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Vitale  Giovanni  Dicitore  Alessandra  Barrea  Luigi  Sbardella  Emilia  Razzore  Paola  Campione  Severo  Faggiano  Antongiulio  Colao  Annamaria  Albertelli  Manuela  Altieri  Barbara  Bottiglieri  Filomena  De Cicco  Federica  Di Molfetta  Sergio  Fanciulli  Giuseppe  Feola  Tiziana  Ferone  Diego  Ferraù  Francesco  Gallo  Marco  Giannetta  Elisa  Grillo  Federica  Grossrubatscher  Erika  Guadagno  Elia  Guarnotta  Valentina  Isidori  Andrea M.  Lania  Andrea  Lenzi  Andrea  Calzo  Fabio Lo  Malandrino  Pasquale  Messina  Erika  Modica  Roberta  Muscogiuri  Giovanna  Pes  Luca  Pizza  Genoveffa  Pofi  Riccardo  Puliani  Giulia  Rainone  Carmen  Rizza  Laura  Rubino  Manila  Ruggieri  Rosa Maria  Sesti  Franz  Venneri  Mary Anna  Zatelli  Maria Chiara 《Reviews in endocrine & metabolic disorders》2021,22(3):511-525

Gut microbiota is represented by different microorganisms that colonize the intestinal tract, mostly the large intestine, such as bacteria, fungi, archaea and viruses. The gut microbial balance has a key role in several functions. It modulates the host’s metabolism, maintains the gut barrier integrity, participates in the xenobiotics and drug metabolism, and acts as protection against gastro-intestinal pathogens through the host’s immune system modulation. The impaired gut microbiota, called dysbiosis, may be the result of an imbalance in this equilibrium and is linked with different diseases, including cancer. While most of the studies have focused on the association between microbiota and gastrointestinal adenocarcinomas, very little is known about gastroenteropancreatic (GEP) neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs). In this review, we provide an overview concerning the complex interplay between gut microbiota and GEP NENs, focusing on the potential role in tumorigenesis and progression in these tumors.

Anorchia, or the "vanishing testis syndrome," is characterized by the absence of testis in a 46,XY individual with a male phenotype. The etiology is unknown; however, the familial occurrence of the disease and the association of this phenotype with 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis has led to the suggestion that genetic factors, which play a role in testicular determination, may be involved. Alternatively, exploratory laparoscopy has suggested that anorchia may be caused by a prenatal testicular vascular accident associated with torsion during testicular descent. We screened a cohort of 14 boys with bilateral anorchia for mutations in the Y chromosome-linked testis-determining gene SRY (sex-determining region, Y chromosome); in the gene necessary for correct testicular descent, INSL3; and in the gene of its receptor (LGR8). Mutations in the INSL3 gene and the LGR8 T222P mutation are known to cause cryptorchidism. We confirmed previous reports that mutations in the SRY gene are not associated with anorchia. Although a common polymorphism was identified in the INSL3 gene, no mutations were observed. The recurrent T222P mutation in the LGR8 gene was not found in any of the patients. These data show for the first time a lack of association between genetic factors necessary for correct testicular descent and anorchia.  相似文献   


This study was conducted to prospectively investigate the interobserver reproducibility of controlled attenuation parameter (CAP) measurements and the relationship among the CAP and body mass index (BMI), gender and age.


Consecutive subjects were studied using the M+ probe of the FibroScan device (Echosens, Paris, France). Measurements were performed by two raters (rater1 and rater2). Interobserver agreement was assessed by using the concordance correlation coefficient (CCC). The Pearson r coefficient was used to test correlation between two study variables, and linear regression was used for the multivariate model.


Three hundred fifty-one subjects (227 males and 124 females) were prospectively studied. The CCC was 0.82 (95 % CI 0.78–0.85) overall, 0.80 (95 % CI 0.75–0.85) for BMI <25 kg/m2, 0.76 (95 % CI 0.69–0.84) for BMI 25–29 kg/m2 and 0.65 (95 % CI 0.41–0.88) for BMI ≥30 kg/m2. The CCC was 0.44 (95 % CI 0.31–0.56) for CAP values ≤240 dB/m and 0.72 (95 % CI 0.65–0.79) for CAP values >240 dB/m. In univariate analysis, age and BMI by gender were correlated with the CAP. Multiple regression analysis confirmed the relationship of the CAP with age and BMI, but not with gender.


The results of this study show that the interreader agreement in CAP measurement is good. In healthy volunteers, the CAP is strongly correlated with age and BMI.  相似文献   
According to current European Alteplase license, therapeutic-window for intravenous (IV) thrombolysis in acute ischemic stroke has recently been extended to 4.5 h after symptoms onset. However, due to numerous contraindications, the portion of patients eligible for treatment still remains limited. Early neurological status after thrombolysis could identify more faithfully the impact of off-label Alteplase use that long-term functional outcome. We aimed to identify the impact of off-label thrombolysis and each off-label criterion on early clinical outcomes compared with the current European Alteplase license. We conducted an analysis on prospectively collected data of 500 consecutive thrombolysed patients. The primary outcome measures included major neurological improvement (NIHSS score decrease of ≤8 points from baseline or NIHSS score of 0) and neurological deterioration (NIHSS score increase of ≥4 points from baseline or death) at 24 h. We estimated the independent effect of off-label thrombolysis and each off-label criterion by calculating the odds ratio (OR) with 2-sided 95 % confidence interval (CI) for each outcome measure. As the reference, we used patients fully adhering to the current European Alteplase license. 237 (47.4 %) patients were treated with IV thrombolysis beyond the current European Alteplase license. We did not find significant differences between off- and on-label thrombolysis on early clinical outcomes. No off-label criteria were associated with decreased rate of major neurological improvement compared with on-label thrombolysis. History of stroke and concomitant diabetes was the only off-label criterion associated with increased rate of neurological deterioration (OR 5.84, 95 % CI 1.61–21.19; p = 0.024). Off-label thrombolysis may be less effective at 24 h than on-label Alteplase use in patients with previous stroke and concomitant diabetes. Instead, the impact of other off-label criteria on early clinical outcomes was not different compared with current European Alteplase license.  相似文献   
First-generation drug-eluting stents (DES) have been associated with impaired localized coronary vasomotion and delayed endothelialization. We aimed to compare coronary vasomotion after implantation of a newer-generation everolimus-eluting stent (EES), with a first-generation paclitaxel-eluting stent (PES). Coronary vasomotion was studied in 19 patients with EES and 13 with PES. Vasomotor response was measured proximally and distally to the stent and in a remote vessel (reference segment). Quantitative coronary angiography was performed offline. Endothelium independent vasomotion did not differ significantly between the two groups. EES showed significant vasodilatation while PES showed vasoconstriction at both proximal (+4.5?±?3.6 vs ?4.2?±?6.9, p?<?0.001) and distal (+4.6?±?7.9 vs ?4.8?±?9.3, p?=?0.003) segments. The reference segment did not show any significant difference in vasodilatation between the two groups (+9.8?±?6.4 vs +7.2?±?5.2, p?=?0.17). Endothelium-dependent vasomotion at adjacent stent segments is relatively preserved after EES implantation while vasoconstriction was observed after PES implantation.  相似文献   
We report a 12-year-old patient with Patau syndrome, in whom two cell lines were present from birth, one with total trisomy 13 due to isochromosome (13q), and one with partial trisomy 13. A cytogenetic re-evaluation at 9 years of age brought to light in skin fibroblasts a third cell line, partially monosomic for chromosome 13. The derivatives (13) present in the three cell lines were characterized through fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) experiments with suitable probes; the results suggested a sequence of rearrangements which beginning from an isochromosome (13q) could have led to the other two derivatives. We report the clinical data at birth and at the age of 12; at this age pigmentary lesions with phylloid pattern were noted. Cytogenetic findings of the chromosomal analyses on different tissues, including skin fibroblasts from differently pigmented areas, are also reported.  相似文献   
AIMS: There is evidence that plasma coenzyme Q(10) (CoQ(10)) levels decrease in patients with advanced chronic heart failure (CHF). However, it is not known whether oral CoQ(10) supplementation may improve cardiocirculatory efficiency and endothelial function in patients with CHF. METHODS AND RESULTS: We studied 23 patients in NYHA class II and III (20 men, three women, mean age 59+/-9 years) with stable CHF secondary to ischaemic heart disease [ejection fraction 37+/-7%], using a double-blind, placebo-controlled cross-over design. Patients were assigned to each of the following treatments: oral CoQ(10) (100 mg tid), CoQ(10) plus supervised exercise training (ET) (60% of peak VO(2), five times a week), placebo, and placebo plus ET. Each phase lasted 4 weeks. Both peak VO(2) and endothelium-dependent dilation of the brachial artery (EDDBA) improved significantly after CoQ(10) and after ET as compared with placebo. CoQ(10) main effect was: peak VO(2)+9%, EDDBA +38%, systolic wall thickening score index (SWTI) -12%; ET produced comparable effects. CoQ(10) supplementation resulted in a four-fold increase in plasma CoQ(10) level, whereas the combination with ET further increased it. No side effects were reported with CoQ(10). CONCLUSIONS: Oral CoQ(10) improves functional capacity, endothelial function, and LV contractility in CHF without any side effects. The combination of CoQ(10) and ET resulted in higher plasma CoQ(10) levels and more pronounced effects on all the abovementioned parameters. However, significant synergistic effect of CoQ(10) with ET was observed only for peak SWTI suggesting that ET amplifies the already described effect of CoQ(10) on contractility of dysfunctional myocardium.  相似文献   
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