-, and 32-fold. A single BB-10010 administration after G-CSF treatment further increased them to 85-, 117-, and 140-fold, respectively, compared with control. We conclude that BB-10010 causes a rapid increase in the number of circulating hematopoietic progenitors and further enhances the numbers induced by pretreatment with G-CSF. BB- 10010 preferentially mobilized the more primitive progenitors with marrow repopulating activity, releasing four times the number achieved with G-CSF alone. Translated into a clinical setting, this improvement in progenitor cell mobilization may enhance the efficiency of harvest and the quality of grafts for peripheral blood stem cell transplantation.  相似文献   
下消化道出血221例分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
0 引言 下消化道出血是消化科的常见病 ,是指十二指肠空肠移行部 ,屈氏韧带以下的小肠和大肠疾病引起的肠道出血 .有人认为一般不包括痔和肛裂出血 [1 ] .临床最常见为慢性出血 ,但有时出血量大危及生命 ,需要做紧急处理 ,现将我院1992 - 0 1/ 1999- 0 8门诊及病房收治的 2 2 1例下消化道出血进行分析 ,报告如下 :1 临床资料 男 12 0例 ,女 10 1例 ,年龄 14~ 72 (平均 42 )岁 ,病程 16 h~ 10 a.患者分别以脓血便、暗红色血便、鲜血便或果酱色血便为主诉前来就诊 ,其中有休克症状的大出血者6例 .血 Hb<110 g·L- 1 40例 ,<80 g·L- 1…  相似文献   
Intratemporal vascular tumors: detection with CT and MR imaging   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The diagnostic contributions of computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging were compared in 12 patients with benign intratemporal vascular tumors (hemangioma or vascular malformation). The tumors included six in the internal acoustic canal and six in the geniculate ganglion region. Clinical and histologic correlations were made. Two of the six patients with tumors in the internal acoustic canal underwent CT, and both required gas cisternography to show the tumor. Five patients in that group underwent MR imaging, and all five studies showed the tumor. All six patients with geniculate ganglion tumors underwent CT. Results in one study were questionable, and five showed the tumor. Five patients in this group underwent MR imaging, but the MR findings were positive in only two cases. MR imaging should therefore be performed before CT in the evaluation of facial nerve dysfunction, as it demonstrated all tumors in the internal acoustic canal and some in the geniculate ganglion region. If MR findings are negative, CT should then be performed to rule out a possible geniculate ganglion lesion.  相似文献   
3.男性:高催乳素血症通常导致阳痿、不孕和性功能低下.男性患者通常为大腺瘤,有神经系统症状.其原因可能是对症状认识的延误或者肿瘤生物学行为的差异.  相似文献   
Abstrakt  1. Eine Vereinbarung zwischen einem Krankenhaustr?ger und niedergelassenen ?rzten als potentiellen Zuweisern, die diesen ein Entgelt für Leistungen verspricht, die sie ohnehin im Rahmen ihrer (vertrags?rztlichen) Versorgung erbringen würden, ist rechts- und wettbewerbswidrig. 2. Eine in der Sache unzutreffende Bezeichnung dieser Zusammenarbeit als “sektorübergreifend” oder “pr?-/post” ?ndert an dieser Bewertung nichts, sondern verst?rkt eher den Verschleierungscharakter derartiger Vertr?ge. 3. Derartige Vertr?ge leisten in verantwortungsloser Weise sachwidrigen Erw?gungen bei der Wahl des geeigneten Arztes oder Krankenhauses Vorschub. (Leits?tze des Bearbeiters)  相似文献   
Abstrakt  1. Das besondere Vertrauensverh?ltnis zwischen Arzt und Patient gebietet bei der Verschreibung von Medikamenten die ausschlie?liche Orientierung des Arztes an den Interessen des Patienten, die bereits durch den Verdacht der unsachlichen Beeinflussung seitens eines Herstellers von Medikamenten gef?hrdet w?re. 2. Sachzuwendungen von Pharmaunternehmen an ?rzte, die nicht mehr als geringwertig eingestuft werden k?nnen, stellen – auch wenn sie im Rahmen einer nicht produktbezogenen Imagewerbekampagne gew?hrt werden – sowohl einen sonstigen unangemessenen unsachlichen Einfluss i.S. von § 4 Nr. 1 UWG als auch einen Versto? gegen die “anst?ndigen Gepflogenheiten in Gewerbe und Handel” i.S. von § 3 UWG i.V. mit Art. 5 UGP-Richtlinie dar. 3. Das Anbringen von Werbelogos auf Praxiseinrichtungsgegenst?nden, die ?rzten zu erheblich vergünstigten Preisen angeboten werden, stellt keine Rechtfertigung für die in der Subventionierung der Gegenst?nde zu sehende unlautere Sachzuwendung dar. 4. Das Angebot eines Pharmaunternehmens an einen Arzt, kostenfreie Beratung durch eine Unternehmensberatung in Anspruch zu nehmen, stellt – jedenfalls wenn die Beratung sich nicht auf pharmakologische Fragestellungen bezieht, sondern auf solche der Organisation und des Praxismanagements – eine unlautere Zuwendung dar. Ein Ausschluss vom Zuwendungsverbot analog § 7 I Nr. 4 HWG scheidet daher aus. 5. Das Erfordernis einer “erheblichen Zahl von Unternehmen” i.S. von § 8 III Nr. 2 UWG bedeutet nicht, dass die dem klagenden Wettbewerbsverband angeh?renden Unternehmen einen exakten Querschnitt der sonstigen Marktteilnehmer der betreffenden Branche darstellen müssen. Etwa 10% der Unternehmen, die etwa 70% der Ums?tze einer Branche t?tigen, stellen.  相似文献   
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