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This study applied a fa'afaletui cultural lens to an exploratory qualitative study examining Samoan families' experiences and engagement with a person-centred care model employed in specific mental health services in Aotearoa. Six semi-structured talanoa group discussions with families who had been previously or currently engaged with mental health services. In addition, a local stakeholder group was recruited to guide stages of the fa'afaletui. A total of 13 individual participants from six families participated. Participants consisted of four mothers, two fathers, five sisters, one son, and one husband. Five themes were identified: (i) Fa'atuatua ile Atua; Spiritual faith in God; (ii) It is a hush hush topic; stigma of mental illness; (iii) We are in the dark with our communication and dealings with the services; (v) Practice what you preach; clinical service delivery misaligned with the model of care; and (vi) Alofa (love) and fa'aaloalo (respect); enablers of positive experience. The findings overall highlight spirituality and religion as core to a Samoan's faith to foster resilience and healing when facing adverse mental health events with their family members. In addition, the need to build up capacity for Pacific staffed specialist services and Pacific model to achieve equity and holistic care for Samoans and other Pacific populations at risk of adverse mental health outcomes are recommended.  相似文献   
Nurses encounter ethical dilemmas in their practice and need guidance in making relevant patient-care decisions. Nursing theory is believed to be the best source of such guidance. The aim of this paper is to describe the ethical dimension in nursing theory. A literature review shows the intricate relationship between ethics and nursing, yet there is lack of elaboration of ethical features in nursing theories. The identified elements of the ethical dimension include ethical theories and principles, values, ethical practice issues, moral reasoning and contextual factors. Criteria for the development and evaluation of the ethical dimension are presented, with an example using a middle range theory. The ethical components pertinent to a nursing theory need to be made explicit if theory is to guide practice. Nursing scholars are invited to elucidate the ethical dimension in their theories in order to enhance moral reasoning and provide a framework for ethical practice.  相似文献   
Two methods of oxygen delivery were compared when used postoperatively after a general anaesthetic had been administered. There were 255 patients randomly allocated to receive oxygen via nasal spectacles or a Hudson face mask in the initial postoperative period. Oxygen saturation was monitored using pulse oximetry. Seven percent of patients who received the Hudson mask and 14% of patients who received nasal spectacles desaturated below 94% (P = 0.10). Age, weight or American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) status did not predict oxygen desaturation; however, desaturation occurred more frequently in male patients with nasal spectacles undergoing abdominal surgery. If male patients who had abdominal surgery with muscle relaxants are excluded from the nasal spectacle group, the desaturation incidences for spectacles and masks are similar (10% versus 7%, P = 0.38). Using nasal spectacles for all postoperative oxygen therapy in selected patients is therefore feasible and could provide substantial cost-saving.  相似文献   
Aim  This study aimed to identify and examine predictors of short-term absences of staff nurses working in hospital settings reported in the research literature.
Background  Front-line staff nurse absenteeism contributes to discontinuity of patient care, decreased staff morale and is costly to healthcare.
Evaluation  A systematic review of studies from 1986 to 2006, obtained through electronic searches of 10 online databases led to inclusion of 16 peer-reviewed research articles. Seventy potential predictors of absenteeism were examined and analysed using content analysis.
Key issue  Our findings showed that individual 'nurses' prior attendance records', 'work attitudes' (job satisfaction, organizational commitment and work/job involvement) and 'retention factors' reduced nurse absenteeism, whereas 'burnout' and 'job stress' increased absenteeism. Remaining factors examined in the literature did not significantly predict nurse absenteeism.
Conclusions  Reasons underlying absenteeism among staff nurses are still poorly understood. Lack of robust theory about nursing absenteeism may underlie the inconsistent results found in this review. Further theory development and research is required to explore the determinants of short-term absenteeism of nurses in acute care hospitals.
Implications for nursing management  Work environment factors that increase nurses' job satisfaction, and reduce burnout and job stress need to be considered in managing staff nurse absenteeism.  相似文献   
In exploring phenomenological literature, it is evident that the term ‘phenomenology’ holds rather different meanings depending upon the context. Phenomenology has been described as both a philosophical movement and an approach to human science research. The phenomenology of Husserl, Heidegger, Gadamer, and Merleau‐Ponty was philosophical in nature and not intended to provide rules or procedures for conducting research. The Canadian social scientist, van Manen, however, introduced specific guidelines for conducting human science research, which is rooted in hermeneutic phenomenology and this particular method has been employed in professional disciplines such as education, nursing, clinical psychology, and law. The purpose of this paper is to explore the difference between the phenomenological method as described by van Manen and that of other philosophers such as Husserl, Heidegger, Gadamer, and Merleau‐Ponty. In so doing, the author aims to address the blurred boundaries of phenomenology as a research method and as a philosophical movement and highlight the influence of these blurred boundaries on nursing knowledge development.  相似文献   
Evidence on the use of simulation to teach psychiatry and mental health (including addiction) content is emerging, yet no summary of the implementation processes or associated outcomes exists. The aim of this study was to systematically search and review empirical literature on the use of psychiatry‐focused simulation in undergraduate nursing education. Objectives were to (i) assess the methodological quality of existing evidence on the use of simulation to teach mental health content to undergraduate nursing students, (ii) describe the operationalization of the simulations, and (iii) summarize the associated quantitative and qualitative outcomes. We conducted online database (MEDLINE, Embase, ERIC, CINAHL, PsycINFO from January 2004 to October 2015) and grey literature searches. Thirty‐two simulation studies were identified describing and evaluating six types of simulations (standardized patients, audio simulations, high‐fidelity simulators, virtual world, multimodal, and tabletop). Overall, 2724 participants were included in the studies. Studies reflected a limited number of intervention designs, and outcomes were evaluated with qualitative and quantitative methods incorporating a variety of tools. Results indicated that simulation was effective in reducing student anxiety and improving their knowledge, empathy, communication, and confidence. The summarized qualitative findings all supported the benefit of simulation; however, more research is needed to assess the comparative effectiveness of the types of simulations. Recommendations from the findings include the development of guidelines for educators to deliver each simulation component (briefing, active simulation, debriefing). Finally, consensus around appropriate training of facilitators is needed, as is consistent and agreed upon simulation terminology.  相似文献   
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