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The short-term prognosis of lupus nephritis was evaluated byassessing serum creatinine 12 months after renal biopsy in 87patients with lupus nephritis. On univariate analysis, significantclinical and laboratory predictors of this outcome includedclinical signs of renal injury (serum creatinine, 24-hour urinaryprotein, prolonged renal disease, nephrotic syndrome, serumalbumin), as well as thrombocytopenia, older age, and coexistingillness or hypertension at the time of biopsy. On renal biopsy,diffuse proliferative nephritis, higher activity, chronicity,or tubulointerstitial scores, or subendothelial or subepithelialelectron dense deposits predicted a higher serum creatinine12 months after biopsy. A clinical predictive model was developed which included asindependent predictors serum creatinine, age, platelet countand 24-hour urinary protein. Any one of three biopsy variablesadded information to the clinical prediction model: a markedquantity of subendothelial deposits (p=0.02), a higher activityindex score (p=0.02), or the presence of diffuse proliferativelupus nephritis (p=0.05). However, the relative predictive accuracyof the clinical model did not improve with the addition of anyof the biopsy variables. The value of renal biopsy in lupus nephritis is discussed basedon the ability of biopsy information to confirm the prognosis,to add new predictive information for a group of subjects, andto improve predictive accuracy for individual patients.  相似文献   
A multilaboratory study was conducted to develop a system for standardizing alanine aminotransferase (ALT) acceptability criteria ("cutoffs") for donated blood. Without standardized cutoffs, each laboratory must develop its own cutoff, and this may not make optimal use of ALT testing to reduce transmission of non-A, non-B hepatitis (NANB). Defining an ALT acceptability criterion in absolute terms is necessary because relative cutoffs based on local donor populations may be affected by the prevalence of NANB in each community. This study involved 16 laboratories using 23 different analytic systems. The ALT results of the analysis of a plasma reference sample could be used to translate mathematically a single, absolute cutoff to units applicable to each analytic system. The distribution of ALT results in 1.4 million donations from across the country was established; basing the cutoff on this sample avoids the problems inherent in using a local donor base to establish a cutoff. We propose the implementation of a system to standardize ALT acceptability criteria to an activity level defined by analysis of a nationwide donor sample.  相似文献   

Background and purpose:

In the mammalian brain, histaminergic neurotransmission is mediated by the postsynaptic histamine H1 and H2 receptors and the presynaptic H3 autoreceptor, which also acts as a heteroreceptor. The H1 receptor has been implicated in spatial learning and memory formation. However, pharmacological and lesion studies have revealed conflicting results. To examine the involvement of histamine H1 receptor in spatial reference and working memory formation, H1 receptor knockout mice (KO) were tested in the eight-arm radial maze. Previously, we found that the H1 receptor-KO mice showed reduced emotionality when confronted with spatial novelty. As it is known that emotions can have an impact on spatial learning and memory performance, we also evaluated H1 receptor-KO mice in terms of emotional behaviour in the light–dark box.

Experimental approach:

Mice lacking the H1 receptor and wild-type mice (WT) were tested for spatial reference and working memory in an eight-arm radial maze with three arms baited and one trial per day. Emotional behaviour was measured using the light–dark test.

Key results:

The H1 receptor-KO mice showed impaired spatial reference and working memory in the radial maze task. No significant differences between H1 receptor-KO and WT mice were observed in the light–dark test.

Conclusions and implications:

The spatial memory deficits of the H1 receptor-KO mice might be due to the reported changes in cholinergic neurochemical parameters in the frontal cortex and the CA1 subregion of the hippocampus, to impaired synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus, and/or to a dysfunctional brain reward/reinforcement system.  相似文献   
The tumour suppressor gene PTEN , which maps to 10q23.3 and encodes a 403 amino acid dual specificity phosphatase (protein tyrosine phosphatase; PTPase), was shown recently to play a broad role in human malignancy. Somatic PTEN deletions and mutations were observed in sporadic breast, brain, prostate and kidney cancer cell lines and in several primary tumours such as endometrial carcinomas, malignant melanoma and thyroid tumours. In addition, PTEN was identified as the susceptibility gene for two hamartoma syndromes: Cowden disease (CD; MIM 158350) and Bannayan-Zonana (BZS) or Ruvalcaba-Riley-Smith syndrome (MIM 153480). Constitutive DNA from 37 CD families and seven BZS families was screened for germline PTEN mutations. PTEN mutations were identified in 30 of 37 (81%) CD families, including missense and nonsense point mutations, deletions, insertions, a deletion/insertion and splice site mutations. These mutations were scattered over the entire length of PTEN , with the exception of the first, fourth and last exons. A 'hot spot' for PTEN mutation in CD was identified in exon 5 that contains the PTPase core motif, with 13 of 30 (43%) CD mutations identified in this exon. Seven of 30 (23%) were within the core motif, the majority (five of seven) of which were missense mutations, possibly pointing to the functional significance of this region. Germline PTEN mutations were identified in four of seven (57%) BZS families studied. Interestingly, none of these mutations was observed in the PTPase core motif. It is also worthy of note that a single nonsense point mutation, R233X, was observed in the germline DNA from two unrelated CD families and one BZS family. Genotype-phenotype studies were not performed on this small group of BZS families. However, genotype-phenotype analysis inthe group of CD families revealed two possible associations worthy of follow-up in independent analyses. The first was an association noted in the group of CD families with breast disease. A correlation was observed between the presence/absence of a PTEN mutation and the type of breast involvement (unaffected versus benign versus malignant). Specifically and more directly, an association was also observed between the presence of a PTEN mutation and malignant breast disease. Secondly, there appeared to be an interdependent association between mutations upstream and within the PTPase core motif, the core motif containing the majority of missense mutations, and the involvement of all major organ systems (central nervous system, thyroid, breast, skin and gastrointestinal tract). However, these observations would need to be confirmed by studying a larger number of CD families.   相似文献   
Type III hyperlipoproteinemia (HLP) is mainly found in homozygous apolipoprotein (APO) E2 (R158C) carriers. Genetic factors contributing to the expression of type III HLP were investigated in 113 hyper- and 52 normolipidemic E2/2 subjects, by testing for polymorphisms in APOC3, APOA5, HL (hepatic lipase) and LPL (lipoprotein lipase) genes. In addition, 188 normolipidemic Dutch control panels (NDCP) and 141 hypertriglyceridemic (HTG) patients were genotyped as well. No associations were found for four HL gene polymorphisms and two LPL gene polymorphisms and type III HLP. The frequency of the rare allele of APOC3 3238 G>C and APOA5 −1131 T>C (in linkage disequilibrium) was significantly higher in type III HLP patients when compared with normolipidemic E2/2 subjects, 15.6 vs 6.9% and 15.1 vs 5.8%, respectively, (P<0.05). Furthermore, the frequencies of the APOA5 c.56 G>C polymorphism and LPL c.27 G>A mutation were higher in type III HLP patients, though not significant. Some 58% of the type III HLP patients carried either the APOA5 −1131 T>C, c.56 G>C and/or LPL c.27 G>A mutation as compared to 27% of the normolipidemic APOE2/2 subjects (odds ratio 3.7, 95% confidence interval=1.8–7.5, P<0.0001). The HTG patients showed similar allele frequencies of the APOA5, APOC3 and LPL polymorphisms, whereas the NDCP showed similar allele frequencies as the normolipidemic APOE2/2. Patients with the APOC3 3238 G>C/APOA5 −1131 T>C polymorphism showed a more severe hyperlipidemia than patients without this polymorphism. Polymorphisms in lipolysis genes associate with the expression and severity of type III HLP in APOE2/2.  相似文献   
为探讨体外循环(CPB)导致心脏植物神经系统(CAS)损伤的机理,了解温血心停跳液能否防止CPB后心率变异性(HRV)的降低,采用对照方法观察了温血心停跳液与冷晶体心停跳液对狗HRV的影响。结果显示:CPB后温血心停跳液组(WB组)和冷晶体心停跳液组(CC组)的全频谱(TP)、低频(LF)和高频(HF)均较术前明显降低(P<0.05),而且CC组比WB组降低更明显(P<0.05),但LF/HF在组内及组间均无明显变化(P>0.05)。CPB后24小时平均心率(MHR)明显增加(P<0.05),且CC组高于WB组(P<0.05)。本研究表明:采用温血心停跳液或冷晶体心停跳液的CPB不会干扰CAS平衡,但均能使HRV降低,温血心停跳液不能防止HRV损害。  相似文献   
Summary Varus deformity of the knee is common in young children who have suffered from fulminating purpura. This study was directed at the anatomic features of the vascularisation of the upper end of the tibia that might account for such deformation. It was based on the dissection of 28 anatomic specimens prepared by injection of Indian ink into the vascular trunk. 16 specimens were diaphanised for better analysis of the intracartilaginous distribution of the vessels. The study showed that the vascularisation of the medial condyle of the tibia is poor and of terminal nature, which may explain the occurrence of ischemic growth disorders following fulminating purpura.
Etude de la vascularisation artérielle du condyle médial du tibia chez le foetus
Résumé Les déformations en varus du genou chez les jeunes enfants ayant présenté un purpura fulminans sont fréquentes. Ce travail a pour objet de rechercher les caractéristiques anatomiques de la vascularisation de l'extrémité supérieure du tibia qui peuvent expliquer ces déformations. L'étude porte sur la dissection de 28 pièces anatomiques préparées par injection de l'axe vasculaire à l'encre de Chine. Pour mieux analyser la répartition intra-cartilagineuse des vaisseaux, 16 pièces ont été diaphanisées. Cette étude montre que la vascularisation du condyle médial du tibia est pauvre, de type terminal, ce qui peut expliquer la survenue de troubles de croissance ischémiques dans les suites d'un purpura fulminans.
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