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Purpose Radiation exposure, besides the risk of cancer, may also increase the risk of non-cancer diseases, including cardiovascular disease (CVD). This study investigates whether the soluble form of the ST2 receptor (sST2), an emerging prognostic marker in patients with CVD, can be used to monitor the CVD risk in individuals occupationally exposed to radiation.

Materials and methods sST2 in blood plasma from 69 individuals, 45 workers from the nuclear industry and 24 controls, was analyzed using enzyme-linked assay (ELISA). Total antioxidant status (TAS) of blood plasma and levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in lymphocytes were determined by colorimetric and fluorescence assays.

Results The data suggest a 5-fold increase in the number of subjects with sST2 levels above the clinical threshold and a 10-fold increase in the number of subjects with TAS levels outside the reference range in the exposed group when compared to the group of non-exposed individuals. The strongest up-regulation of TAS was measured in the group of younger workers with cumulative doses not exceeding 50 mSv.

Conclusion The present study may represent an initial step towards the establishment of sST2 as a biomarker for CVD risk estimation in the context of radiation exposure.  相似文献   


This study assesses the prevalence of and risk and protective factors for common mental health complaints in a general population sample of Turkish and Moroccan immigrants living in Belgium. Focus is on between- and within-group variation.


The study is based on pooled data from the Belgian Health Interview Surveys 2001 and 2004 and focuses on the Turkish and Moroccan immigrant population aged 18–65 (N = 147 Turks, N = 359 Moroccans). Mental health status is assessed with the General Health Questionnaire—12 and the Symptom Checklist 90-R subscales for depression and generalised anxiety. Risk and protective factors considered are gender, age, household type, labor market position, educational level, household income, homeownership, being foreign- or native born and social support.


Between-group variance was not significant. Within-group analysis showed significant effects of gender and social support. Although not significant, the results suggested positive associations between social adversity and mood status. In addition, there was a tendency for higher risks for psychological distress, depression and generalised anxiety in foreign-born as compared to Belgian-born Turkish and Moroccan immigrants.  相似文献   
To better explore the clinical heterogeneity of bipolar mood states, we developed a dimensional scale for assessing all mood episodes (depressive, hypomanic, manic, mixed states) using the same tool. The Multidimensional Assessment of Thymic States (MATHYS) (Henry et al., 2008) provides two scores, a total score measuring a level of activation and a sub-score of emotional reactivity. The aim of this study was to establish the appropriate cut-off in total activation versus inhibition and in the emotional reactivity sub-score in bipolar disorders. Patients (n=187) during an acute episode and controls (n=89) filled in the MATHYS. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves were obtained to estimate the sensitivity and specificity of the global score and the emotional reactivity sub-score of the MATHYS, in order to differentiate patients from controls. ROC curves showed very satisfactory sensitivity and specificity levels both for the total score and the sub-score of emotional reactivity, thus providing an appropriate cut-off. Concerning the total score between 0 and 200, patients with a score lower than 91 had significant global inhibition and those with a score higher than 109 had significant global activation. Regarding the emotional reactivity sub-score between 0 and 40, patients with a score lower than 16 had significant emotional hyporeactivity and those with a score higher than 24 had significant emotional hyperreactivity. Our results provide cut-offs for the MATHYS to identify patients in an acute phase.  相似文献   
BackgroundA relation between the side of motor onset and cognitive impairment in early PD has been reported, suggesting that the asymmetric degeneration affecting subcortical regions may play a pivotal role in lateralized cognitive function. However, evidences are controversial and all previous studies were performed on treated patients, though it is known that dopaminergic therapy can affect cognition in PD.MethodsSixty-nine early untreated PD patients underwent an extensive neuropsychological battery exploring memory, visuospatial and attention/executive functions. Patients were divided with respect of the side of onset (right vs. left) and further grouped according to motor phenotype (tremor vs. rigidity-bradykinesia). Multivariate analysis of variance has been carried out to compare clinical and neuropsychological data between subgroups.ResultsThere were no differences in any neuropsychological task between right-sided and left-sided onset subgroups, irrespective of tremor dominant or rigid-bradykinetic phenotype. Age at onset was significantly higher in patients with any cognitive impairment as compared with patients without (66.7 ± 3.2 vs. 56.3 ± 6.8 years, p = 0.001).ConclusionSide of motor onset is not a major determinant for developing lateralized cognitive deficits in newly diagnosed untreated PD patients.  相似文献   
Little is known about the relationship between cognitive dysfunctions and the non-motor complex in subjects with newly diagnosed untreated Parkinson's disease (PD). The aim of this study was to explore the association between non-motor symptoms (NMS) and cognitive dysfunctions in an incident cohort of de novo, drug-naive, PD patients. Sixty-six non-demented, early, untreated PD patients completed a semi-structured interview on NMS and a battery of neuropsychological tests that assess verbal memory, visuospatial abilities, and attention/executive functions. Scores were age- and education-corrected. Patients who failed at least two tests for each cognitive domain were diagnosed as having mild cognitive impairment (MCI). All but three (95.4%) PD patients complained of at least one NMS. A total of 37.8% was diagnosed with MCI. There was a relationship between sleep-NMS and cognitive dysfunctions. Specifically, both REM behavioral sleep disorders (RBD) and insomnia were associated with lower scores on several cognitive tests. Moreover, RBD was closely related to MCI. NMS and MCI are very common even in the early phase of PD, before patients are treated. Given the correlation between sleep disturbances and cognitive impairment, it is possible that sleep symptoms in PD patients might be considered as an early marker of dementia.  相似文献   
Acute administration of kappa opioid receptor (KOR) agonists decreases both dopamine (DA) extracellular levels in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) and locomotor activity. Opposing to its acute effects, recent studies show that chronic administration of KOR agonists potentiates both stimulated DA release and induced locomotor activity. Since KOR agonists have been considered as potential treatment for stimulant dependence, the effects of their repeated administration on psychostimulant actions are of major concern. The present study was undertaken to investigate the in vivo effect of repeated administration of the KOR agonist U-69593 on DA extracellular levels in the NAc and on the locomotor activity challenged with amphetamine. Rats were injected once daily with the selective KOR agonist U-69593 or vehicle for four consecutive days. One-day after the last U-69593 injection, microdialysis studies assessing extracellular DA levels in the NAc and locomotor activity challenged with amphetamine were conducted. Microdialysis studies revealed that preexposure to U-69593 had no effect on basal DA levels but significantly augmented amphetamine-induced DA extracellular levels. Accordingly, amphetamine-induced locomotor activity was also significantly potentiated in U-69593 preexposed rats. These results suggest that long-term effect of KOR activation results in facilitation of amphetamine-induced DA extracellular levels in the NAc accompanied by sensitization of amphetamine-induced increase in locomotor activity.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to evaluate hearing impairment in patients affected by Parkinson's disease compared with hearing scores observed in normal age‐ and sex‐matched controls. One hundred eighteen consecutive patients with a clinical diagnosis of Parkinson's disease were screened. Severity of motor symptoms and staging were measured with the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (section III) and the Hoehn and Yahr scale. Audiometric evaluation consisted of a comprehensive audiologic case history and questionnaire, visual otoscopic examination, acoustic immittance measures (tympanogram and acoustic reflexes), pure tone audiometry, and measurement of brain stem auditory‐evoked potentials. Healthy age‐ and sex‐matched subjects were selected as the control group. One hundred six of 118 patients were enrolled. Pure tone audiometry revealed age‐dependent high‐frequency hearing loss in patients with Parkinson's disease compared with both normative values and values for healthy age‐ and sex‐matched controls (75/106 [71%], χ2 = 5.959, P = .02; 92/106 [86.8%] vs 60/106 [56.6%], χ2 = 23.804, P < .001, respectively). Pure tone audiometry scores correlated with Hoehn and Yahr scale scores (P < .05). Brain stem auditory‐evoked potentials were normal in all patients. Our patients with Parkinson's disease showed age‐dependent peripheral, unilateral, or bilateral hearing impairment. Whether these auditory deficits are intrinsic to Parkinson's disease or secondary to a more complex impaired processing of sensorial inputs occurring over the course of illness remains to be determined. Because α‐synuclein is located predominately in the efferent neuronal system within the inner ear, it could affect susceptibility to noise‐induced hearing loss or presbycusis. It is feasible that the natural aging process combined with neurodegenerative changes intrinsic to Parkinson's disease might interfere with cochlear transduction mechanisms, thus anticipating presbycusis. © 2012 Movement Disorder Society  相似文献   
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