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Abstract: Our group is developing a left ventricular assist device based on the principle of the Maillard-Wankel rotative compressor: it is a rotary, not centrifugal, pump that produces a pulsatile flow. Stringent requirements have been defined for construction materials. They must be light, yet sufficiently hard and rigid, and able to be machined with high precision. The friction coefficient must be low and the wear resistance high. The materials must be chemically inert and not deformable. Also, the materials must be biocompatible, and the blood contacting surface must be hemocompatible. We assessed the materials in terms of physiochemistry, mechanics, and tribology to select the best for hemocompatibility (determined by studies of protein adsorption: platelet, leukocyte, and red cell retention: and hemolysis, among other measurements) and biocompatibility (determined by measurement of complement activation and toxicity, among other criteria). Of the materials tested, for short- and middle-term assistance, we chose titanium alloy (Ti6AI4V) and alumina ceramic (Al2O3) and for long-term and permanent use, composite materials (TiN coating on graphite). We saw that the polishing process of the substrate must be improved. For the future, the best coating material would be diamond-like carbon (DLC) or crystalline diamond coating.  相似文献   
In six patients with doxorubicin-related cardiotoxicity, the severity of decrease in left ventricle ejection fraction (LVEF) was associated with faster myocardial I-123 MIBG washout rates. In four patients with severely decreased LVEF (range 19% to 28%), the 4-hour washout rate varied from 43% to 56%. In two patients with moderate cardiotoxicity (LVEF 42% and 43%), the washout rates were 37% and 35%, respectively. In contrast, in another patient thought to have initial left ventricular dysfunction (LVEF dropped from 66% to 54%), the myocardial I-123 MIBG retention rate was not reduced (6% washout). Subsequent continuation of chemotherapy in this patient was without complication. Reduced I-123 MIBG uptake in the left ventricle generally correlated with areas with abnormal Fourier amplitude values, but in one of the patients with moderate cardiotoxicity, the I-123 MIBG uptake was not reduced in a region with loss of amplitude, indicating dysfunction but probably no myocardial denervation. Analysis of the regional myocardial retention in patients with cardiotoxicity showed no significant difference in the I-123 MIBG washout rates of both segments with or without loss of amplitude. These data suggest that in spite of a localized loss of ventricular function demonstrated by radionuclide angiocardiography, doxorubicin-related cardiotoxicity appears to be based on a global process of myocardial adrenergic derangement.  相似文献   
Technetium-99m sestamibi was used for functional investigation of the muscle perfusion of lower extremities in 35 patients with peripheral vascular disease. The aim was to test what useful information could be obtained by additional imaging of the legs in patients referred for risk stratification with dipyridamole myocardial scanning. Posterior images were acquired over the thighs and calves after postocclusive reactive hyperaemia and at rest. Inter- and intraextremity ratios and differences between the stress and rest data were used for the assessment of abnormal circulation. Arteriography was performed in every case, and surgical procedures or transluminal angioplasty in 31 patients. To estimate diagnostic accuracy, the results of99mTc-sestamibi scintigraphy were compared with those of angiography and the functional consequences of revascularization procedures. The sensitivity and specificity of99mTc-sestamibi scintigraphy were 55% and 25%, respectively, with an overall accuracy of 50%. Apparently methodological error was not responsible for these poor results. Instead, a paradoxically high uptake of the radiopharmaceutical in muscles supplied by significantly stenosed vessels was identified as the main source of both false-negative and false-positive results. This phenomenon resembles the findings of a previous study involving delayed administration of thallium-201 after exercise. In conclusion,99mTc-sestamibi scintigraphy has not proved sufficiently reliable to help in the management strategy for patients with peripheral vascular disease.  相似文献   
Peripheral blood neutrophils (PMN) from patients with paracoccidioidomycosis killed and digested Paracoccidioides brasiliensis much less than did PMN from normal individuals or from patients with other diseases. However, deficiency in killing ability was less specific than digestive deficiency and correlated poorly with it. We conclude that the capacities of PMN to digest and kill P. brasiliensis are not intimately related phenomena, and that in paracoccidioidomycosis the key deficiency of neutrophil function is that of digestion of P. brasiliensis.  相似文献   
I Ilyés  I Mahunka  B Sári 《Orvosi hetilap》1992,133(35):2221-2224
Insulin binding to erythrocytes (IB) and serum immunoreactive insulin concentration (IRI) were measured and relationships between these parameters and body mass index (BMI) were investigated in obese children and age matched controls with normal body weight. IRI was increased and IB was decreased significantly in the obese group compared to data of the controls. The decreased IB was due to a decrease in insulin receptor number since it was not accompanied by alteration of half maximal inhibition dose (ID50). Strong negative correlations were found between BMI and IB and between IRI and IB while a positive association was seen between BMI and IRI. These results prove an interrelationship between weight excess, hyperinsulinism and insulin resistance in childhood obesity.  相似文献   
The case of a patient in whom acute pericarditis was the initial manifestation of an idiopathic hypereosinophilia is reported. Endomyocardial abnormalities were not found by echocardiography. Response to prednisone therapy was good; symptoms, pericardial effusion and eosinophilia early disappeared after therapy. Some clinical aspects of this uncommon disease are discussed.  相似文献   
Clinical manifestations and surgical results are analyzed in a retrospective study of 16 patients with a Zenker's diverticulum. Pharyngoesophageal diverticulum are an uncommon anomaly, producing cervical dysphagia and recurrent airway infections. Treatment should be surgical, as earliest as possible. Morbidity is very low and mortality very rare.  相似文献   
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