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OBJECTIVE: Clinical trials have demonstrated the importance of tight blood pressure control among patients with diabetes. However, little is known regarding the management of hypertension in patients with coexisting diabetes. To examine this issue, we addressed 1) whether hypertensive patients with coexisting diabetes are achieving lower levels of blood pressure than patients without diabetes, 2) whether there are differences in the intensity of antihypertensive medication therapy provided to patients with and without diabetes, and 3) whether diabetes management affects decisions to increase antihypertensive medication therapy. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: We abstracted medical records to collect detailed information on 2 years of care provided for 800 male veterans with hypertension. We compared patients with and without diabetes on intensity of therapy and blood pressure control. Intensity of therapy was described using a previously validated measure that captures the likelihood of an increase in antihypertensive medications. We also determined whether increases in antihypertensive medications were less likely at those visits in which the diabetes medications were being adjusted. RESULTS: Of the 274 hypertensive patients with diabetes, 73% had a blood pressure > or =140/90 mmHg, compared with 66% in the 526 patients without diabetes (P = 0.04). Diabetic patients also received significantly (P = 0.05) less intensive antihypertensive medication therapy than patients without diabetes. Less intensive therapy in diabetic patients could not be explained by clinicians being distracted by the treatment for diabetes. CONCLUSIONS: There is an urgent need to improve hypertension care and blood pressure control in patients with diabetes. Additional information is required to understand why clinicians are not more aggressive in managing blood pressure when patients also have diabetes.  相似文献   

Hypophysitis is a heterogeneous condition that includes inflammation of the pituitary gland and infundibulum, and it can cause symptoms related to mass effects and hormonal deficiencies. We aimed to evaluate the potential role of machine learning methods in differentiating hypophysitis from non-functioning pituitary adenomas.


The radiomic parameters obtained from T1A-C images were used. Among the radiomic parameters, parameters capable of distinguishing between hypophysitis and non-functioning pituitary adenomas were selected. In order to avoid the effects of confounding factors and to improve the performance of the classifiers, parameters with high correlation with each other were eliminated. Machine learning algorithms were performed with the combination of gray-level run-length matrix-low gray level run emphasis, gray-level co-occurrence matrix-correlation, and gray-level co-occurrence entropy.


A total of 34 patients were included, 17 of whom had hypophysitis and 17 had non-functioning pituitary adenomas. Among the 38 radiomics parameters obtained from post-contrast T1-weighted images, 10 tissue features that could differentiate the lesions were selected. Machine learning algorithms were performed using three selected parameters; gray level run length matrix-low gray level run emphasis, gray-level co-occurrence matrix-correlation, and gray level co-occurrence entropy. Error matrices were calculated by using the machine learning algorithm and it was seen that support vector machines showed the best performance in distinguishing the two lesion types.


Our analysis reported that support vector machines showed the best performance in distinguishing hypophysitis from non-functioning pituitary adenomas, emphasizing the importance of machine learning in differentiating the two lesions.

ObjectiveIntrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy is a temporary, pregnancy-specific disease that resolves with delivery, characterized by itching (pruritus), as well as high transaminase and serum bile acid levels in the third trimester of pregnancy. Due to the effects of Autotaxin on the physiology of pregnancy, we aimed to investigate Autotaxin activity in patients with intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy.Patients and methodsSixty-nine patients diagnosed with intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy and 20 healthy pregnant women were enrolled in the study. Fasting serum bile acid, pruritus intensity, serum parameters, gestational week of the patients at the time of diagnosis were recorded, and birth week and birth weight were monitored. Autotaxin serum level was measured enzymatically.ResultsThe mean serum bile acid level (n = 69; 38.74 ± 35.92 μmol/L) in patients with intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (n = 69) was detected to be higher than healthy pregnant women (n = 20; 5.05 ± 1.88 μmol/L) (p < 0.001). Weak correlation was detected between serum bile acid level and itch intensity (p = 0.014, r = 0.295), while no relation was detected between Autotaxin and itch intensity (p = 0.446, r = 0.09). Although mean Autotaxin (intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy: 678.10 ± 424.42 pg/mL, control: 535.16 ± 256.47 pg/mL) levels were high in patients with intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, it was not statistically significant (p = 0.157).ConclusionIn our study, we observed that the serum Autotaxin level did not make a significant difference in patients with intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy compared to healthy pregnant women. These findings suggest that larger clinical studies are required to reveal the physio-pathological effects of Autotaxin on pregnancy.  相似文献   
3-Hydroxysteroid-dehydrogenase (3-HSD) is an isoenzyme that catalyses an essential step in the synthesis of all classes of active steroid hormones. The presence of steroid hormones of the vertebrate type in invertebrates is acknowledged in addition to a group of steroid-like hormones called ecdysteroids that were present in arthropods and helminths. In the present study, 3-HSD was detected in the bradyzoites enclosed in sarcocysts of Sarcocystis spp. with immunohistochemistry. The results suggest that self-originating steroid hormones may play important roles in the development of Sarcocystis spp., and possibly in the regulation of the reciprocal immune interaction between the host and these parasites.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To use the Minimum Data Set (MDS) to derive a risk-adjustment model for pressure ulcer development that may be used in assessing the quality of nursing home care. DESIGN: Perspective observational study using MDS data from 1997. SETTING: A large, for-profit, nursing home chain. PARTICIPANTS: Our unit of analysis was 39,649 observations made on 14,607 nursing home residents who were without a stage 2 or larger pressure ulcer on an index assessment. MEASUREMENTS: Pressure ulcer status was determined at an outcome assessment approximately 90 days after an index assessment. Potential predictors of pressure ulcer development were examined for bivariate associations, contributing to the development of a multivariate logistic regression model. RESULTS: A stage 2 or larger pressure ulcer developed in 2.3% of the observations. Seventeen resident characteristics were found to be associated with pressure ulcer development. These included dependence in mobility and transferring, diabetes mellitus, peripheral vascular disease, urinary incontinence, lower body mass index, and end-stage disease. A risk-adjustment model based on these characteristics was well calibrated and able to discriminate among residents with different levels of risk for ulcer development (model c-statistic = 0.73). CONCLUSION: A clinically credible risk-adjustment model with good performance properties can be developed using the MDS. This model may be useful in profiling nursing homes on their rate of pressure ulcer development.  相似文献   
Objective Understanding the biological mediators involved in the complex inflammatory response of sepsis and acute lung injury offers the possibility of future investigations targeting treatment based on these mediators. This study investigated whether macrophage activator -glucan has a protective effect on acute lung injury in an experimental model of sepsis.Design and setting Experimental study in an experimental research center.Materials 30 rats randomized into three groups (sham, sepsis, and -glucan).Interventions Cecal ligation and puncture were performed in the -glucan and sepsis groups. The -glucan group was given a single intraperitoneal dose of -glucan (4 mg/kg) following cecal ligation.Measurements and results Rats treated with -glucan had fewer circulating neutrophils, more blood monocytes, and higher serum interleukin 6 levels than septic animals. The percentages of neutrophils and lymphocytes from the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and the myeloperoxidase activity measured in the lung tissue were lower in the -glucan group than in the sepsis group. Less alveolar hemorrhage and neutrophil infiltration were observed in lungs from animals in the -glucan group in the septic groups.Conclusions In this rat model of intra-abdominal sepsis -glucan treatment partially protected against secondary lung injury, decreased lung hemorrhages, and lung neutrophilia. These results suggest that -glucan protects against sepsis-associated lung damage.  相似文献   
Cryptosporidium is a significant cause of diarrheal disease in developing and industrialized nations. Cryptosporidium hominis and Cryptosporidium parvum are the main agents of cryptosporidiosis in humans. In Egypt, very little is known about genetic structure of Cryptosporidium spp. Therefore, this study was designed to examine samples from sporadic cases of cryptosporidiosis in Egyptians in order to identify the species involved in infection as well as the transmission dynamics and distribution of the parasite in the Great Cairo area. A total of 391 human faecal samples were collected, between May 2008 and March 2009, from ten public hospitals in Great Cairo. Initial screening by immunochromatographic detection kit “the Stick Crypto-Giardia; Operon” showed 23 possible positive cases. Twenty of them were confirmed by microscopic examination. PCR was performed by amplification of the oocyst wall protein (COWP) gene where 18 out of 23 samples were positive, one not detected by microscopy. Cryptosporidium genotyping was performed by RFLP analysis of PCR products of the diagnosis PCR. Only 15 samples rendered a digestion pattern. The genotyping distribution was nine cases showing C. hominis genotype, three showing C. parvum genotype and three showing mixed infection by C. hominis and C. parvum. The data showed an elevated prevalence of C. hominis (80.0%), the most anthroponotic species, suggesting a human–human transmission. Furthermore, the presence of up to 40% of samples infected with C. parvum shows that further investigations are required to determine the subgenotypes of C. parvum to clarify the mode of transmission in order to improve the control measures.  相似文献   
A patient presented with chest pain and clinical features of acute right heart failure. Initial work up revealed the presence of severe PAH. Acute pulmonary embolism is the commonest and most life-threatening cause for acute cor pulmonale. Even though the clinical picture suggested pulmonary embolism, a subtle sign was missed from the first chest X-ray taken in the emergency department. However on reanalysis the ‘continuous diaphragm sign’ later guided us towards the diagnosis. Our case represents one of the first reports of a rare etiology for acute cor pulmonale – hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Right ventricular dysfunction was caused by an acute rise in pulmonary artery pressures as well as by the compressive effects of pneumomediastinum. We emphasize the role played by a good quality chest X-ray early in the management of acute chest pain syndromes. However pulmonary embolism should be ruled out conclusively before redirecting attention to less malignant conditions.  相似文献   
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