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Objectives. We identified factors associated with local health department (LHD) adoption and discontinuation of clinical services.Methods. We used multivariate regression with 1997 and 2008 LHD survey and area resource data to examine factors associated with LHDs maintaining or offering more clinical services (adopter) versus offering fewer services (discontinuer) over time and with the number of clinical services discontinued among discontinuers.Results. Few LHDs (22.2%) were adopters. The LHDs were more likely to be adopters if operating in jurisdictions with local boards of health and not in health professional shortage areas, and if experiencing larger percentage increase in non-White population and Medicaid managed care penetration. Discontinuer LHDs eliminated more clinical services in jurisdictions that decreased core public health activities’ scope over time, increased community partners’ involvement in these activities, had larger increases in Medicaid managed care penetration, and had lower LHD expenditures per capita over time.Conclusions. Most LHDs are discontinuing clinical services over time. Those that cover a wide range of core public health functions are less likely to discontinue services when residents lack care access. Thus, the impact of discontinuation on population health may be mitigated.The role of local health departments (LHDs) in offering clinical services is hotly contested in public health practice. Some LHD leaders believe that offering clinical services is critical to their mission1 and public image.2 Others embrace the position of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) on the future of public health, which calls for LHDs to focus on core public health functions of assessment, assurance, and policy development and away from clinical services.3,4Most LHDs have decreased clinical service offerings over time (discontinued).1,3,5,6 Some have done so because their leaders believe that offering clinical services is inconsistent with the LHD’s mission,6,7 diverts resources from population-based services,3,8 or distracts from core public health functions.1,7 Leaders of LHDs may rely on non-LHD public health system partner organizations to provide clinical services for vulnerable populations rather than providing them directly.1 They may see the private sector as more appropriate than LHDs in delivering clinical care.1,6,9 For example, in some regions, Medicaid managed care organizations collaborate with LHDs to ensure clinical services.5,10,11However, some LHDs have maintained or increased their clinical service offerings over time (adopted) because their leaders view clinical services as part of their mission,1 derive satisfaction from patient contact,5 or believe that offering such services is part of the core public health function of ensuring access to care to their patients if care is not available elsewhere.2,3,8,12 They offer clinical services if no private sector alternatives exist,6,12 or if the LHD is uniquely qualified in dealing with specific vulnerable populations2,5 or for certain conditions (e.g., infectious disease control).1 These LHDs may offer clinical services if no other safety net providers are available or community need is high. For instance, 63.3% of LHD directors in 2000 believed that LHDs should offer clinical services when no other organization was available to do so, compared with 23.6% of directors who believed that LHDs should offer clinical services unequivocally.7 Other LHDs may offer clinical services to generate revenue to fund other operations.1,13,14We posit that 3 main drivers underlie LHD decisions to offer clinical services. First, a conflicting goal driver suggests that LHD leaders may view offering clinical services as conflicting with core public health functions, particularly when they have few resources.1,7 Performance of these functions by LHDs varies with jurisdiction-level sociodemographic factors, and LHD organizational and public health system attributes.15–18 Second, an assurance driver suggests that LHDs offer clinical services if leaders believe that residents lack access to care, that the LHD has important expertise in providing clinical services to vulnerable patient populations, and that LHDs should provide these services when these services are limited. Third, an entrepreneurial driver suggests that LHDs leverage revenue-generating clinical services to fund needed public health services.5,13,19 The 3 drivers are not mutually exclusive. For instance, an LHD may stop offering comprehensive primary care because of the conflicting goal driver, and simultaneously start offering tuberculosis screening because of the assurance driver.The drivers provide a framework for understanding LHD decisions about the provision of clinical services, elucidating how LHDs change their clinical service offerings in response to strategic and environmental changes. We explored how the 3 drivers relate to 2 decisions: (1) whether an LHD departs from the majority and the IOM recommendations and maintains or offers more clinical services over time (an adoption decision) and (2) conditional on the LHD’s decision to discontinue services, how many fewer clinical services to offer over time (a degree of discontinuation decision). Institutional theory suggests that conformity pressures lead organizations to become more similar in behavior over time,20 but others resist such pressures for strategic reasons.21 Thus, we expected that LHDs adopting clinical services over time (adopters) would do so for different reasons than LHDs following the norm of discontinuing clinical services over time (discontinuers), and that leaders at discontinuer LHDs deciding how many clinical services to discontinue may do so for yet other reasons. Because we compared LHDs that followed the norm of decreasing the number of clinical service offerings1,3,5,6 with those that departed from the norm, we defined adoption to include offering the same number of clinical services over time. Our focus on the number of clinical services does not mean that the actual mix of clinical services offered stayed the same across time.2,5 number of community clinical service providers, and Medicaid reimbursement levels. Public health system attributes measure the LHD jurisdiction’s delivery on core public health functions across 3 dimensions: differentiation, integration, and concentration. Differentiation indicates the jurisdiction’s emphasis on public health needs, with high differentiation indicating that the jurisdiction offers many core programs or services. Integration indicates how different organizations interact in providing these services, with high integration indicating that many partnering organizations offer these services. Concentration measures the LHD’s role, with high LHD concentration indicating that the LHD bears primary responsibility for offering these services. Mays et al.22 described these 3 dimensions in further detail.


Conceptual Model Describing the Conflicting Goal, Assurance, and Entrepreneurial Drivers and the Factor Categories Associated With Adoption and Degree of Discontinuation of Clinical Services by Local Health Departments
Factor CategoryConflicting GoalAssuranceEntrepreneurial
Public health system attributesa
 Differentiated systems+
 Integrated systems+
 LHD concentration++
LHD autonomy+
LHD resources+
Community need+
Specialized expertise in serving vulnerable populations+
Community clinical service providers+
Medicaid reimbursement levels
Types of servicesIncrease services consistent with core public health functions; decrease most services, except for those consistent with core public health functionsIncrease services such as maternity and immunizations, where LHDs have expertise; decrease services most likely offered by other clinical service providers, such as those Medicaid reimbursableIncrease services that are Medicaid reimbursable; decrease services consistent with core public health functions, because these LHDs view clinical services as instrumental to offering other functions
Open in a separate windowNote. LHD = local health department. The “+” indicates that we expect a positive relationship between the category and an LHD adopting services or discontinuing fewer services, based on the specified driver. For instance, the “+” for community need under the assurance driver indicates that the LHD may be more likely to adopt services in jurisdictions with higher need. The “–“ indicates that we expect a negative relationship between the category and an LHD adopting services or discontinuing fewer services, based on the specified driver. For instance, the “–“ for community clinical service providers under the assurance driver indicates that the LHD may be more likely to adopt services in jurisdictions with fewer community clinical service providers. The degree of discontinuation model shows discontinuer LHDs discontinuing more services, so for this model, the signs indicated in this table are reversed.aDelivery system attributes describe the public health system’s orientation on core public health activities. Differentiation measures the number of core programs or services delivered in the jurisdiction, with high differentiation indicating that the system offers many core activities. Integration measures the extent to which these services were offered by different organizations, with high integration indicating that there are many partnering organizations. LHD concentration measures the extent to which an LHD is primarily responsible for those services, with high LHD concentration indicating that the LHD bears primary responsibility. For more detail, please refer to Mays et al.22Under the conflicting goal driver, LHDs are more likely to adopt clinical services over time and discontinue fewer services over time if they operate in jurisdictions with low LHD concentration, because LHDs experience less conflict between performance of core public health functions and clinical services if they bear less responsibility for the former in the jurisdiction. In addition, the conflicting goal driver may lead to adoption by LHDs with less autonomy because LHDs may be required to offer certain services by a centralized state agency.5 Moreover, the conflicting goal driver of LHD adoption and discontinuation of clinical service is likely to dominate LHD decision-making when LHDs have more community clinical service providers available in their jurisdictions or when they operate in public health delivery systems with high integration of system partners (because LHDs contract or partner with these organizations to offer clinical services),1 and they have more LHD resources per capita.By contrast, under the assurance driver, LHDs are more likely to adopt clinical services over time or discontinue fewer services if they are in local public health delivery systems with low differentiation, low integration, and high LHD concentration because few other organizations ensure core public health services. In addition, the assurance driver may lead to adoption when LHDs have autonomy in decision-making related to the provision of clinical services and when they operate in jurisdictions with higher need by the community and vulnerable populations, but few community clinical service providers and lower Medicaid reimbursement levels.Finally, under the entrepreneurial driver, LHDs are more likely to adopt clinical services over time and to discontinue fewer services over time if they operate in public health delivery systems with high differentiation and high LHD concentration because these LHDs have more need for revenue than LHDs offering fewer core public health functions. These LHDs have lower per capita LHD resources because LHD leaders may find generating revenue by providing Medicaid-reimbursable services more attractive than LHDs that are well resourced.5,13,19 Furthermore, their jurisdictions have lower community need, fewer community clinical service providers, and lower Medicaid reimbursement levels because there are more competitors for Medicaid revenue than in jurisdictions with higher need, more community clinical service providers, and higher Medicaid reimbursement levels.3,5,11相似文献   
Bone is clearly a target of vitamin D and as expected, the vitamin D receptor (VDR) is expressed in osteoblasts. However, the presence of VDR in other cells such as osteocytes, osteoclasts, chondroclasts, and chondrocytes is uncertain. Because of difficulties in obtaining sections of undecalcified adult bone, identification of the site of VDR expression in adult bone tissue has been problematic. In addition, the antibodies to VDR used in previous studies lacked specificity, a property crucial for unambiguous conclusions. In the present study, VDR in the various cells from neonatal and adult mouse bone tissues was identified by a highly specific and sensitive immunohistochemistry method following bone decalcification with EGTA. For accurate evaluation of weak immunosignals, samples from Demay VDR knockout mice were used as negative control. Molecular markers were used to identify cell types. Our results showed that EGTA‐decalcification of bone tissue had no detectable effect on the immunoreactivity of VDR. VDR was found in osteoblasts and hypertrophic chondrocytes but not in the multinucleated osteoclasts, chondroclasts, and bone marrow stromal cells. Of interest is the finding that immature osteoblasts contain large amounts of VDR, whereas the levels are low or undetectable in mature osteoblasts including bone lining cells and osteocytes. Proliferating chondrocytes appear devoid of VDR, although low levels were found in the hypertrophic chondrocytes. These data demonstrate that osteoblasts and chondrocytes are major targets of 1α,25‐dihydroxyvitamin D, but osteoclasts and chondroclasts are minor targets or not at all. A high level of VDR was found in the immature osteoblasts located in the cancellous bone, indicating that they are major targets of 1α,25‐dihydroxyvitamin D. Thus, the immature osteoblasts are perhaps responsible for the vitamin D hormone signaling resulting in calcium mobilization and in osteogenesis. © 2014 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.  相似文献   
Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty (PTA) is a commonly performed procedure for hemodialysis vascular access dysfunction including thrombosis. While PTA is generally safe, balloon rupture during the procedure is a potential complication. Because such a rupture can cause damage to the blood vessel, indication of an imminent balloon rupture might help avoid such a complication. This analysis reports on six PTA procedures that were complicated by balloon rupture. All cases demonstrated terminal (caudal/cranial) cinch deformation. There was a loss of sharp terminal tapering and its replacement with banana silhouette before the balloon rupture. Importantly, the contour deformation and balloon rupture occurred at a pressure that was lower than the rated burst pressure. The cinch deformity can be used as an indication for impending balloon rupture. We suggest deflation of balloons that demonstrate shape deformations to avoid vascular injury.  相似文献   
The problem of maladaptive cultural traits is explored through the notion of adaptive psychological mechanisms. It is suggested that the theory of a specific conformity mechanism is plausible, supported by multidisciplinary data, and helpful in explaining the proliferation and persistence of human maladaptive behavior. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
We examined respiratory disease short-term disability claims submitted to the Mexican Social Security Institute during 2020. A total of 1,631,587 claims were submitted by 19.1 million insured workers. Cumulative incidence (8.5%) was 3.6 times higher than that for January 2015‒December-2019. Workers in healthcare, social assistance, self-service, and retail stores were disproportionately affected.  相似文献   
Muscle builders frequently consume protein supplements, but little is known about their effect on the gut microbiota. This study compared the gut microbiome and metabolome of self-identified muscle builders who did or did not report consuming a protein supplement. Twenty-two participants (14 males and 8 females) consumed a protein supplement (PS), and seventeen participants (12 males and 5 females) did not (No PS). Participants provided a fecal sample and completed a 24-h food recall (ASA24). The PS group consumed significantly more protein (118 ± 12 g No PS vs. 169 ± 18 g PS, p = 0.02). Fecal metabolome and microbiome were analyzed by using untargeted metabolomics and 16S rRNA gene sequencing, respectively. Metabolomic analysis identified distinct metabolic profiles driven by allantoin (VIP score = 2.85, PS 2.3-fold higher), a catabolic product of uric acid. High-protein diets contain large quantities of purines, which gut microbes degrade to uric acid and then allantoin. The bacteria order Lactobacillales was higher in the PS group (22.6 ± 49 No PS vs. 136.5 ± 38.1, PS (p = 0.007)), and this bacteria family facilitates purine absorption and uric acid decomposition. Bacterial genes associated with nucleotide metabolism pathways (p < 0.001) were more highly expressed in the No PS group. Both fecal metagenomic and metabolomic analyses revealed that the PS group’s higher protein intake impacted nitrogen metabolism, specifically altering nucleotide degradation.  相似文献   
Tumor cell invasion is one of the key processes during cancer progression, leading to life-threatening metastatic lesions in melanoma. As methylation of cancer-related genes plays a fundamental role during tumorigenesis and may lead to cellular plasticity which promotes invasion, our aim was to identify novel epigenetic markers on selected invasive melanoma cells. Using Illumina BeadChip assays and Affymetrix Human Gene 1.0 microarrays, we explored the DNA methylation landscape of selected invasive melanoma cells and examined the impact of DNA methylation on gene expression patterns. Our data revealed predominantly hypermethylated genes in the invasive cells affecting the neural crest differentiation pathway and regulation of the actin cytoskeleton. Integrative analysis of the methylation and gene expression profiles resulted in a cohort of hypermethylated genes (IL12RB2, LYPD6B, CHL1, SLC9A3, BAALC, FAM213A, SORCS1, GPR158, FBN1 and ADORA2B) with decreased expression. On the other hand, hypermethylation in the gene body of the EGFR and RBP4 genes was positively correlated with overexpression of the genes. We identified several methylation changes that can have role during melanoma progression, including hypermethylation of the promoter regions of the ARHGAP22 and NAV2 genes that are commonly altered in locally invasive primary melanomas as well as during metastasis. Interestingly, the down-regulation of the methylcytosine dioxygenase TET2 gene, which regulates DNA methylation, was associated with hypermethylated promoter region of the gene. This can probably lead to the observed global hypermethylation pattern of invasive cells and might be one of the key changes during the development of malignant melanoma cells.  相似文献   
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