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Background. There are myriads of potentially irritant agents causing acute irritant contact dermatitis. In the large majority of cases, dermatitis is mild to moderate, and patients do not need hospitalization. However, some agents or special circumstances may cause severe dermatitis requiring more intensive therapy. Objectives. The aim of this study was to evaluate causative agents of severe acute irritant contact dermatitis requiring hospitalization. Methods. In this single‐centre observational cohort study, we included 54 consecutive patients presenting with signs and symptoms of acute irritant contact dermatitis for which hospitalization was necessary. The severity of dermatitis was graded (grade I–IV) according to intensity, and details related to the skin irritation (irritant agent, area of exposure, time interval to onset of symptoms, and duration of hospitalization) were determined. Results. All cases with severe ulcerative dermatitis (grade IV) were caused by wet cement, owing to prolonged skin contact. These cement burns are clearly associated with amateur work, younger age, male preponderance, and leg localization. Conclusions. The study data provide clear‐cut evidence that wet cement is a severely irritant substance that regularly causes the most severe form of acute irritant contact dermatitis. The main causative prerequisite for these cement burns is do‐it‐yourself work with poor protective measures.  相似文献   
Two trivalent constructs consisting of single‐chain Fv antibody fragments (scFvs) specific for the interleukin‐3 receptor α chain (CD123), CD33 and the Fcγ‐receptor III (CD16) were designed and characterized for the elimination of acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) cells. The dual targeting single‐chain Fv triplebody (sctb) [123 × ds16 × 33] and the mono targeting sctb [123 × ds16 × 123] both specifically bound their respective target antigens and were stable in human serum at 37°C for at least 5 d. Both constructs induced potent antibody‐dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) of two different AML‐derived CD33‐ and CD123 double‐positive cell lines in the low picomolar range using isolated mononuclear cells (MNCs) as effector cells. In these experiments the dual targeting molecule produced significantly stronger lysis than the mono targeting agent. In addition, the sctbs showed a high potency in mediating ADCC of primary leukaemia cells isolated from peripheral blood or bone marrow of seven AML patients. Hence, these novel molecules displayed potent anti‐leukaemic effects against AML cells in vitro and represent attractive candidates for further preclinical development.  相似文献   
Ehlers–Danlos syndrome (EDS) leads to abnormalities in the synthesis of collagen and complications involving arterial vessels. We describe here a mutation in the intron 14 of the COL3A1 gene leading to EDS Type IV (EDS IV) associated with venous manifestations only. The patient, an 18-year-old male, suffered from truncal varicosity of the long saphenous vein on both sides. Conventional stripping surgery of the left saphenous vein revealed an extremely vulnerable ectatic superficial femoral vein. An inserted vein graft occluded, and venous thrombectomy was unsuccessful. A conservative anticoagulant and compression therapy finally succeeded. This is the first report describing EDS IV due to a mutation in intron 14 of the COL3A1 gene leading to venous manifestations without affecting arterial vessels at clinical presentation. Our findings imply that molecular genetic analysis should be considered in patients with unusual clinical presentation and that conservative therapy should be applied until a suspected clinical diagnosis has been secured.  相似文献   
We present the case of a 29-year-old patient with a history of abdominal pain and vomiting.Based on wireless video capsule findings he was previously diagnosed with ileal Crohn’s disease at a different institution,although the clinical and radiological picture was not typical and the response to corticosteroids was poor.We performed a single-balloon enteroscopy showing a short,ulcerous stenosis 50 cm proximal from Bauhin’s valve.The endoscopic and clinical histopathological findings were compatible with cryptogenic multifocal ulcerous stenosing enteritis(CMUSE).High dose corticosteroids were again started,without effect.The monoclonal tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α) antibody infliximab was added to the medical therapy.After induction therapy,both clinical and endoscopic amelioration was obtained.Larger case studies are needed to confirm the efficacy of TNF-α inhibition in steroid refractory CMUSE.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Sexually transmitted acute hepatitis C among HIV-positive homosexual men has been noted as an emerging epidemic. METHODS: Forty-seven patients with mainly sexually acquired, acute hepatitis C were enrolled in this prospective, multicentre trial, and 36 of these patients were treated within the acute phase of hepatitis C infection with pegylated interferon (peg-IFN) therapy. RESULTS: Early treatment resulted in sustained virological response in 61% of patients. Peg-IFN alone showed similar treatment response rates and lower incidence of anaemia compared with peg-IFN+ribavirin combination therapy. Higher treatment response rates were observed in patients treated over 48 weeks compared with 24 weeks. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment of hepatitis C in HIV-positive individuals in the acute phase of infection leads to high rates of sustained virological response. Optimal time and mode of therapy have yet to be defined.  相似文献   


Adenosine stress cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) can detect significant coronary artery stenoses with high diagnostic accuracy. Caffeine is a nonselective competitive inhibitor of adenosine2A-receptors, which might hamper the vasodilator effect of adenosine stress, potentially yielding false-negative results. Much controversy exists about the influence of caffeine on adenosine myocardial perfusion imaging. Our study sought to investigate the effects of caffeine on ischemia detection in patients with suspected or known coronary artery disease (CAD) undergoing adenosine stress CMR.


Thirty patients with evidence of myocardial ischemia on caffeine-naïve adenosine stress CMR were prospectively enrolled and underwent repeat adenosine stress CMR after intake of 200 mg caffeine. Both CMR exams were then compared for evaluation of ischemic burden.


Despite intake of caffeine, no conversion of a positive to a negative stress study occurred on a per patient basis. Although we found significant lower ischemic burden in CMR exams with caffeine compared to caffeine-naïve CMR exams, absolute differences varied only slightly (1 segment based on a 16-segment model, 3 segments on a 60-segment model, and 1 ml in total ischemic myocardial volume, p?<?0.001 each). Moreover, no relevant ischemia (≥2 segments in a 16-segment model) was missed by prior ingestion of caffeine.


Although differences were small and no relevant myocardial ischemia had been missed, prior consumption of caffeine led to significant reduction of ischemic burden, and might lower the high diagnostic and prognostic value of adenosine stress CMR. Therefore, we suggest that patients should still refrain from caffeine prior adenosine stress CMR tests.
Amphiphilic copolymers 1 a–1d were prepared by radical copolymerization of hydrophilic N-phenylmaleimide derivatives and lipophilic vinyl ethers in dichloromethane. Though the starting concentrations of the two monomers were always equimolar, none of the copolymers had a strictly alternating structure. Molecular weights were between 104 and 9 · 104. The copolymers prepared from ethyl 4-maleimidobenzoate ( 2a ) and isobutyl vinyl ether ( 3a ) (copolymer 1a ), and 2a and isooctyl vinyl ether ( 3b ) (copolymer 1b ) were thermally stable up to 300°C and showed glass transitions at about 150°C, while the copolymers prepared from 2a and octadecyl vinyl ether ( 3c ) (copolymer 1c ), and 4-maleimidobenzoic acid ( 2b ) and 3c (copolymer 1 d ) were considerably less stable. All copolymers formed stable, condensed monomolecular layers at the air-water interface, which could be transferred onto hydrophobic supports by the Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique. Up to the 20th dipping cycle, a Y-type deposition was found, while further dipping predominantly led to Z-type deposition. Nitrogen and oxygen permeabilities (p) were studied after depositing the LB films onto porous Celgard membranes. Permeability and selectivity were dependent on the nature of the alkyl substituent group of the polymer. Copolymer 1a with the isobutyl group showed higher permeabilities than copolymer 1c with the octadecyl group, but no selectivity. The copolymer with the small alkyl group showed no selectivity of oxygen over nitrogen (α = )PO2/PN2 while for the copolymer with the long alkyl chain the α-value was 1,3.  相似文献   
Time harmonic elastography is introduced as a modality for assessing myocardial elasticity changes during the cardiac cycle. It is based on external stimulation and real-time analysis of 30-Hz harmonic shear waves in axial direction of a parasternal line of sight through the lateral heart wall. In 20 healthy volunteers, the externally induced waves showed smaller amplitudes during systole (76.0 ± 30.8 μm) and higher amplitudes during diastole (126.7 ± 52.1 μm). This periodic wave amplitude alteration preceded ventricular contraction and dilation by about 100 ms. The amplitude ratio of 1.75 ± 0.49 indicates a relative change in myocardial shear elasticity on the order of 14 ± 11. These results well agree with observations made by cardiac magnetic resonance elastography for a similar displacement component and region of the heart. The proposed method provides reproducible elastodynamic information on the heart in real-time and may help in diagnosing myocardial relaxation abnormalities in the future.  相似文献   
Interactions between inhibitory interneurons and excitatory spiny neurons and also other inhibitory cells represent fundamental network properties which cause the so-called thalamo-cortical response transformation and account for the well-known receptive field differences of cortical layer IV versus thalamic neurons. We investigated the currently largely unknown morphological basis of these interactions utilizing acute slice preparations of barrel cortex in P19-21 rats. Layer IV spiny (spiny stellate, star pyramidal and pyramidal) neurons or inhibitory (basket and bitufted) interneurons were electrophysiologically characterized and intracellularly biocytin-labeled. In the same slice, we stained parvalbumin-immunoreactive (PV-ir) interneurons as putative target cells after which the tissue was subjected to confocal image acquisition. Parallel experiments confirmed the existence of synaptic contacts in these types of connection by correlated light and electron microscopy. The axons of the filled neurons differentially targeted barrel PV-ir interneurons: (1) The relative number of all contacted PV-ir cells within the axonal sphere was 5–17% for spiny (n = 10), 32 and 58% for basket (n = 2) and 12 and 13% for bitufted (n = 2) cells. (2) The preferential subcellular site which was contacted on PV-ir target cells was somatic for four and dendritic for five spiny cells; for basket cells, there was a somatic and for bitufted cells a dendritic preference in each examined case. (3) The highest number of contacts on a single PV-ir cell was 9 (4 somatic and 5 dendritic) for spiny neurons, 15 (10 somatic and 5 dendritic) for basket cells and 4 (1 somatic and 3 dendritic) for bitufted cells. These patterns suggest a cell type-dependent communication within layer IV microcircuits in which PV-ir interneurons provide not only feed-forward but also feedback inhibition thus triggering the thalamo-cortical response transformation.  相似文献   
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