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To evaluate the role of ultrasonography (US) and its accuracy, sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of testicular rupture after blunt scrotal trauma. Moreover, tunica albuginea breach, testicular hematoma, testis avulsion, epididymal injuries and hematocele are particularly examined.  相似文献   
Ohne Zusammenfassung (Fortsetzung folgt.)  相似文献   
目的探讨支气管镜介入治疗肺结核合并支气管结核老年患者的病灶吸收率及安全性。方法选取2018年1月-2020年1月该院肺结核合并支气管结核的老年患者60例,按照不同治疗方式分为抗结核化疗药物联合支气管镜介入治疗组(ZQ组,n=32)和抗结核化疗药物治疗组(HL组,n=28),观察两组患者抗酸杆菌转阴率、肺部病变吸收好转情况、临床症状改善、药物不良反应发生情况和临床疗效。结果 ZQ组治疗后镜下抗酸杆菌转阴率(93.75%)高于HL组(71.43%),组间比较,差异有统计学意义(χ~2=5.36,P=0.021);ZQ组体内共有24个空洞,HL组有22个空洞,治疗后ZQ组的空洞闭合率为45.83%、空洞缩小率为33.33%,均高于HL组,HL组空洞增大率为13.64%,高于ZQ组(4.17%),ZQ组总有效率(79.17%)高于HL组(45.45%),组间比较,差异有统计学意义(χ~2=5.59,P=0.018);ZQ组治疗后病灶显著吸收率和吸收率均高于HL组,组间比较,差异有统计学意义(χ~2=6.37,P=0.040);ZQ组肉芽增殖治疗有效率为100.00%,HL组为75.00%,两组比较,差异有统计学意义(χ~2=3.54,P=0.039);HL组和ZQ组的不良反应发生率分别为18.75%和17.86%,两组比较,差异无统计学意义(P 0.05)。结论采用支气管镜介入治疗肺结核合并支气管结核老年患者,能够明显提高患者抗酸杆菌转阴率和病灶吸收率,并有效改善病灶周围阻塞情况和支气管病变情况,达到较理想的临床疗效。  相似文献   
P B Kader 《Hand Clinics》1986,2(1):179-191
The treatment of the patient with a replanted hand is a challenge to both the surgeon and the therapist. Because of multiple system involvement, we must be able to assess each structure individually to determine the best treatment protocol for that structure and then compile it into one treatment program. The communication among the triad of physician, therapist, and patient is the only way to guarantee successful results.  相似文献   
Introduction  Cerebellar hemorrhage following supratentorial craniotomy is rare. Its clinical symptoms are often mild and transient. Discussion  Here, we report a case of cerebellar hemorrhage associated with iliofemoral vein thrombosis as a complication of anterior temporal lobectomy and amygdalohippocampectomy for refractory medial temporal epilepsy.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: We report our experience using buccal mucosa in the multistage repair of complex hypospadias, and the observed histological changes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We evaluated 31 patients (14 adults and 17 children). A total of 19 patients presented after failed hypospadias repair with deficient ventral skin, 5 presented with scrotal hypospadias and 7 presented with perineal hypospadias. Patients who had previously undergone hypospadias repair had 3 to 7 failed trials. Two stage buccal mucosa graft was performed using the Bracka technique. In the first stage residual fibrosis was released, the glans was split and the buccal mucosa graft was sutured to the ventral surface of the penis to form a future urethral plate. Second stage reconstruction was performed after 6 months with interposed scrotal dartos tissue. Buccal mucosa was histologically studied before grafting, and at 6 months after graft uptake and exposure to the air. RESULTS: Buccal mucosa free graft showed excellent uptake within 5 days in all cases. At 6 months the buccal mucosa was well vascularized and pliable. Minute fistulas occurred in 3 cases (9.7%), which were closed at a later stage. Histological analysis of buccal mucosa tissues before and after graft and prolonged exposure to the air (more than 6 months) was conducted. The buccal mucosa displayed epithelial hyperplasia with mild and focal keratinization. The lamina propria was slightly edematous and minimally infiltrated by mononuclear inflammatory cells. The lamina propria papillae were elongated, extending to 75% of the mucosal thickness compared to the normal buccal mucosa. The buccal mucosal graft displayed good vascularization, similar to that of the normal mucosa. CONCLUSIONS: Multistage repair using buccal mucosa is an excellent option for urethral reconstruction. It guarantees excellent graft uptake and good vasculature, which improves success. It also provides supple tissue for glanular and urethral reconstruction in cases of severe complex hypospadias.  相似文献   
Epileptic nystagmus (EN) is a rare form of rhythmic eye oscillations occurring during seizure activity. Not only convulsive states, but also nonconvulsive status may represent with EN and this phenomenon may be the only motor manifestation of seizure activity. Epileptic activation of a cortical saccade region may be distinguished from activation of a cortical pursuit region clinically as activation of pursuit regions results in nystagmus slow phases that bring the eyes across the midline. Horizontal EN results most commonly from seizure activity involving the occipital cortex. In this report, horizontal EN in a patient with nonconvulsive status epilepticus (NCSE) is described with clinical, radiological and electrophysiological findings that occur probably due to posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome.  相似文献   
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