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To determine the genetic origin of the complete hydatidiform mole, 20 abnormal pregnancies were studied with restriction fragment length polymorphism with five genomic probes: EJ 6.6, beta-globin gene, 3'alpha-hypervariable region, J-Bir, and St14. In the 12 cases of molar pregnancy, pure paternal origin was proved in 11 cases, but both maternal and paternal inheritance were shown in only one case. In the cases with pure paternal origin, all of the restriction fragment length polymorphisms were homozygous, although those of the fathers were heterozygous at 15 loci. In the four cases that mimicked hydatidiform mole but were diagnosed as hydropic change of villi, both paternal and maternal inheritance were noted. In the four pregnancies with blighted ovum, both paternal and maternal inheritance were shown in three cases; and in one case with a balanced translocation between chromosomes 13 and 14, only paternal inheritance was noted. This study showed that most of the complete hydatidiform moles were caused by fertilization of an empty egg by a duplicated haploid sperm, but rare exceptions may exist.  相似文献   
The value of ventilation scintigraphy after single lung transplantation.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: A decrease in forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV(1)) as a diagnostic criterion for bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS) after single lung transplantation may be influenced significantly by the presence of the native lung. To quantify and to discriminate between the relative contribution of graft and native lung to the FEV(1), we retrospectively investigated the diagnostic value of combined FEV(1) measurements and ventilation scintigraphy in pulmonary dysfunction after single lung transplantation in 11 recipients with pulmonary vascular disease, 3 with obstructive lung disease, and 3 with restrictive lung disease. METHODS: We assessed function of the native lung and the graft, and subsequently calculated an adjusted grading of BOS by correcting routine FEV(1) measurements using linear interpolation of bi-annual lung ventilation scans. RESULTS: The contribution of the native lung to the total FEV(1) was slight (median, 9%) in recipients with obstructive disease compared with recipients with vascular (38%) or restrictive lung diseases (27%). Adjusted BOS grading was not useful in patients with obstructive disease. In the other patient groups, the onset of adjusted BOS Grade 1 and standard BOS Grade 1 was at a median of 220 days (range, 127-1146 days) and 836 days (184-3065 days), respectively. CONCLUSION: Ventilation scintigraphy is a useful adjunct in the (early) diagnosis of BOS in recipients of single lung transplants who have vascular and restrictive lung diseases.  相似文献   
From May 1, 1985 to December 31, 1991, a total of 4,962,707 serum samples from 8 population groups in Taiwan were tested for anti-human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (anti-HIV-1). In total, 256 samples were seropositive; of these individuals, 43 developed acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS): 29 were homosexuals; 5 were hemophiliacs; 8 were heterosexuals and 1 was of unknown risk. Although the prevalence of HIV-1 infection and AIDS remains low compared with other countries, since 1988 the increase has been rapid. Before 1977 the majority were homosexuals and hemophiliacs; thereafter the risk groups diversified, with a trend away from homosexuals and hemophiliacs towards heterosexuals and intravenous drug abusers (IVDAs). A few patients have caused serious social problems for the public, health care workers and families. Active community efforts are needed to achieve future success in the control of HIV-1 infection and AIDS in Taiwan.  相似文献   
Presented are the results of examination of 75 men, workers of the Chemical Works in Police, in whom in the scheme of complex clinical examinations detailed ophthalmological examinations have been carried out. The period of a professional contact with fluor amounted 6-15 years. The examined persons showed a variety of changes; the most important were opacities of the lens capsule, attenuation of the retinal arteries and a pathological record of the ERG.  相似文献   
Infertility may occur in patients with unilateral testicular torsion whose contralateral testis is intact. Depending on this observation, the physicians have begun to examine the contralateral testis. In the present prospective study we aimed to examine the histopathologic alterations occurring in the contralateral testicle with time. Sixty adult male albino rats were included in the programme, and following experimental torsion the histopathologic findings, especially those in the contralateral testis, were evaluated after 4–12 weeks. Long-term and high degree torsion of the testicle led to varying degrees of deterioration in the germinal epithelium and interstitial cells of the contralateral testicle. Histopathologic alterations were reversed in 12 weeks. Tubular diameter and testicular volume also decreased in accordance with the histopathologic alteration. In our opinion, orchiectomy following torsion of one testicle will limit potential histopathologic alterations in the contralateral testicle.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Reactive oxygen species may contribute to the pathogenesis of asthma. Functional genetic polymorphisms of antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase are good candidates for asthma susceptibility. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association of the manganese-containing form of SOD (MnSOD) gene at amino acid position 16 (Val16Ala) and catalase gene in the promoter at A-21T and C-262T polymorphisms and asthma in a Hong Kong Chinese population. METHODS: The association study was conducted in a case-control design in asthma patients (n=251) and healthy controls (n=316) by genotyping. The functional significance was assessed by determining erythrocyte SOD and catalase activity. RESULTS: The Val allele of MnSOD at Val16Ala and the A allele of catalase gene at A-21T were not different between patients and controls, while the C allele of catalase gene at C-262T was found to be significantly different between patients and controls (P=0.033). The less frequent variant of catalase gene (-262T) was found to be protective from the development of asthma in a Hong Kong Chinese non-smoking population (adjusted odds ratio=0.35, 0.15-0.85; P=0.017). Asthma patients had elevated erythrocyte SOD and catalase activities in comparison with healthy controls (P<0.01). However, their activities were not associated with different genotypes within healthy controls or asthma patients. CONCLUSION: This is the first report showing that SOD and catalase functional activities are not associated with their respective genetic polymorphisms but related to the presence of asthma in a Hong Kong Chinese population.  相似文献   
Effects of sodium salts of various monovalent inorganic anions on transdermal permeation of salicylic acid were investigated. In in-vitro experiment using a Franz-type diffusion cell and excised mouse skin, the permeation-enhancing activities of the sodium salts of inorganic anions were roughly proportional to lyotropic Hofmeister swelling abilities of the anions; F?<SO4 2?<Cl? <ClO4 ?<NO3 <SCN? <Br <I?, i.e. l, Br and SCN increased the flux of drugs through the mouse skin, while F?, SO4 2?, Cl?, ClO4 ? and NO3 ? decreased or did not affect the flux. In invivo experiment using the rabbit as the test animal, the plasma concentration of salicylic acid of the rabbit to which 10%-salicylic acid ointment containing 5%-Nal or NaBr was applied was significantly higher than that of the rabbit to which the ointment without the electrolytes was applied. The amounts of sterol leached out of stratum corneum sheet when the sheet was immersed in aqueous solutions of Nal, NaBr, or NaSCN were much more than that of stratum corneum immersed in aqueous solutions of the other inorganic anions. The FTIR/ATR spectroscopy showed that the peaks at 2853 cm?1 and 2924 cm?1 in the IR absorption spectrum of the stratum corneum sheet of the mouse were shifted to higher frequencies by the anions which enhanced the transdermal drug permeation, while not shifted by the anions which did not have any permeation-enhancing activities or have permeation-reducing activities. These results suggest that sodium salts of some anions such as iodide, bromide and thiocyanate enhance transdermal permeation of salicylic acid through swelling and perturbation of the skin structure by these anions.  相似文献   
To compare the effects of the University of Wisconsin solution with those of an extracellular crystalloid solution, Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate, as cardiac preservation media, we studied 35 adult dogs in an isolated heart preparation. Four groups of seven hearts were preserved in University of Wisconsin solution for 6 or 12 hours or in Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate solution for 6 or 12 hours. An additional group of seven hearts with no ischemia was used for a control group. In the four preservation groups, hearts were arrested by electrolyte solution (Normosol with potassium chloride, 20 mEq/L, added, 4 degrees C), flushed with 200 ml of the preservation solution, and then stored in the same solution at 1 degree to 2 degrees C. The hearts were mounted on an isolated heart preparation equipped with a computer-controlled servo-pump system that used a mock arterial system to modulate the aortic input impedance presented to the left ventricle. Left ventricular pressure-volume loops were measured on-line for 2 hours of reperfusion with autologous warm oxygenated blood. Elastance was derived from the end-systolic pressure-volume relationship, and diastolic compliance was derived from the end-diastolic pressure-volume relationship. The total left ventricular performance was assessed by the preload recruitable stroke work area, the slope, and its x-intercept, all of which derived from the stroke work (pressure-volume area)-end-diastolic volume relationship. Extended global ischemia had more deleterious effects on the end-diastolic than the end-systolic pressure-volume relationship. In confirmation with other studies, elastance did not accurately reflect the level of ventricular contractile dysfunction because of the significant amount of diastolic dysfunction. The preservation of myocardial systolic and diastolic functions, as demonstrated by the preload recruitable stroke work area and diastolic compliance, was better in the University of Wisconsin solution groups than in the Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate solution groups after 6 and 12 hours of preservation. In addition, 6 hours of preservation with University of Wisconsin solution maintained normal systolic and diastolic functions as compared with those of the control group. Preservation with University of Wisconsin solution prevented any myocardial edema formation; by contrast, this was significantly increased after 12 hours in Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate solution. Groups preserved with University of Wisconsin solution had less reperfusion injury as evidenced by the release of coronary sinus creatine kinase during reperfusion; they also had improved oxygen use during reperfusion.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
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