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We generated transgenic mice that expressed a highly expanded 239 polyglutamine (polyQ) repeat under the control of the human androgen receptor promoter. These transgenic mice developed progressive neurological phenotypes of muscular weakness and ataxia, small body size and short life-span. PolyQ nuclear inclusions (NIs) were remarkable and widespread but found in selective regions of the central nervous system (CNS) such as the spinal cord, cerebrum and cerebellum as well as in selective peripheral visceral organs. This distribution pattern resembled that of spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy somewhat, but was more widespread. In neuronal tissues, NIs were present in astrocytes as well as neurons. Cytoplasmic and axonal inclusions were not observed. In the CNS regions with abundant NIs, neuronal populations were well-preserved, and neither neuronal cell death, reactive astrogliosis nor microglial invasions were detected. These findings suggest that polyQ alone can induce the neuronal dysfunction that precedes gross neuronal degeneration and provides a clue for investigating molecular mechanisms that underly the pathway to neuronal dysfunction from polyQ expansion.  相似文献   
A single tube RT-PCR assay for the detection of mosquito-borne flaviviruses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mosquito-borne flaviviruses include several important agents of human disease and have provided striking examples of emerging infections. In this study we present the design and validation of a single tube RT-PCR assay using a pair of consensus primers for the detection of mosquito-borne flaviviruses. Sequencing of the amplicons permits the species identification. The assay was validated using RNA from the yellow fever virus vaccine strain and from representative strains of dengue viruses 1, 2, 3 and 4, West Nile virus, Kunjin virus (a clade of West Nile virus), and St. Louis encephalitis virus.  相似文献   
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are defined as cells that can differentiate into multiple mesenchymal lineage cells. MSCs have some features (surface molecules and cytokine production, etc.) common to so-called traditional bone marrow (BM) stromal cells, which have the capacity to support hemopoiesis. In the present study, we isolated murine MSCs (mMSCs) from the fetal BM using an anti-PA6 monoclonal antibody (mAb) that is specific for bone marrow stromal cells. The mMSCs, called FMS/PA6-P cells, are adherent, fibroblastic, and extensively expanded and have the ability to differentiate not only into osteoblasts and adipocytes but also into vascular endothelial cells. The FMS/PA6-P cells produce a broad spectrum of cytokines and growth factors closely related to hemopoiesis and show good hemopoiesis-supporting capacity both in vivo and in vitro, suggesting that they are a component of the hemopoietic stem cell niche in vivo. Interestingly, although the FMS/PA6-P cells express a high level of the PA6 molecule, which is reactive with anti-PA6 mAb, they gradually lose their ability to express this molecule during the course of differentiation into osteoblasts and adipocytes, indicating that the PA6 molecule might serve as a novel marker of mMSCs.  相似文献   
Severe constant and intermittent knee pain are associated with “unacceptable” symptoms in older adults with osteoarthritis (OA) [22]. We hypothesized that constant and intermittent pain would be independently related to physical function, with intermittent knee pain being a better predictor of future declines in physical function in early symptomatic knee OA. This study included men (n?=?189) and women (n?=?133) with radiographic, unilateral knee OA, observed using data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI). Pain types were measured using the Intermittent and Constant Osteoarthritis Pain (ICOAP) scale. Physical function was measured using the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index (WOMAC-PF) and Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS-FSR) and physical performance tests. High baseline intermittent (B?=?0.277; p?=?0.001) and constant (B?=?0.252; p?=?0.001) knee pain were related to poor WOMAC-PF. Increased constant (B?=?0.484; p?=?0.001) and intermittent (B?=?0.104; p?=?0.040) pain were related to 2-year decreased WOMAC-PF. High baseline intermittent knee pain predicted poor KOOS-FSR at year 2 (B?=??0.357; p?=?0.016). Increased constant pain was related to decreased chair stand test performance over 2 years in women (B?=?0.077; p?=?0.001). High baseline intermittent pain was related to poor performance on repeated chair stands (B?=?0.035; p?=?0.021), while baseline constant pain was related to poor 400-m walk performance in women (B?=?0.636; p?=?0.047). Intermittent and constant knee pain were independent factors in self-perceived physical function and were important predictors of future limitations in physical function. Identifying intermittent and constant pain in early symptomatic OA may allow patients to adopt strategies to prevent worsening pain and future declines in physical function.  相似文献   
It is known that hepatitis C virus (HCV) particles are spherical, 55-65 nm particles with fine surface projections of about 6 nm in length and with a 30-35 nm inner core. We have reported that free HCV particles labeled with gold particles specific to the HCV E1 glycoprotein are located in 1.14-1.16 g/ml fractions from plasma samples with high HCV RNA titers after sucrose density gradient centrifugation. However, the morphology of the HCV E2 glycoprotein on the virion has not yet been elucidated. To visualize HCV E2 localization on the virion, we used the same plasma samples where HCV particles were clearly shown. An indirect immunogold electron microscopic study was carried out using monoclonal and polyclonal anti-HCV E2 antibodies. HCV-like particles specifically reacted with the anti-HCV E2 antibodies. Moreover, to evaluate the localization of the HCV E1 and E2 glycoproteins on the virion surface, an immunogold electron microscopic study using double labeling with anti-HCV E1 antibodies and anti-HCV E2 antibodies was also performed. These particles also specifically reacted with both anti-E1 and E2 antibodies. This is the first report showing the presence of both HCV E1 and E2 glycoproteins on HCV virion surface in human plasma samples.  相似文献   
SCG is a major 6-branched 1,3-beta-D-glucan in Sparassis crispa Fr. showing antitumor activity. We recently found that the splenocytes from naive DBA/1 and DBA/2 mice are potently induced by SCG to produce interferon- gamma (IFN-gamma), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), and interleukin-12p70 (IL-12p70), and that GM-CSF plays a key biologic role among these cytokines. In this study, we investigated the contribution of cell-cell contact and soluble factors to cytokine induction by SCG in DBA/2 mice. Cell-cell contact involving intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 (LFA-1) was an essential step for the induction of GM-CSF and IFN-gamma by SCG but not for the induction of TNF-alpha or IL-12p70 by SCG. SCG directly induced adherent splenocytes to produce TNF-alpha and IL-12p70. GM-CSF was required for the induction of TNF-alpha by SCG, and in turn, TNF-alpha enhanced the release of GM-CSF and thereby augmented the induction of IL-12p70 and IFN-gamma by SCG. Neutralization of IL-12 significantly inhibited the induction of IFN-gamma by SCG. We concluded that induction of GM-CSF production by SCG was mediated through ICAM-1 and LFA-1 interaction, GM-CSF subsequently contributed to further cytokine induction by SCG, and reciprocal actions of the cytokines were essential for enhancement of the overall response to SCG in DBA/2 mice.  相似文献   
Journal of Gastroenterology - Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is one of the most prevalent chronic viral infections that causes chronic hepatitis B (CHB). In Japan, genotypes B and C account for most of...  相似文献   
A new culture substrate was developed for cells to be equibiaxially stretched using fibronectin (Fn)-immobilized temperature-responsive hydrogel. The cells cultured on the gel substrate were equibiaxially stretched with swelling of the gel, which was accompanied by slight changes of temperature. During gel swelling, changes of cell shape were clearly observed by optical microscopy because of high transparency of the gel. ERK was highly and transiently activated by mechanical stimulation whereas focal adhesion kinase (FAK) was not, indicating that mechanical signals were transduced into biochemical signals in cells. We found that cells formed filopodia-like structures in response to mechanical cues, suggesting that mechanical forces facilitated actin polymerization at the peripheral region. In the cytoplasm, paxillin-containing fibrous structures were formed along actin fibers. These results indicate that we can perform both analysis of intracellular signal transduction and observation of cell shapes at high magnification in our method.  相似文献   
The frequency and distribution of deletions of 19 deletion-prone exons clustered in two hot spots in the proximal and central regions of the dystrophin gene were compared in three populations from Singaporean, Japan, and Vietnam. DNA samples obtained from 105 Singaporean, 86 Japanese, and 34 Vietnamese Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients were examined by polymerase chain reaction amplification. Deletions of the examined exons were found in 51.2% of Japanese patients but in 40.0% or less of the Singaporeans and Vietnamese. About two thirds of the deletions were localized in the central region and the remaining deletions were clustered at the proximal region. The most commonly deleted exons at the central deletion hot spot were exon 50 in the Singaporean, exons 49 and 50 in the Japanese, and exon 51 in the Vietnamese population. At the proximal deletion hot spot, the most commonly deleted exons were exons 6 and 8 in the Singaporeans, exons 12 and 17 in the Japanese, and exons 8 and 12 in the Vietnamese. Two cases each from Singapore and Japan had large-scale gross mutations spanning both deletion hot spots. Our results suggest that, although the presence and frequency of the two deletion hot spots may be similar in the three Asian populations analyzed, the distribution and frequency of deletions among the different exons can vary as a result of population-specific intronic sequences that predispose individuals to preferential deletion breakpoints. Received: May 20, 2002 / Accepted: July 1, 2002  相似文献   
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