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This study identified and compared characteristics of 'best' and 'worst' clinical teachers as perceived by university nursing faculty and students. The Nursing Clinical Teacher Effectiveness Inventory (NCTEI) was distributed to 201 volunteer subjects. This survey instrument, developed by the authors, contains 48 clinical teacher characteristics grouped into five categories. Each participant was asked to rate, using the NCTEI, the 'best' and them the 'worst' clinical teacher from past observations. Results showed both groups perceived that being a good role model was the highest rated characteristic for 'best' teachers and the 'lowest' rated characteristic for 'worst' teachers. Faculty and students' perceptions were fairly similar as to highest rated characteristics of 'best' clinical teachers. Less agreement was noted about the characteristics of 'worst' clinical teachers. When categories of clinical teacher characteristics were compared, there were significant differences between the ratings of faculty and students for 'best' clinical teachers, but none for 'worst' clinical teachers.  相似文献   


This review article explores the need for specialized pain care for children and adolescents and provides some historical context for our current knowledge base and clinical practice.

Principal findings

Pediatric patients have specialized needs with respect to assessment and management of pain. Acute pain care is modified by developmental considerations in both these areas; chronic pain encompasses a wide range of complex developmental, social, and psychological factors requiring the skills of different health disciplines to provide the best care.


Awareness of children’s pain has increased dramatically over the past three decades, and Canadians have performed a leadership role in much of the research. Specific multidisciplinary teams are a more recent phenomenon, but they are shown to be more effective and probably more cost effective than traditional treatment models. Important gaps in availability of resources to manage these patients remain.  相似文献   
The misregulation of programmed cell death, or apoptosis, contributes to the pathogenesis of many diseases. We used Nomarski microscopy to screen for mutants containing refractile cell corpses in a C. elegans strain in which all programmed cell death is blocked and such corpses are absent. We isolated a mutant strain that accumulates refractile bodies resembling irregular cell corpses. We rescued this mutant phenotype with the C. elegans mucolipidosis type IV (ML-IV) homolog, the recently identified cup-5 (coelomocyte-uptake defective) gene. ML-IV is a human autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disease characterized by psychomotor retardation and ophthalmological abnormalities. Our null mutations in cup-5 cause maternal-effect lethality. In addition, cup-5 mutants contain excess lysosomes in many and possibly all cell types and contain lamellar structures similar to those observed in ML-IV cell lines. The human ML-IV gene is capable of rescuing both the maternal-effect lethality and the lysosome-accumulation abnormality of cup-5 mutants. cup-5 mutants seem to contain excess apoptotic cells as detected by staining with terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling. We suggest that the increased apoptosis seen in cup-5 mutants is a secondary consequence of the lysosomal defect, and that abnormalities in apoptosis may be associated with human lysosomal storage disorders.  相似文献   
When the canine epicardium is stimulated, the spread of epicardial excitation is 2.4 times faster parallel to the long axes of the cardiac fibers than perpendicular to them. Likewise, gross tissue resistivity is lower parallel to fibers by a factor of 3.2, and the voltage across the depolarization wave is approximately three times as great in the longitudinal direction. Equations are presented which relate these variables. Theoretical considerations confirm the experimental finding that the potentials around a wave of depolarization cannot be accounted for by the conventional hypothesis that the wavefront is a uniform double-layer current source.  相似文献   


To estimate health care costs and costs associated with changes in work productivity among persons with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in the US.


Data were derived from the University of California, San Francisco Lupus Outcomes Study. Participants provided information on their health care resource use and employment. Cost estimates were derived for both direct health care costs and costs related to changes in work productivity. Direct health care costs included costs for hospitalizations, emergency department services, physician visits, outpatient surgical procedures, dialysis, and medications. Productivity costs were estimated by measuring changes in hours of work productivity since diagnosis of SLE; these estimates were also compared with normal US population data.


For the total population of participants, the mean annual direct cost was $12,643 (2004 US dollars). The mean annual productivity cost for subjects of employment age (≥18 and <65 years) was $8,659. The mean annual total cost (direct and productivity) for subjects of employment age was $20,924. Regression results showed that greater disease activity, longer disease duration, and worse physical and mental health were significant predictors of higher direct costs; older age predicted lower direct costs. Older age, greater disease activity, and worse physical and mental health status were significant predictors of higher costs due to changes in work productivity.


Both direct health care costs and costs associated with changes in work productivity are substantial and both represent important contributors to the total costs associated with SLE.  相似文献   
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