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OBJECTIVE: Traumatic brain injury is one of the major causes of death and disability among young people. Methylphenidate, a neural stimulant and protective drug, which has been mainly used for childhood attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, has shown some benefits in late psychosocial problems in patients with traumatic brain injury. Its effect on arousal and consciousness has been also revealed in the sub-acute phase of traumatic brain injury. We studied its effect on the acute phase of moderate and severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) in relation to the length of ICU and hospital admission. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Severely and moderately TBI patients (according to inclusion and exclusion criteria) were randomized to treatment and control groups. The treatment group received methylphenidate 0.3mg/kg per dose PO BID by the second day of admission until the time of discharge, and the control group received a placebo. Admission information and daily Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) were recorded. Medical, surgical, and discharge plans for patients were determined by the attending physician, blinded to the study. RESULTS: Forty patients with severe TBI (GCS = 5-8) and 40 moderately TBI patients (GCS = 9-12) were randomly divided into treatment and control groups on the day of admission. In the severely TBI patients, both hospital and ICU length of stay, on average, were shorter in the treatment group compared with the control group. In the moderately TBI patients while ICU stay was shorter in the treatment group, there was no significant reduction of the period of hospitalization. CONCLUSION: There were no significant differences between the treatment and control groups in terms of age, sex, post resuscitation GCS, or brain CT scan findings, in either severely or moderately TBI patients. Methylphenidate was associated with reductions in ICU and hospital length of stay by 23% in severely TBI patients (P = 0.06 for ICU and P = 0.029 for hospital stay time). However, in the moderately TBI patients who received methylphenidate, there was 26% fall (P = 0.05) only in ICU length of stay.  相似文献   
Summary. The clinical significance of placental perforation and bloodstained amniotic fluid was studied in a group of 7238 Danish women undergoing mid-trimester amniocentesis for prenatal diagnosis under ultrasound guidance. The risk of spontaneous abortion was significantly increased both in pregnancies where the placenta was perforated and in those with blood-stained amniotic fluid. The risk estimate nearly doubled after placental perforation and more than doubled with a bloody tap. It is concluded that for women at relatively low risk of a fetal genetic abnormality, the indication of the amniocentesis should be reconsidered if a placental perforation is unavoidable.  相似文献   
The class III beta-tubulin isotype (betaIII) is widely regarded as a neuronal marker in development and neoplasia. Whereas the expression of betaIII in neuronal/neuroblastic tumors is differentiation-dependent, the aberrant expression of this cytoskeletal protein in astrocytomas is associated with an ascending gradient of malignancy. To test the generality of this observation we have compared the immunoreactivity (IR) profiles of the betaIII isotype with the Ki-67 nuclear antigen proliferative index in 41 archival, surgically excised oligodendrogliomas (32 classical [WHO grade II] and 9 anaplastic [WHO grade III]). Seventeen of 41 tumors were examined by quantitative microsatellite analysis for loss of 1p and/or 19q. Minimal deletion regions were defined on 1p (D1S468, D1S214) and 19q (D19S408, D19S867). Three of 10 classical oligodendrogliomas had combined 1p/19q loss, while 2 exhibited loss of either 1p or 19q. Three of 7 anaplastic tumors had combined 1p/19q loss. BetaIII IR was present in all tumors, but was significantly greater in the anaplastic (median labeling index [MLI] 61%, interquartile range [IQR] 55%-64%) as compared with the classical variants (MLI, 19%, IQR, 11-36%) (p < 0.0001). A highly significant relationship was found to exist between betaIII and Ki-67 LIs (betaIII, p < 0.0001 and Ki-67, p < 0.0001. r = 0.809). BetaIII localization delineated hitherto understated unipolar or bipolar tumor phenotypes with growth cones and leading cell processes resembling migrating oligodendrocyte progenitor cells. Codistribution of betaIII and GFAP IR was present in "gliofibrillary" tumor areas. Synaptophysin IR was detected in rare tumor cells (mean LI, 0.7%), and only in 4/41 samples (10%), denoting a lack of relationship between betaIII and synaptophysin expression. No significant differences in betaIII LIs were observed in tumors with 1p and/or 19q loss as compared to those with 1p/19q intact status. Increased betaIII IR in oligodendrogliomas is associated with an ascending degree of malignancy and thus is a potentially useful tumor marker. However, the significance of high betaIII LIs in low-grade oligodendrogliomas with respect to prognostic and predictive value requires further evaluation. Class III beta-tubulin expression in oligodendrogliomas should not be construed as a priori evidence of divergent neuronal differentiation.  相似文献   
This report outlines a unique case of pseudoseizures associated with doll phobia in a young adult. Early recognition and treatment directed at the aetiological factors led to the effective treatment of the pseudoseizures and doll phobia.  相似文献   
Moderate and severe malnutrition are endemic in much of the developing world and in association with pockets of deprivation in the developed world. The cost in terms of individual and social development is high. The principles of effective management are clearly documented. A low cost, community based treatment programme for moderately and severely malnourished children under 3 years of age was established at a health centre in rural Jamaica. Children were followed up monthly and defaulters were rigorously recalled. Management consisted of carefully delivered dietary advice, antibiotics, anthelminthics, and vitamin supplements. All children improved and the response of 36 children, who were treated in the first year, showed an accelerated weight gain, with catch-up growth and the maintenance of length gain. There was a significant increase in the weight for age, at 1.9% per month over six months, which exceeds the rate reported with food supplementation programmes and nutrition rehabilitation centres.  相似文献   
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