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Tc-99m HMPAO was used to evaluate cerebral perfusion in a patient with tuberous sclerosis. The SPECT images demonstrated reduced HMPAO uptake in regions corresponding with MRI-confirmed locations of cortical tubers. These results indicate that the lesions are characterized by vascular perfusion deficits and support the hypothesis that cortical tubers result from developmental abnormalities of the embryonic central nervous system.  相似文献   
Nonhair-bearing skin should be used when grafting is necessary during urethroplasty for stricture or hypospadias repair. Occasionally, this is not possible or hair-bearing skin is used inadvertently. Traditionally, electrocoagulation has been the method used for epilation when intraluminal hair has become a problem, such as interfering with flow, as a focus for recurrent urinary tract infection or acting as a nidus for calculus formation. Electrocautery also is performed during grafting in an attempt to prevent the growth of hair when hair-bearing skin is used. Unfortunately, due to lack of penetration the hair follicles are not destroyed and the epilating procedure fails or is only partially successful. The neodymium:YAG surgical laser can photocoagulate tissue to a depth up to 5.0 mm, and thus, has the ability to destroy hair follicles. We report 4 cases presenting with clinical problems directly related to hair-bearing urethral grafts successfully treated by neodymium:YAG laser epilation.  相似文献   
In rodents, chronic estrogenization has been shown to induce degeneration of dendrites and myelin figures in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus adjacent to peroxidase-positive astrocyte processes. Because in this brain region estradiol is metabolized to 2-hydroxyestradiol (catecholestrogen), we hypothesized that the latter may be oxidized by the astrocytic peroxidase activity to cytotoxic ortho-semiquinones as occurs in peripheral tissues. Cysteamine induces nonenzymatic peroxidase activity in cultured astroglia identical to that observed in vivo. Using electron spin resonance, we demonstrate robust peroxidase-catalyzed oxidation of 2-hydroxyestradiol and dopamine by cysteamine-pretreated astrocyte cultures relative to untreated controls. These results implicate the peroxidase-positive astrocytes in the pathogenesis of estradiol-related hypothalamic damage, parkinsonism, and other free-radical-related neurologic disorders.  相似文献   
Using a 31P-NMR spectroscopy, we monitored the metabolic kinetics of energy organophosphate compound in rat lens during the process of generating galactose cataract. The most remarkable metabolic change in the earlier phase of galactose cataract formation was found in alpha-glycerophosphate. This increased significantly, as compared to controls, since the day 3 of giving feed containing 25% galactose. The high level lasted for up to three weeks, decrease followed by a gradual decrease and subsequently a significant decrease at five weeks. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) showed a significant decrease in the galactose group compared to the controls from two weeks after beginning of the experiment and the decrease continued. Inorganic orthophosphate increased gradually in the galactose group as compared to the controls, the increase being of significance at one week reading a maximum at two weeks followed by a subsegment decrease. Our basic study suggests that 31P-NMR spectroscopy is a useful technique in lens of the metabolic kinetics, to noninvasively determine the pathophysiology of galactose cataract, which has been studied biochemically and histologically.  相似文献   
A new macrolide antibiotic, clarithromycin (TE-031, A-56268), was studied for its clinical efficacy in the field of pediatrics. Patients treated were infants and children ranging from 2 months to 11 years old suffering from acute bronchitis in 5 cases, acute tonsillitis in 2 cases, Mycoplasma pneumonia in 2 cases, pertussis in 6 cases, scarlatina in 1 case and acute enteritis in 2 cases, a total of 18 cases. TE-031 was administered 19.7-43.5 mg/kg in daily doses and lengths of treatment ranged from 4 to 19 days. As regards to its clinical efficacy, good or excellent results were obtained in all cases: excellent in 11 cases and good in 7 cases. No clinical side effects nor abnormal laboratory test values obviously attributable to TE-031 were observed.  相似文献   
Hemodynamic changes after isolated impairment of right ventricular function (produced by increasing afterload by temporary banding of the pulmonary artery) were studied in 22 ventilated pigs during increased levels of positive end-expiratory pressure (4, 8, 12, and 16 cm H2O). In the open chest group, application of positive end-expiratory pressure produced only a slight decrease of cardiac index. After right ventricular damage a decrease of cardiac index of more than 25% occurred only when higher levels of positive end-expiratory pressure were applied. In contrast to the open chest group, the closed chest group showed more distinct cardiovascular responses after positive end-expiratory pressure. In the damaged right ventricle with a positive end-expiratory pressure of 16 cm H2O, right ventricular end-diastolic pressure increased more than 100%. With positive end-expiratory pressure, cardiac index decreased 34% before and 47% after right ventricular damage. We conclude that positive end-expiratory pressure induces a more pronounced decrease in cardiac index if right ventricular function is impaired. During open chest conditions with lower levels of positive end-expiratory pressure, these changes are only small, however, and probably irrelevant. During closed chest conditions, the hemodynamic changes are much more pronounced. High right ventricular end-diastolic pressures resulting from impaired right ventricular contractility as well as from high levels of positive end-expiratory pressure may have an impact on biventricular function and right ventricular coronary driving pressure.  相似文献   
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