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The human pulmonary edema fluid concentrations of LTC4 and of LTD4 and LTE4, derived peptidolytically from LTC4, were assessed by radioimmunoassays of the mediators resolved by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. The mean pulmonary edema fluid concentration (± SD) of LTD4 of 19.2±25.6 nM for 12 patients with the adult respiratory distress syndrome and of LTE4 of 192±309 nM for 10 of the patients were significantly higher (P<0.005 andP<0.05) than those of 2.2±2.4 and 11.0±18.2 nM, respectively, for 10 patients with cardiogenic pulmonary edema, whereas the lower mean concentrations of LTC4 were not significantly different for the two groups. Pulmonary edema fluid from five patients with adult respiratory distress syndrome, one with cardiogenic pulmonary edema, and one with an indeterminate syndrome contained similar concentrations of peptidoleukotriene peptidases. The LTC4 and LTD4 peptidolytic activities in ARDS fluids were 81 and 142 kD, respectively, by gel filtration. The extents of peptidolysis of [3]LTC4 and [3]LTD4 by 100 µl of pulmonary edema fluid attained respective mean maximum levels of 74.5±2.9% (N=5) and 37.7±10.2% (N=4) after 30 min at 37°C and were inhibited by serine-borate and by cysteine, respectively. The predominance of LTD4 and LTE4 over LTC4 in states of altered pulmonary vascular pressure and permeability thus is attributable to two distinct peptidases.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference in the morphological and functional aspects of the triceps brachii muscle between highly trained male and female athletes who were members of the 1996 Japanese Olympic teams in each of three different events: soccer, gymnastics and judo. The thickness (TBmt) and fibre pennation angle (TBpen) of the triceps brachii muscle and force output during elbow extensions were determined using a B-mode ultrasound apparatus and an isokinetic dynamometer, respectively. The TBmt and its value relative to upper arm length (TBmt/l ua) were significantly larger in the men than in the women in all the events except judo. In all the subjects, a significant correlation was found between TBmt/l ua) and TBpen (r= 0.721, P < 0.05). The existence of the sex difference in TBpen within the same event was in agreement with that observed in TBmt/l ua except for the soccer players. The TBpen of the soccer players were similar in both sexes although a significant sex differences was found in TBmt/l ua. The isokinetic forces measured using the two velocities 60°· s?1 (F 60) and 180°· s?1 (F 180) were significantly correlated to the cross-sectional area (CSA) of the triceps brachii muscle estimated from TBmt (r= 0.702, P < 0.05 for F 60, and r= 0.776, P < 0.05 for F 180). No significant sex differences were found in either F 60/CSA or F 180/CSA in any of the events. From these results, it could be assumed, at least in the Olympic athletes tested in this study, that the fibre angulation of the triceps brachii muscle was almost the same in the two sexes if allowance was made for the difference in the muscle size, and the sex difference in force generation capability of the triceps brachii muscle could in the main be attributed to the difference in CSA rather than in the architectural characteristics.  相似文献   
Two types of polysaccharide were obtained from the oral microorganism Eubacterium saburreum T18 by formamide extraction and subsequent gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography. One polysaccharide, which was composed of D-glycero-D-galacto-heptose, had antigenic activity in an immunoprecipitation reaction with rabbit anti-T18 serum due to immunoglobulin M antibodies. The second polysaccharide was composed of D-glycero-D-manno-heptose and L-rhamnose, but it did not have immunoprecipitation activity. These polysaccharide antigens were not alkali labile and differed from E. saburreum L44 and T27 antigens, which were composed of D-glycero-D-galacto-heptose.  相似文献   
Skinfold thicknessess (SFT) were measured at ulnar, triceps, subscapular and suprailiac sites in 730 boys and 724 girls (age 3–12 years) whose stature ranged from 100 to 150 cm and whose weight was within ±20% of the average. Means and standard deviation (SD) were calculated after logarithmic transformation of the original skinfold readings to demonstrate stature-based standards of SFT in Japanese children. The means of SFT exhibited nadirs (boys/ girls: ulnar 5.1/5.9 mm, triceps 7.9/9.5 mm, subscapular 4.9/6.1 mm, suprailiac 4.5/6.2 mm) in subjects 110–115 cm tall except for ulnar SFT in girls. SFT values increased as children increased in stature. Standard deviations of SFT at the four sites in short children (staturte < mean ?1 SD) were estimated using the stature-based standard as well as an age-based standard. Susms of the SDs assessed by the age-based standard were significantly smaller than those assessed by the stature-based standard in boys (P < 0.05) and girls (P < 0.01) with short stature, suggesting that SFT in short children was falsely understimated by the age-based standard. Thus, the stature-based standard is beneficial for the assessment of SFT, especially in children whose stature is below the mean ?-1 SD. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The post-operative pain state results from a barrage of primary afferent inputs exposed to products of tissue damage such as bradykinin and prostaglandins and the central sensitization by the continuing inputs. This provides the rationale for preemptive analgesia, whereby the blockade of primary afferent inputs prior to injury may result in a reduction of post-operative pain. 2-(10,11-dihydro-10-oxo-dibenzo[b,f]thiepin-2-yl) propionic acid (zaltoprofen) is a unique compound that inhibits cyclooxygenase (COX) and exhibits anti-bradykinin activity. The present study evaluated the preemptive analgesic effect of zaltoprofen in a post-operative pain model produced by plantar incision. When orally, but no intrathecally, administered 30 min prior to incision, zaltoprofen significantly increased the withdrawal threshold 2 h and 1-3 days after incision at 10 mg/kg. While the bradykinin B1 antagonist des-Arg10-HOE-140, the selective COX-1 inhibitor SC-560, and the selective COX-2 inhibitor celecoxib did not affect post-operative pain, the B2 antagonist HOE-140 dose-dependently relieved the post-operative pain at 2-200 microg/kg with a time course similar to that of zaltoprofen. The B2 receptor mRNA was expressed in the hindpaw and the expression did not change before and 24 h after surgery. These results suggest that zaltoprofen produces the preemptive analgesic effect peripherally by blocking the B2 pathway.  相似文献   
Summary The intratumorous distribution of catecholaminergic clone cells in 23 human neuroblastomas was studied using Falck-Hillarp's method, and the findings compared with the catecholamine (CA) content within the tumour. All the specimens contained elements with CA fluorescence, and the pattern of fluorescence was classified from the distribution of CA-positive cells and neurofibrils, as diffuse cellular (DC); diffuse fibrillary (DF), sporadic (S), clustered (C), island-shaped (I), and bundled (B). The strength of CA fluorescence of both cellular and fibrillary elements correlated well with the CA content within the tumour. In addition, all tumours of urinary VMA-negative cases also contained significantly larger amounts of CA than other, non-functioning, tumours in the paediatric age group. The results of this study suggest that firstly, the ratio of CA-positive cells to CA-positive neuronal processes is proportionately higher in the poorly-differentiated neuroblastomas and that secondly, even tumours negative for urinary VMA or HVA might be polyclonal and contain catecholaminergic elements.This study was supported in part by a Research Grant from the Ministry of Education, Japan (No. 59570549)  相似文献   
Y Ito  Y Kimura  I Nagata  A Kunii 《Virology》1974,60(1):73-84
A virus inhibitor, an interferon-like substance, was found in the culture fluid of mouse spleen cells cocultivated with BHK-HVJ cells, the BHK cells persistently infected with HVJ, but not in the medium of cocultivation of mouse spleen cells and normal BHK cells. Neither the culture fluid of spleen cells alone nor that of BHK-HVJ cells alone was shown to contain the virus inhibitor. No virus inhibitory activity could be detected in the culture fluid of mouse spleen cells incubated with either the culture fluid of BHK-HVJ cells contained noninfectious HVJ particles or sonicated BHK-HVJ cell suspension. L cells or mouse liver cells, when cocultivated with BHK-HVJ cells, did not release a virus inhibitor.These findings suggest that mouse lymphoid cells have a capacity to produce a virus inhibitor when cocultivated with BHK-HVJ cells, and that nonlymphoid somatic cells may lack this capacity.Interposition of a Millipore filter between BHK-HVJ monolayer and mouse spleen cells or pretreatment of BHK-HVJ cells with anti-HVJ antiserum resulted in a blockade of virus inhibitor production. These findings suggest that the following sequence is necessary for the mouse spleen cells cocultivated with BHK-HVJ cells to produce the virus inhibitor: first, attachment of the spleen cells to BHK-HVJ cells and, second, recognition by the former of virus antigen(s) present on the surface of the latter.The BHK-HVJ cell membrane, isolated by sucrose density gradient centrifuge, was found to be an active inducer of the virus inhibitor. Moreover, some artificial membranous structures, such as HVJ-erythrocyte complex as well as HVJ spike-erythrocyte complex, exhibited a similar activity.This virus inhibitor induced in the present system appears to have all biologic attributes of interferon and its production might be initiated by membrane-membrane interaction between lymphoid cells and HVJ infected cells.  相似文献   
Recently zirconia/alumina composites have been examined by many researchers as the new generation of bearing materials in total joint replacements. In this study, the phase stability of a Ce-TZP/Al(2)O(3) nanocomposite and conventional Y-TZP after aging, and its influence on wear resistance, were investigated. Very slight phase transformation was observed in both types of ceramics 18 months after the implantation of Ce-TZP/Al(2)O(3) or Y-TZP samples into rabbit tibiae. However, Y-TZP showed marked phase transformation (approximately 80%) after aging in an autoclave (121 degrees C) for 190 h or in physiological saline at 62 degrees C for 18 months, whereas the new composite remained almost resistant to degradation. According to the results of self-pairing pin-on-disk wear tests using ceramic specimens with or without autoclave aging, the wear factor was almost the same between Ce-TZP/Al(2)O(3) samples with and without aging (6.74 +/- 0.36 x 10(-8) and 6.04 +/- 0.95 x 10(-8) mm(3)/Nm, respectively). In contrast, although non-aged Y-TZP had the lowest wear factor (4.88 +/- 0.51 x 10(-8) mm(3)/Nm) of all specimens tested, aged Y-TZP showed 10-fold greater wear than nonaged Y-TZP. The present study suggests that Ce-TZP/Al(2)O(3) nanocomposite has much greater phase stability than Y-TZP, and that its wear properties are not influenced by aging.  相似文献   
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