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a)  With the development of imaging techniques, more and more imaging examination methods, including conventional radiography, arthrography, digital subtraction arthrography, CT and MRI, could be used in TMD clinics. In the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of TMD, imaging diagnosis is very important and necessary. However, the clinician should individually choose the most suitable imaging examination method for TMD patients with different conditions.
b)  Different imaging changes of condyle and disc of patients with TMD were described in this study. The mechanism of joint click and of chronic microtrauma in the joints of patients with TMD was also discussed.
c)  The pathologic findings of the condyle and meniscus from patients with TMD were degenerative changes according to our previous research using light and electronic microscopic investigations.
目的:快速、准确的建立与人舌癌及癌前病变发生相似的动物模型。方法:0.001%和0.002%四硝基喹啉-1-氧化物(4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide,4NQO)饮水喂养Balb/c小鼠16~28周,肉眼及组织学观察癌变全过程。结果:随4NQO作用时间和观察时间的延长,小鼠舌黏膜相继出现白色斑块、红白相间斑块、乳头状新生物、溃疡等改变。饮用0.001% 4NQO 16周后的小鼠50.0%小鼠舌背黏膜表现为轻度异常增生,45.0%为中度异常增生,5.0%为重度异常增生;20周后5.0%为轻度异常增生,60.0%为中度异常增生,30.0%为重度异常增生,5.0%为原位癌;24周后50.0%为中度异常增生,40.0%为重度异常增生,10.0%为原位癌;饮用0.002%4NQO16、20、24、28周停药观察至40周的小鼠,舌癌的发生率分别为10%、25%、37.5%、45.5%,未见远处转移。结论:4NQO饮水法诱发小鼠舌癌及癌前病变生长缓慢、潜伏期长,致癌过程和组织病理学特征与人相似,方法简便;0.001%是诱发小鼠舌癌前病变的理想浓度,0.002%是诱发小鼠舌癌的理想浓度。  相似文献   
Digital subtraction arthrography and arthrofluoroscopic dynamic observation were performed for seventy cases with TMJ dysfunction syndrome. A comparative study between the findings of digital subtraction arthrography and the operative findings was carried out for eleven cases who underwent surgery. It has been found that digital subtraction arthrography can overcome the disadvantages of conventional arthrography and has important diagnostic value for TMJ dysfunction syndrome, especially for disc perforation. In addition. The procedure of digital subtraction arthrography, the normal and abnormal manifestations of digital subtraction arthrograms were described in the present study.  相似文献   
表面陶瓷化钛种植体与骨组织结合的界面表征及机制探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:通过对种植体-骨组织界面表征的研究,评价和分析新型表面陶瓷化钛种植体(Bio-Ti implant)的骨结合情况及机制.方法:制作犬下颌牙列部分缺损模型,设计制作相应的钛种植体,经过表面陶瓷化处理后,植入犬下颌骨,分别于3、6、12周处死动物,利用SEM对种植体表面矿物质沉积情况进行观察,同时分析其元素组成,对种植体-骨组织整体标本纵向界面进行元素线性扫描分析.采用未经表面处理的相同类型纯钛种植体作为对照.结果:Bio-Ti种植体周围新生类骨组织在3周时已有较多沉积,且与种植体结合较牢固,对少部分骨组织脱落处进行电镜观察及元素分析,种植体表面结构发生改建并且ca、P含量明显上升,微孔内及周围可以看到颗粒状类骨质沉积物.线扫描及面扫描结果显示,从骨组织过渡到种植体的微观区域的ca、P元素并未发生突变,提示两者之间磷酸钙成分的互相渗透与结合.结论:新型Bio-Ti表面陶瓷化纯钛种植体可以诱导体内类骨质早期沉积,与骨组织发生紧密结合,并显著缩短骨结合时间.  相似文献   
目的利用三维有限元模型研究种植体螺纹的旋转角度和密度对种植体初期稳定性的影响。方法建立即刻负载的5种种植体三维有限元模型(0.8mm、1.6mm和2.4mm螺距单螺纹种植体以及双螺纹和三螺纹种植体),进行垂直和水平加载,分析5种种植体颈部和根部的相对位移。结果在3种不同螺距的单螺纹种植体中,垂直加载时0.8mm螺距单螺纹种植体颈部和根部的综合相对位移最小(分别为1.600μm和1.199μm),2.4mm螺距单螺纹种植体颈部和根部的综合相对位移最大(分别为2.451μm和2.019μm);在螺纹密度相同、旋转角度不同的3种种植体中,0.8mm螺距单螺纹种植体颈部和根部的综合相对位移最小,三螺纹种植体颈部和根部的综合相对位移最大(分别为1.994μm和1.602μm);在螺纹旋转角度相同、密度不同的种植体中,双螺纹种植体颈部和根部的综合相对位移(分别为1.913μm和1.495μm)均比1.6mm螺距单螺纹种植体(分别为2.412μm和1.799μm)小,三螺纹种植体颈部和根部的综合相对位移均比2.4mm螺距单螺纹种植体小。结论随着种植体螺纹螺距的增加,种植体对抗垂直载荷的能力减弱;随着种植体螺纹旋转角度的增加,种植体对抗垂直载荷的能力减弱;随着种植体螺纹密度增加,种植体对抗垂直载荷的能力增加。  相似文献   
Measuring Beliefs about Orthodontic Treatment: A Questionnaire Approach   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Objectives : Few studies have examined what parents and orthodontists expect from and value about orthodontic treatment. In this study, we designed and tested a questionnaire to outline what drives consumer demand for children's orthodontic care. Further, we present data from the questionnaire to illustrate how expectations and values pertaining to orthodontic treatment relate to sociodemographic variables. Methods : Subjects were 220 Pennsylvania orthodontists and 220 parents at a university orthodontic clinic who were administered a questionnaire designed to assess what parents and orthodontists value about and expect from orthodontic treatment. Items for the questionnaire were developed via a qualitative, telephone interview process. Data were analyzed using factor analysis and reliability analysis for scale development, and analysis of variance for preliminary validity assessment. Results : Through factor analysis, the questionnaire was reduced from 84 to 52 items, and eight scales were examined: expected treatment benefits, expected treatment risks (short- and long-term), expected treatment inconveniences, value of treatment benefits, value of risks (short- and long-term), and value of treatment inconveniences. For parents, the reliability for all scales was in the acceptable range. For orthodontists, only the “short-term risks” scale failed to attain an acceptable reliability. Preliminary validity was assessed through examining relationships between demographic variables and subscale scores. For parents, income, father's education level, and sex of respondent were related to treatment expectations and values. For orthodontists, age, sex, and patient volume were related to treatment values. Conclusions : The questionnaire developed in the present study was found to be practical and reliable for use with providers and consumers of orthodontic care and can be used to explore factors affecting the demand for orthodontic care. Implications of possible unrealistic treatment expectations on the part of orthodontists and parents also are discussed.  相似文献   
Purpose Reduced cement film thicknesses can improve crown seating and decrease marginal discrepancies. Improved marginal adaptation has the potential to reduce plaque accumulation, periodontal disease, and cement dissolution. Studies have indicated that dynamic seating methods can reduce seating discrepancies associated with zinc phosphate and resin cements. However, other types of cements and other dynamic techniques have not yet been studied or compared, nor has the mechanism for improved seating been fully explained. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a variety of loading methods on the film thicknesses of current types of crown and fixed partial denture cements compressed between glass plates. Materials and Methods This study investigated the effect of three dynamic loading methods on film thickness of six representative fixed prosthodontic cements. These included zinc phosphate, resin-modified glass ionomer, encapsulated glass ionomer, adhesive composite resin, composite resin, and polycarboxylate. The method was derived from American Dental Association specifications for cement film thickness. In control groups, the cements were placed between two glass plates and statically loaded with a 15-kg weight. The test groups were initially similarly loaded, and then for 30 seconds further subjected to simulated repeated patient opening and closing, vibrations from an electromallet, or an ultrasonic device. Results Mean film thicknesses ranged from 7.4 μm for polycarboxylate/ultrasound up to 40.3 μm for composite resin/static. Two-way analysis of variance revealed that the effects of material type and cementation method and their interaction all significantly affected film thickness (P < .0001). Multiple range analysis showed that dynamic methods were generally superior to static loading and that the ultrasonic method was the best overall. Conclusions The different dynamic loading methods all significantly decreased cement film thicknesses between glass plates. The ultrasonic method was the most effective. The type of cement used also influenced film thickness. Composite resins were more affected than other materials.  相似文献   
目的本文对应用自体骨髓干细胞移植引导组织再生的动物实验的观察进行评价。方法6只成年狗,实验组,对照组各18颗牙。分别在每条狗抽取骨髓1ml,在实验室内进行原代骨髓干细胞培养,培养液为内含15%小牛血清(FCS)和0.5%青-链霉素抗生素的a-MEM培养液。第1代细胞转移到18块大小为6×2mm2胶原膜上,约每张胶原膜上1×107个细胞,培养24小时后相差显微镜下观察细胞在膜上附着情况。在人工制造的牙周缺损中进行体外培养的自体骨髓干细胞移植结合GTR方法(实验组)和单纯GTR方法(对照组)。在6周后切片行牙周组织学观察。结果实验组新生牙槽骨新生牙周膜组织及新生牙骨质的修复再生的效果明显好于对照组(P<0.05),形成了的牙周结构,只是引导再生的牙周组织基本恢复到正常的牙周组织高度。实验组牙槽骨再生高度平均为4.50±0.13mm;对照组为3.09±0.28mm。结论应用自体骨髓干细胞移植结合e-pTFE膜引导牙周组织再生可促进牙周组织的再生、加快正常骨结构组织的建立并缩短修复再生时间。  相似文献   
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