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This study was performed to evaluate the surgical strategy in patients with calvarial tumours, in order to design and modify a robot-assisted trepanation system. A total of 75 patients underwent craniectomy for the treatment of calvarial tumours during the 10-year period from 1993 to 2002. The patients' complaints, the size, location and histology of the tumour, and the various cranioplasty techniques used were analysed retrospectively. In a second procedure several craniectomies at typical locations according to the study's results were performed in a laboratory setting using a hexapod robotic tool, constructed at the Helmholtz-Institute, RWTH Aachen University, and plastic model heads. The workflow was documented and the reproducibility and the accuracy of the procedure were registered. A total of 83 surgical procedures were performed on 75 patients. The majority (87 %) of lesions treated surgically were located in the frontal, temporal and anterior parts of the parietal region. Histological examination revealed benign lesions in 66 % of the patients and dural involvement in 46 %. According to these results craniectomies were performed using the robotic system. Mean positioning accuracy of the robotic system while milling was 0.24 mm, with a standard deviation of 0.04 mm, and maximum error under 1 mm. Craniectomies leaving a 1-mm layer of the tabula interna intact to ensure a healthy dura were performed in several regions successfully. The majority of calvarial tumours, requiring surgical treatment in our patients, were located in cosmetically relevant areas in which drilling can be carried out with the robotic trepanation system. Consequently, the surgical approach had to be planned carefully in order to achieve a good cosmetic outcome.  相似文献   
Consecutive patients (n = 215) who were referred to optometric (55%) or multidisciplinary (45%) low-vision services and above 50 years of age were recruited from four hospitals in the Netherlands. They completed two vision-related quality of life questionnaires, the Vision Quality of Life Core Measure (VCM1) and the Low Vision Quality of Life Questionnaire (LVQOL), before their first visit with low-vision services and 1 year later. At follow-up, patients referred to multidisciplinary low-vision services had lower scores on the mobility subscale of the LVQOL than patients referred to optometric low-vision services [5.3 points; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.2-10.5]. Paired sample t-tests for the two groups of patients taken together show improvement for the VCM1 (3.1 points; 95% CI: 0.6-5.6) and deterioration for the basic aspects of vision (3.5 points; 95% CI: 1.1-5.9) and the mobility (6.6 points; 95% CI: 3.7-9.5) subscales of the LVQOL. In conclusion, people referred to optometric services showed less deterioration in mobility than those referred to multidisciplinary services. No differences were observed for any of the other subscales of the LVQOL and the VCM1. Future research in this field should include randomized controlled designs comparing low-vision services with no treatment or placebo.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: A safe entry zone to tegmental lesions was identified based on intraoperative electrophysiological findings, the compound muscle action potentials (CMAP) from the extraocular muscles, and anatomic considerations. This entry zone is bordered caudally by the intramesencephalic path of the trochlear, laterally by the spinothalamic tract, and rostrally by the caudal margin of the brachium of the superior colliculus. METHODS: Four intrinsic midbrain lesions were operated upon via the safe entry zone using the infratentorial paramedian supracerebellar approach. All lesions involved the tegmentum and included an anaplastic astrocytoma, a metastatic brain tumor, a radiation necrosis, and a cavernous angioma. CMAP were bilaterally monitored from the inferior recti (for oculomotor function) and superior oblique (for trochlear nerve function) muscles. RESULTS: In three of four cases, CMAP related to the oculomotor nerve were obtained upon stimulation at the cavity wall after removal of the tumor. Stimulation at the surface of the quadrigeminal plate, however, did not cause any CMAP response. Using this monitoring as an indicator, the lesions were totally removed. CONCLUSIONS: In the surgery of tegmental lesions, CMAP monitoring from extraocular muscles is particularly helpful to prevent damage to crucial neural structures during removal of intrinsic lesions, but less so to select the site of the medullary incision. The approach via the lateral part of the colliculi is considered to be a safe route to approach the tegmental lesions.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: Surgical reduction and retention of apophyseal avulsion injuries at the medial epicondyle to prevent joint instability, lasting malalignment, or pseudarthrosis. INDICATIONS: Absolute: intraarticular apophyseal dislocation of the medial epicondyle, complete lesion of the ulnar nerve. Relative: dislocation of the apophysis (> 4 mm) in children > 5 years of age; the need for intervention increases in children as the degree of dislocation, age, and athletic activity increase. CONTRAINDICATIONS: Dislocation of the medial epicondyle (< or = 4 mm) in children < 5 years of age, provided the fragment location is not intraarticular. SURGICAL TECHNIQUE: Open reduction of the apophysis through a medial approach. Identification of the ulnar nerve. In young children or with small fragments fixation with Kirschner wire. Screw fixation in older children or for larger fragments. POSTOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT: Long upper-arm plaster cast until wound healing is achieved. Subsequently, upper-arm plaster cast for 3 weeks. Removal of Kirschner wires after 4-6 weeks, screw removal after 8-12 weeks. Physiotherapy only if marked reduction of elbow mobility is found 6 weeks after cast removal. RESULTS: From January 1, 1994 to December 31, 2003, 25 children with an average age of 12 years suffering from medial epicondylar avulsion fractures were operated on using open reduction and Kirschner wire fixation. An average of 3 years after the injury 14 of these children underwent follow-up examination using a procedure that took subjective, clinical and radiologic parameters into account. Two children showed a slight reduction in overall strength of the injured extremity when compared with the contralateral extremity. One child had a flexion deficit of 10 degrees, all other children showed movement limitations of < or = 5 degrees compared to the contralateral extremity. In all the cases available to follow-up, there was a slight increase in valgus alignment of the elbow joint compared with the uninjured side (3 degrees on average). All fractures consolidated within 6 weeks.  相似文献   
Mucosal trypsin, a protease-activated receptor (PAR) stimulant, may have an endogenous bronchoprotective role on airway smooth muscle. To test this possibility the effects of lumenal trypsin on airway tone in segments of pig bronchus were tested. Bronchial segments from pigs were mounted in an organ chamber containing Kreb's solution. Contractions were assessed from isovolumetric lumen pressure induced by acetylcholine (ACh) or carbachol added to the adventitia. Trypsin, added to the airway lumen (300 microg x mL(-1)), had no immediate effect on smooth muscle tone but suppressed ACh-induced contractions after 60 min, for at least 3 h. Synthetic activating peptides (AP) for PAR1, PAR2 or PAR3 were without effect, but PAR4 AP caused rapid, weak suppression of contractions. Lumenal thrombin was without effect and did not prevent the effects of trypsin. Effects of trypsin were reduced by N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester but not indomethacin. Trypsin, thrombin and PAR4 AP released prostaglandin E2. Adventitially, trypsin, thrombin and PAR4 AP (but not PAR2 AP) relaxed carbachol-toned airways after <3 min. The findings of this study show that trypsin causes delayed and persistent bronchoprotection by interacting with airway cells accessible from the lumen. The signalling mechanism may involve nitric oxide synthase but not prostanoids or protease-activated receptors.  相似文献   
AIMS: To examine the effects of agents that alter potassium adenosine triphosphate (KATP) channel activity in beta-cells on cognitive function and counterregulatory hormone responses during acute hypoglycaemia, given the physiological similarities between the pancreatic beta-cell and the hypothalamic glucose-sensitive neurones (GSN) and the widespread distribution of sulphonylurea receptors in neuronal cells throughout the brain. METHODS: Ten healthy males were studied on four occasions and in random order underwent three stepped hypoglycaemic (plasma glucose aims: 3.4, 2.8, 2.4 mmol/l) and one euglycaemic (plasma glucose aim: 5 mmol/l) insulin clamps. Prior to each hypoglycaemic study, volunteers received either 10 mg glibenclamide, or 5 mg/kg diazoxide or placebo orally. Cognitive function, symptom scores and counterregulatory hormone responses were measured at each glycaemic level. RESULTS: There was no statistically significant effect of either drug on the symptoms generated or the counterregulatory hormonal response during hypoglycaemia. However, cognitive function was better preserved during hypoglycaemia in the glibenclamide-treated arm, particularly four-choice reaction time which deteriorated at a plasma glucose 2.5 mmol/l compared with 3.0 mmol/l with diazoxide (P = 0.015) and 2.9 mmol/l with placebo (P = 0.114). CONCLUSIONS: Single doses of pharmacological agents which alter membrane KATP channel activity do not affect the counterregulatory response to hypoglycaemia but may modify cognitive function during cerebral glucopenia. The unexpected effects of glibenclamide on cortical function suggest a novel action of sulphonylureas that warrants further investigation.  相似文献   
To examine the prevalence of Internet sex networking among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Hong Kong and risk behaviors associated with the behavior, a telephone survey of 15,230 Hong Kong Chinese men aged 18-60 was conducted. Of the 283 active MSM (having engaged in some MSM behaviors in the last 6 months) identified, 17.7% had networked for MSM partners via the Internet in the last 6 months. Younger age (odds ratio [OR] for age < or = 25 vs. age >25 = 4.67, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 2.35-9.28) and being an anal-sex MSM (OR = 4.72, 95% CI=2.36-9.44) were independent predictors of Internet sex networking. Being an Internet sex networker was associated with some risk behaviors such as having contracted a sexually transmitted disease (adjusted OR = 4.79, 95% CI = 1.34-17.11), having had > or = 3 MSM partners (adjusted OR = 4.74, 95% CI = 2.20-10.23), and having engaged in anal sex (adjusted OR = 3.95, 95% CI = 1.89-8.23). HIV prevention programs for MSM should thereby include Internet-based interventions.  相似文献   
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