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The Inaugural Symposium on Childhood Cancer Health Disparities was held in Houston, Texas, on November 2, 2016. The symposium was attended by 109 scientists and clinicians from diverse disciplinary backgrounds with interests in pediatric cancer disparities and focused on reviewing our current knowledge of disparities in cancer risk and outcomes for select childhood cancers. Following a full day of topical sessions, everyone participated in a brainstorming session to develop a working strategy for the continued expansion of research in this area. This meeting was designed to serve as a springboard for examination of childhood cancer disparities from a more unified and systematic approach and to enhance awareness of this area of need.  相似文献   
Many pregnancies are lost during early gestation, but clinicians still lack tools to recognize risk factors for miscarriage. Thus, the identification of risk factors for miscarriage during the first trimester in women with no obvious risk for a pregnancy loss was the aim of this prospective cohort trial. A total of 1098 women between gestation weeks 4 and 12 in whom no apparent signs of a threatened pregnancy could be diagnosed were recruited. Demographic, anamnestic, psychometric and biological data were documented at recruitment and pregnancy outcomes were registered subsequently. Among the cases with sufficiently available data, 809 successfully progressing pregnancies and 55 subsequent miscarriages were reported. In this cohort, risk of miscarriage was significantly increased in women at higher age (>33 years), lower body mass index (< or =20 kg/ m(2)) and lower serum progesterone concentrations (< or =12 ng/ml) prior to the onset of the miscarriage. Women with subsequent miscarriage also perceived higher levels of stress/demands (supported by higher concentrations of corticotrophin-releasing hormone) and revealed reduced concentrations of progesterone-induced blocking factor. These risk factors were even more pronounced in the subcohort of women (n = 335) recruited between gestation weeks 4 and 7. The identification of these risk factors and development of an interaction model of these factors, as introduced in this article, will help clinicians to recognize pregnant women who require extra monitoring and who might benefit from therapeutic interventions such as progestogen supplementation, especially during the first weeks of pregnancy, to prevent a miscarriage.  相似文献   
The guiding hypothesis for this work is that in severe intrauterine growth-restricted (IUGR) fetuses, the time from ductus venosus (DV) reversed flow (RF) appearance to intrauterine fetal demise (IUFD) or nonreassuring fetal testing is variable. As such, there must be a transitional phase between the presence of end-diastolic forward flow (FF) and absent or reversed end-diastolic flow (A/REDF). Ductus venosus Doppler was serially studied in 19 IUGR fetuses (estimated fetal weight < 10th percentile and umbilical artery pulsatility index > 95th percentile) from diagnosis until demise or delivery occurring for nonreassuring fetal testing. Ductus venosus waveforms were assessed qualitatively: forward flow versus absent or reversed flow in diastole. Two sets of at least 30 consecutive ductus venosus waveforms were obtained at each examination. If the waveforms differed between the two sets, they were defined as alternating. Cord arterial pH and base excess (BE) were obtained at birth. In 14 cases, DVRF occurred intermittently between periods of FF during the same clinical visit. Intermittent DVRF was present from 2 to 57 days (median, 13 days) and became continuous from 1 to 23 days (median, 7 days) before the occurrence of delivery for nonreassuring fetal testing or fetal demise. One fetus had an abnormal arterial pH (< 7.0) and one had an abnormal BE (< -12). These data show that (1) there is a transitional phase in which DV alternates FF and A/RF before RF becomes persistent; (2) the time from the appearance of DVRF to delivery or IUFD is variable, and (3) not all very preterm IUGR fetuses with continuous DVRF are acidemic. Because of these findings, the decision of delivery regarding early severe IUGR fetuses should be individualized, and the DVRF Doppler information has to be integrated with other antenatal fetal parameters.  相似文献   
Background High intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a novel method which offers the non-invasive ablation of tissues without harming overlying organs or skin. It has been introduced successfully in urology for the ablation of prostatic hyperplasia and seems to be promising in the treatment of uterine fibroids. In this study we aimed to examine the feasibility and possible side effects of HIFU treatment of uterine tissues using an experimental mobile HIFU unit with ultrasound guidance. Methods For these experiments, a 1.07 MHz ultrasound source was used which allows treatment depths between 0 and 10 cm. In 12 patients scheduled to have abdominal hysterectomy, 5–60 impulses of HIFU were applied through the intact skin upon uterine tissues directly prior to the surgical procedure. Tissue intensities lay between 3,200 and 6,300 W/cm2 and a fixed pulse length of 4 s was used. Results No side effects were encountered other than one first-degree skin burn and the treatment was well tolerated. Histology showed clearly demarcated coagulative necrosis in the targeted tissues. Treatment was concluded in less than 45 min for each patient. Conclusion Focused ultrasound is an effective method to selectively destroy tissue within the uterus and the transabdominal access route is very feasible. This study shows that a mobile ultrasound source can be used safely and effectively to destroy uterine tissues, such as fibroids, without major side effects.  相似文献   
Ohne ZusammenfassungMit 3 Textabbildungen.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wird ein Fall von Asthma bronchiale nach Kontakt mit peruanischer Baumwolle beschrieben (erworbene Allergie auf Grundlage erblicher Belastung). Die prinzipiellen Voraussetzungen zur Diagnose des allergischen Asthma bronchiale werden an Hand dieses Falles erörtert. Ähnliche Fälle von Erkrankung der Atmungsorgane bei Baumwollarbeitern in der Literatur stellen sich bei näherer Betrachtung nicht als allergische Krankheit im engeren Sinne heraus. Es handelt sich um Massenerkrankungen, wahrscheinlich parasitärer Ursache. Bei dem ausgeführten Falle ist der parasitäre Ursprung nicht wahrscheinlich. Es handelt sich um eine streng spezifische Idiosynkrasie, deren Entstehung nicht sicher geklärt werden kann.  相似文献   
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