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Nursing homes are becoming increasingly involved with medical education, and the Veterans Administration (VA) has been particularly active in this movement. We conducted a system-wide survey of VA nursing home facilities to determine the degree to which they participate in medical and other professional training and the features associated with such training. Of the 116 VA nursing homes in 1987, 113 (97.4%) returned completed questionnaires. Compared to "standard" VA facilities (n = 85), "teaching" nursing homes (n = 28)--those in which physicians received at least 20 hours of training per capita annually--were significantly larger, admitted and discharged significantly more patients per occupied bed, and placed a significantly larger proportion of discharged patients in noninstitutional community settings. Care costs in the teaching nursing homes were slightly but not significantly higher, despite significant increases in levels of professional staffing and amounts of training activities in all disciplines. During the survey year, teaching nursing homes provided training experiences for 440 students, residents, and fellows in internal and rehabilitation medicine, as well as for 2,700 other health professionals. The growth of teaching nursing homes in the VA system appears to be associated with positive changes in the pattern of health-care delivery, and it is increasing the number of health-care professionals trained in long-term care.  相似文献   
The alterations in resident gut microbiota seen in chronic gastrointestinal disorders have led to an increasing interest in the role of gut bacteria in maintaining intestinal barrier function. While acute alterations in colonic secretomotor function in response to pathogens have been well described, the effect of commensal bacteria on intestinal barrier function and colonic secretomotor function still remains poorly understood. Germ‐free mice represent a model system to study effect of gut microbes on host gastrointestinal physiology. The study by Lomasney et al. represents an important step in this direction by demonstrating that the colonic secretomotor function is largely preserved in germ‐free mice, hence making them a suitable model to study effect of gut microbiota on host function.  相似文献   
Summary The aim of the present study was to determine if the relationship between myocardial O2 supply and O2 consumption was preserved after prolonged pressure overload due to aortic valve stenosis. This was examined in anesthetized open-chest dogs in which the aortic valve was plicated 6 months previously. We measured coronary blood flow with radioactive microspheres and regional small vessel O2 saturation with microspectrophotometry, to obtain O2 supply, and O2 consumption. Regional O2 consumption was calculated as the product of flow and O2 extraction. The left ventricular weight/body weight ratio was 81% greater in the dogs with aortic valve stenosis. There were no hemodynamic differences between the groups except that left ventricular systolic pressure was 38±22 mm Hg greater than aortic in the hypertrophied group. Coronary blood flow did not differ between the control and hypertrophied groups nor were there subepicardial vs subendocardial differences. When maximal coronary flow was determined with chromonar (10 mg/kg), the flow increase was significantly attenuated in the hypertrophied subendocardium (242.1±82.3 (hypertrophy) vs 512.4±204.1 ml·min–1·100 g–1 (control)). There were no significant differences in O2 extraction or O2 consumption/g between control and hypertrophied animals. There was a significantly lower O2 supply/consumption ratio in the subendocardium compared to the subepicardium of both groups. However, the O2 supply/consumption ratio was not decreased by hypertrophy. Thus, despite significant hypertrophy, a loss of flow reserve and a high left ventricular pressure, O2 supply/consumption balance is preserved in valvular aortic stenosis at rest.  相似文献   
ObjectiveTo date, very few publications have examined the health related quality of life (HRQL) in the younger population with menstrual problems, despite their high prevalence in adolescent girls. We describe the health-related quality of life (HRQL) among adolescents with menstrual problems and identified factors that have an impact on it.MethodsThe study was a questionnaire study (using PedsQL 4.0) of adolescents aged 13–18 referred to a tertiary gynecology center for menstrual problems between June 2009 and August 2010.ResultsOne hundred eighty-four adolescents completed the questionnaires. The mean age was 15.10 ± 1.49 with the mean body mass index (BMI) of 22.83 ± 4.82 kg/m2. The most common menstrual problems seen in the clinic were dysmenorrhea (38.6%) followed by heavy bleeding (33.6%), oligomenorrhea (19.6%), and amenorrhea (8.2%). The mean overall score was 70.40 ± 16.36 with 42.3% having a score below 1 standard deviation (SD) from the norms. Adolescents with dysmenorrhea had the poorest score in physical function, whereas those with amenorrhea had the lowest score in psychosocial function. Maternal parenting style, parental anxiety, adolescents' ill-health behavior, and BMI have been found to have impact on the girls' quality of life (QoL).ConclusionAlthough menstrual problems are not life threatening, they can pose a significant impact on the quality of life of these patients. Identification of these impacts might lead to the recognition of potential services or education to improve this. Understanding the characteristics that predict QoL may help a clinician identify patients who are risk for poor QoL.  相似文献   
Imaging spectrum in sclerotic myelomas: an experience of three cases   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Grover SB  Dhar A 《European radiology》2000,10(11):1828-1831
The classic radiographic presentation of multiple myeloma is lytic skeletal lesions. Primary sclerotic manifestations are rare and occur only in 3 % of cases. The imaging spectrum in three cases of multiple myeloma with primary osteosclerosis is described. The first patient had spiculated sclerosis of the orbit, which is an uncommon site for myeloma. The second patient with POEMS syndrome had multiple, scattered, skeletal lesions with sclerotic margins. The third patient presented with a chest wall mass and had an expansile thick spiculated sclerosis in the rib. The wide imaging spectrum possible in sclerotic myelomas and their relevant differential diagnosis is emphasized. Received: 14 March 2000; Accepted: 25 April 2000  相似文献   
Early Extubation following Cardiac Surgery in a Veterans Population   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Background: Early tracheal extubation is an important component of the "fast track" cardiac surgery pathway. Factors associated with time to extubation in the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) population are unknown. The authors determined associations of preoperative risk and intraoperative clinical process variables with time to extubation in this population.

Methods: Three hundred four consecutive patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft, valve surgery, or both on a fast track clinical pathway between October 1, 1993 and September 30, 1995 at a university-affiliated DVA medical center were studied retrospectively. After univariate screening of a battery of preoperative risk and intraoperative clinical process variables, stepwise logistic regression was used to determine associations with tracheal extubation 10 h (late) after surgery. Postoperative lengths of stay, complications, and 30-day and 6-month mortality rates were compared between the two groups.

Results: One hundred forty-six patients (48.3%) were extubated early; one patient required emergent reintubation (0.7%). Of the preoperative risk variables considered, only age (odds ratio, 1.80 per 10-yr increment) and preoperative intra-aortic balloon pump (odds ratio, 7.88) were multivariately associated with time to extubation (model R) ("late" association is indicated by an odds ratio >1.00; "early" association is indicated by an odds ratio <1.00). Entry of these risk variables into a second regression model, followed by univariately significant intraoperative clinical process variables, yielded the following associations (model R-P): age (odds ratio, 1.86 per 10-yr increment), sufentanil dose (odds ratio, 1.54 per 1-[micro sign]g/kg increment), major inotrope use (odds ratio, 5.73), platelet transfusion (odds ratio, 10.03), use of an arterial graft (odds ratio, 0.32), and fentanyl dose (odds ratio, 1.45 per 10-[micro sign]g/kg increment). Time of arrival in the intensive care unit after surgery was also significant (odds ratio, 1.42 per 1-h increment). Intraoperative clinical process variables added significantly to model performance (P < 0.001 by the likelihood ratio test).  相似文献   

Evaluation of behavioral impairment during epileptic seizures is critical for medical decision making, including accurate diagnosis, recommendations for driving, and presurgical evaluation. We investigated the quality of behavioral testing during inpatient video–electroencephalography (EEG) monitoring at an established epilepsy center, and introduce a technical innovation that may improve clinical care. We retrospectively reviewed video‐EEG data from 152 seizures in 33 adult or pediatric patients admitted for video‐EEG monitoring. Behavioral testing with questions or commands was performed in only 50% of seizures ictally, 73% of seizures postictally, and 80% with either ictal or postictal testing combined. Furthermore, the questions or commands were highly inconsistent and were performed by nonmedical personnel in about one fourth of cases. In an effort to improve this situation we developed and here introduce Automatic Responsiveness Testing in Epilepsy (ARTiE), a series of video‐recorded behavioral tasks automatically triggered to play in the patient's room by computerized seizure detection. In initial technical testing using prerecorded or live video‐EEG data we found that ARTiE is initiated reliably by automatic seizure detection. With additional clinical testing we hope that ARTiE will succeed in providing comprehensive and reliable behavioral evaluation during seizures for people with epilepsy to greatly improve their clinical care.  相似文献   
Background  Treatment adherence is influenced by factors like illness and patient characteristics, side effects, time taken to improve and the doctor-patient relationship. One of the important patient characteristic which has been reported to influence treatment adherence is their attitudes and beliefs towards medication. Methodology  50 subjects of first episode unipolar depression (except for severe depression with psychotic symptoms), aged 18–50 years, duration of depression of more than 1 month, with no comorbid psychiatric disorders and comorbid medical illnesses were assessed twice. At first intake, antidepressant compliance questionnaire (ADCQ) was administered. Second intake was done after 3 months for assessment of treatment adherence by using the questionnaire for assessment of treatment adherence. Results  On component-1 of ADCQ (doctor-patient relationship), 92% agreed that doctor gave sufficient time to listen to their problem, explained the causes of depression sufficiently, felt confident that antidepressants are suitable treatment of their depression. On component-2 (preserved autonomy), most (88%) subjects believed that antidepressants are difficult to stop when taken over a long period of time and can alter patient’s personality. On component-3 (positive beliefs on anti-depressants), 72% of the subjects felt, fewer tablets could be taken on days one feels better. On component-4 (partner agreement), 96% of subjects reported their partner’s positive attitude towards diagnosis and treatment. At the time of second assessment, majority of the subjects (88%) missed the antidepressant medication on less than 25% days in the last 3 months whereas only 4% of the subjects missed antidepressants for more than 75% of the days. Thirty eight percent of the subjects dropped out of the follow up at 3 months of first assessment. Conclusion  Most of the patients value the doctor—patient relationship & their partners are also supportive regarding diagnosis and treatment of depression. However, most patients have erroneous beliefs regarding antidepressants per se which in turn influence the drug compliance.  相似文献   
The association of apolipoprotein E (ApoE) gene polymorphism with Alzheimer's disease (AD) has been reported in several populations including one from a rural community in North India. However, the association of ApoE polymorphism with vascular dementia (VaD) is yet to be established in this population. In a case-control study involving 54 cases of dementia (29 AD and 25 VaD) and 76 age-matched healthy controls, the frequency of epsilon4 allele was significantly higher among cases of AD and VaD compared with controls (p < 0.001). The epsilon3epsilon3 (p < 0.05) and epsilon2epsilon3 (p < 0.001) genotypes were found to be protective. The odds of developing AD or VaD were 4.4 and 3.7 times higher, respectively, in the presence of even a single epsilon4 allele. Our results suggest that the increased risk of developing AD or VaD is similar among Asian Indians with ApoE epsilon4 compared with the Caucasian population.  相似文献   
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