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Objective  A climical study was undertaken to analyze the age, sex distribution and symptomatology, sites of involvement and the prognosis of the common types of benign lesions of larynx. Study Design  A five year retrospective study from 1997 to 2002. Setting  KMC Hospital Attavar —A tertiary referral hospital. Patients  A total of 42 patients with benign laryngeal lesions were included based on symptomatology such as hoarseness of voice, foreign body sensation, throat pain, neck mass and cough and with positive clinical findings on indirect laryngoscopy and neck examination. The patients ranged from 7–80 years. All non-operative cases and malignant cases were excluded. Diagnostic hematological and radiological investigations and therapeutic microlyryngoscopic procedures were employed. Results  A male preponderance with M:F ratio of 3∶1 was observed. Majority of the patients were in the 30–40 age group. Vocal polyps were the commonest type of lesion. In our study, hoarseness of voice, cough, foreign body sensation and throat pain proved to be the commonest symptoms. Conclusions  Micro laryngeal surgery and voice rest offer a cost effective, useful and safe method for management of benign laryngeal lesions.  相似文献   
BCL2 mutations have been suggested to confer an adverse prognosis to follicular lymphoma (FL) patients, but their prognostic value has not been assessed in patients treated with a rituximab‐containing regimen. Here we evaluated the prognostic value of BCL2 mutations in a large prospective cohort of 252 patients with FL treated with immunochemotherapy in the PRIMA randomized trial. Using a DNA‐targeted sequencing approach, we detected amino acid altering mutations in 135 patients (54%) and showed that these mutations were probably mediated by the over‐activation of AICDA (activation‐induced cytidine deaminase) in the context of the t(14;18) translocation. The BCL2 variants identified in PRIMA patients affected the BH1, BH2, and BH3 functional motifs at a lower frequency than the N‐terminus and flexible loop domain, with mostly conservative aminoacid changes. With a median follow‐up of 6.7 years, we did not observe any impact of BCL2 mutations either on overall survival or progression‐free survival.  相似文献   
Conditioning regimens employed in autologous stem cell transplantation have been proven useful in various hematological disorders and underlying malignancies; however, despite being efficacious in various instances, negative consequences have also been recorded. Multiple conditioning regimens were extracted from various literature searches from databases like PubMed, Google scholar, EMBASE, and Cochrane. Conditioning regimens for each disease were compared by using various end points such as overall survival (OS), progression free survival (PFS), and leukemia free survival (LFS). Variables were presented on graphs and analyzed to conclude a more efficacious conditioning regimen. In multiple myeloma, the most effective regimen was high dose melphalan (MEL) given at a dose of 200/mg/m2. The comparative results of acute myeloid leukemia were presented and the regimens that proved to be at an admirable position were busulfan (BU) + MEL regarding OS and BU + VP16 regarding LFS. In case of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), BU, fludarabine, and etoposide (BuFluVP) conferred good disease control not only with a paramount improvement in survival rate but also low risk of recurrence. However, for ALL, chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell therapy was preferred in the context of better OS and LFS. With respect to Hodgkin’s lymphoma, mitoxantrone (MITO)/MEL overtook carmustine, VP16, cytarabine, and MEL in view of PFS and vice versa regarding OS. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma patients were administered MITO (60 mg/m2) and MEL (180 mg/m2) which showed promising results. Lastly, amyloidosis was considered, and the regimen that proved to be competent was MEL 200 (200 mg/m2). This review article demonstrates a comparison between various conditioning regimens employed in different diseases.  相似文献   
The kaolinite content is principally responsible for the durability performance of Limestone Calcined Clay Cement (LC3), which calls into question its global applicability. The clay supply has a significant impact on the LC3 system’s reduced carbon footprint advantage. The influence of kaolinite concentration from two separate clays (collected in East South-East Europe) on the durability performance of concrete was investigated in this study. The low-kaolinitic clay had 18% kaolinite, while the medium-kaolinitic clay contained around 41% kaolinite. The compressive strength, chloride intrusion, electrical conductivity, surface resistivity, and sorptivity index were measured on concrete after 28 days. Furthermore, the pore structure development of these mixtures was investigated in relation to the kaolinite content of the mixtures. The reactivity test was performed on clays to measure their reactivity levels within the cementitious system. The results show that kaolinite content has a moderate effect on compressive strength, but it has a considerable effect on other durability indices. When compared to the Portland cement mixture, the chloride migration and diffusion coefficients were reduced by 50% and 36%, respectively, in the combination with a medium kaolinite content (more than 40%). The low-kaolinitic clay, on the other hand, achieved 60% of the chloride penetration resistance of the medium-kaolinitic clay. Furthermore, low-kaolinitic clay has been demonstrated to be suitable for low-carbon concrete in moderate exposure conditions.  相似文献   
Huntington's disease (HD) is a monogenic neurodegenerative disorder caused by a CAG‐repeat expansion in the Huntingtin gene. Presence of this expansion signifies certainty of disease onset, but only partly explains age at which onset occurs. Genome‐wide association studies have shown that naturally occurring genetic variability influences HD pathogenesis and disease onset. Investigating the influence of biological traits in the normal population, such as variability in white matter properties, on HD pathogenesis could provide a complementary approach to understanding disease modification. We have previously shown that while white matter diffusivity patterns in the left sensorimotor network were similar in controls and HD gene‐carriers, they were more extreme in the HD group. We hypothesized that the influence of natural variation in diffusivity on effects of HD pathogenesis on white matter is not limited to the sensorimotor network but extends to cognitive, limbic, and visual networks. Using tractography, we investigated 32 bilateral pathways within HD‐related networks, including motor, cognitive, and limbic, and examined diffusivity metrics using principal components analysis. We identified three independent patterns of diffusivity common to controls and HD gene‐carriers that predicted HD status. The first pattern involved almost all tracts, the second was limited to sensorimotor tracts, and the third encompassed cognitive network tracts. Each diffusivity pattern was associated with network specific performance. The consistency in diffusivity patterns across both groups coupled with their association with disease status and task performance indicates that naturally‐occurring patterns of diffusivity can become accentuated in the presence of the HD gene mutation to influence clinical brain function.  相似文献   
Objectives: To establish evidence of cognitive changes in early psychosis (EP) patients compared to healthy controls (HC) in Pakistan.

Methods: Fifty-one participants with EP were recruited from psychiatric units in Karachi and Rawalpindi, Pakistan and matched with 51 HC. Neurocognitive domains were assessed using standardised neuropsychological tests [the Stroop test, block design, Matrix Reasoning, picture completion, object assembly, oral fluency, memory for design, Coughlan learning task (verbal and visual)].

Results: EP patients had higher scores than controls for both Stroop tests (T1: EP?=?122 HC?=?65, p?<.001; T2: EP?=?190 HC?=?153, p?=?.007) and memory for design test (EP?=?10 HC?=?3, p?=?.005). EP group had lower values for block design (EP?=?4, HC?=?11, p?=?.01), category fluency (EP?=?18.9, HC?=?26.1, p?p?p?p?=?.003) and object assembly (EP?=?10.7, HC?=?15.5, p?=?.002). There were limited significant associations between cognitive performance and PANSS scores.

Conclusions: Reduced cognitive performance was found across multiple domains in Pakistani EP patients, which suggests that impaired cognitive performance is homogenous in patients with schizophrenia, regardless of ethnicity.  相似文献   
Standardized donor‐derived cell‐free DNA (dd‐cfDNA) testing has been introduced into clinical use to monitor kidney transplant recipients for rejection. This report describes the performance of this dd‐cfDNA assay to detect allograft rejection in samples from heart transplant (HT) recipients undergoing surveillance monitoring across the United States. Venous blood was longitudinally sampled from 740 HT recipients from 26 centers and in a single‐center cohort of 33 patients at high risk for antibody‐mediated rejection (AMR). Plasma dd‐cfDNA was quantified by using targeted amplification and sequencing of a single nucleotide polymorphism panel. The dd‐cfDNA levels were correlated to paired events of biopsy‐based diagnosis of rejection. The median dd‐cfDNA was 0.07% in reference HT recipients (2164 samples) and 0.17% in samples classified as acute rejection (35 samples; P = .005). At a 0.2% threshold, dd‐cfDNA had a 44% sensitivity to detect rejection and a 97% negative predictive value. In the cohort at risk for AMR (11 samples), dd‐cfDNA levels were elevated 3‐fold in AMR compared with patients without AMR (99 samples, P = .004). The standardized dd‐cfDNA test identified acute rejection in samples from a broad population of HT recipients. The reported test performance characteristics will guide the next stage of clinical utility studies of the dd‐cfDNA assay.  相似文献   
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