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Cystic fibrosis (CF) is relatively common, serious, and causes progressive lung damage. Clinical diagnosis may be delayed until lung damage has occurred, and infection may start as early as six weeks of life. A well organised screening programme should identify the great majority of affected infants within the first three weeks after birth, which leaves a small time window during which effective preventive treatment and surveillance may be instituted. Active treatment, whether for screened or unscreened infants, improves clinical status and long-term survival of CF patients. It is anticipated that new treatments will become available within the next few years, and these will clearly give maximal benefit to young infants if instituted before lung damage is evident. In addition to any hypothetical effects on morbidity and survival, pre-symptomatic diagnosis greatly improves the doctor-parent relationship. Economic arguments may be distorted, but, at best, screening is cost-beneficial, and, at worst, it is cost-neutral. The overwhelming majority of CF professionals and parents universally support neonatal screening, so the onus is therefore on those who oppose screening to prove that their approach offers a superior strategy.  相似文献   
Intrahepatic interruption of the inferior vena cava is a congenital anomaly, resulting in venous drainage of the lower extremities by way of a compensatory enlarged vena azygos system. We report the case of a 37-year-old male who presented with symptoms of deep vein thrombosis of the entire right lower extremity. A right-sided mediastinal mass on the chest X-ray was mistaken for a haematological malignancy but proved later to represent an enlarged azygos vein. The case illustrates that in a case of deep vein thrombosis, especially in younger patients, interruption of the inferior vena cava should be considered. A right-sided paratracheal mass on the chest X-ray may give a clue in making the correct diagnosis.  相似文献   
We report a case of renal capsular artery pseudoaneurysm caused by percutaneous renal biopsy. The injury was diagnosed and treated with arteriography and transarterial embolization. Because the arterial injury was extraparenchymal, the clinical manifestations of blood loss were flank pain and decreasing hematocrit without hematuria. Injury to renal capsular arteries during percutaneous renal biopsy is a rare possibility because of their small size.  相似文献   
目的:基于自回归模型5min心率变异性频域分析的临床价值,检验糖尿病患者5min短时心率变异性自回归模型分析频域指标的变化。方法:实验对象为50岁以上糖尿病患者9例和正常人7例,糖尿病史>6年7例,糖尿病史<3年2例。被试者采用坐姿,静息状态,测试30min的ECG信号,采样率为1000Hz。对每个样本取第10~15分钟的时长5min的RR间期作为心率变异性信号,进行基于自回归模型的频域分析。依据功率谱估计计算16例受试者的总能量,低频段能量,高频段能量,低频段高频段能量比值等指标参数。结果:通过对5min心率变异性自回归模型计算结果得出,糖尿病史>6年患者总能量、低频段能量、高频段能量低于正常人,差异有显著性意义(t=2.4952,2.7027,1.7299,P<0.05)。糖尿病史<3年患者总能量、低频段能量、高频段能量与正常人差异不明显。两类糖尿病患者与正常人低频段高频段能量比值无明显差异。结论:5min短时心率变异性自回归模型分析能够有效反映糖尿病患者自主神经的病变,可能成为检测自主神经病变的方法。  相似文献   
Ragni  MV; Sinha  D; Seaman  F; Lewis  JH; Spero  JA; Walsh  PN 《Blood》1985,65(3):719-724
The relationship of clinical bleeding tendency and factor XI antigen (XI:Ag) in factor XI deficiency was studied in 78 members of 25 factor XI-deficient kindreds. Factor XI:Ag was measured in a competitive radioimmunoassay, using monospecific, heterologous anti-factor XI antibody. 125I-labeled factor XI, and staphylococcal protein A as the precipitating agent. Deficiency of factor XI clotting activity (XI:C), less than 0.62 U/mL, occurred in 48 individuals, 22 of whom experienced postoperative or posttraumatic bleeding: Their mean factor XI:C was 0.21 +/- 0.04 U/mL (SEM), and factor XI:Ag was 0.23 +/- 0.04 U/mL. The remaining 26 had no clinical bleeding, many despite surgical challenge: Their mean factor XI:C was 0.30 +/- 0.04 U/mL, and factor XI:Ag was 0.34 +/- 0.05 U/mL. In all, 13 kindreds had between 1 and 11 members with bleeding; the other 12 had none with deficient hemostasis. Two heterozygous factor XI-deficient individuals appeared to be positive for cross-reacting material (CRM+). The slope of the regression line for factor XI:C and factor XI:Ag data points in the 78 individuals tested did not differ from control, and all points fell within 95% confidence limits derived from control. In conclusion, bleeding tendency appears to be consistent within a given kindred and is not determined exclusively by factor XI:C or factor XI:Ag levels.  相似文献   
A monoclonal antibody to human Hageman factor (HF, factor XII) was derived from BALB/c mouse spleen cells fused with NS-1 mouse myeloma cells. This antibody, purified from ascites fluid, reacted with HF to inhibit the activation of HF, purified or in normal pooled plasma, as measured by a coagulation assay. The antibody did not inhibit the coagulant activity of activated HF. The antibody also inhibited the generation of amidolytic activity in HF-ellagic acid mixtures, but failed to inhibit the amidolytic properties of the carboxy-terminal fragment of HF (HFf). Amidolytic activity, absent in an HF-monoclonal antibody mixture, was generated upon treatment with insoluble trypsin. Monoclonal antibody, bound to CNBr Sepharose 4B gel (Pharmacia Fine Chemicals, Piscataway, NJ), reversibly bound HF in plasma or in buffer, without activating it. HF was then eluted with 4 mol/L guanidine HCI. The passage of 125I-labeled HF enzymatically cleaved by trypsin through a column of monoclonal antibody-CNBr Sepharose 4B gel resulted in flow- through of HFf with a molecular weight (mol wt) of 30,000 and HF fragments of mol wt 12,000. Elution with 4 mol/L guanidine HCI yielded several HF fragments (mol wt 80,000, 52,000, and 40,000) but not HFf. These data suggest that the single determinant recognized by the murine monoclonal antibody is not on HFf, but rather on the amino-terminal fragment thought to be involved in the binding activity of HF. The monoclonal anti-HF bound to CNBr-activated Sepharose 4B gel could be used to artificially deplete plasma samples of HF.  相似文献   
Von Willebrand factor in the vessel wall mediates platelet adherence   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
A monoclonal antibody directed against the von Willebrand factor moiety (vWF) of factor VIII-von Willebrand factor (FVIII-vWF), which blocks ristocetin-induced platelet aggregation as well as the binding of FVIII- vWF to platelets in the presence of ristocetin, inhibited platelet adherence to human artery subendothelium when present in normal flowing blood. This monoclonal antibody, CLB-RAg 35, inhibited platelet adherence as a function of the shear rate. At wall shear rates below 500 s-1, platelet adherence was not affected, but at higher shear rates platelet adherence was gradually inhibited, reaching an average of 11% of the normal value at 2,500 s-1. Indirect immunofluorescence established the reactivity of CLB-RAg 35 with vWF present in artery subendothelium. Pretreatment of normal vessel walls with this antibody inhibited adherence of platelets in blood from a patient with severe homozygous von Willebrand's disease and in blood from normal individuals. The inhibition was shear-rate dependent and significant at high shear rates (2,500 s-1). By adding increasing amounts of purified FVIII-vWF to normal blood, the inhibition was gradually overcome. These data indicate that vWF present in the vessel wall contributes appreciably to platelet adherence. At high wall shear rates, platelet adherence is mediated virtually completely by both plasma FVIII-vWF and vWF in the vessel wall. At low wall shear rates (below 500 s-1), platelet adherence occurs independent of FVIII-vWF in plasma and vWF in the vessel wall.  相似文献   
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