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Adult mosquitoes of the Anopheles quadrimaculatus complex were collected from Montgomery County, AL (MON) and Alachua County, FL, (KBG) and laboratory stocks of species A and B were established through a selection procedure employing isofemale lines. Progeny from a cross of species B females to ORL males were usually semisterile females and sterile males. Progeny of the reciprocal cross were also semisterile females and sterile males, but the sex ratio was variable and ranged from normal to no males because of male mortality during the pupal stage. Conspecific crosses between strains from the two locations resulted in fertile offspring. Crosses between the sibling species from the two locations invariably gave semisterile females and sterile males (or lethal effects). This evidence confirmed previous data from hybridization and electrophoretic analyses of field populations indicating that Anopheles quadrimaculatus is a species complex.  相似文献   
Progressive peripheral cone dysfunction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 22-year-old man had a three-year history of progressive day blindness, most notably peripherally, and denied difficulty with central vision or color vision. Visual function studies demonstrated a diffuse dysfunction of the photopic system and normal scotopic function. The central cone function, however, was essentially normal. Visual acuity was 20/20 in each eye, results on AO-HRR and Ishihara color plate testing were normal, color naming visual fields demonstrated color discrimination in the central 10 degrees, and foveal adaptation was normal.  相似文献   
Clinicopathologic correlation of pigmented epiretinal membranes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We performed clinicopathologic correlation on ten surgically removed pigmented epiretinal membranes causing macular pucker. All cases occurred in eyes with existing retinal holes or tears, including eight cases of macular pucker after previous retinal detachment. These cases probably represented a limited form of proliferative vitreoretinopathy. All membranes contained pigment epithelial cells with polarity, basement membrane, and melanosomes. Cytoplasmic melanin granules accounted for the clinical feature of pigmentation in these eyes.  相似文献   
Two models of hot water washer disinfectors (Decomat 128 and Hospital A, Euroclean Canada Inc; Ontario, Canada) were evaluated by two methods for their efficacy in disinfecting anesthesia equipment. In the first method, three different microbial suspensions were each sealed into 30 capillary tubes. In the second method, corrugated anesthesia tubes were rinsed with suspensions of each of two bacterial strains. The tubes then underwent a standard cycle in the hot water washer disinfectors and were subsequently tested for growth of microorganisms. All experiments were repeated three times, and the temperature was registered in all cases. In the capillary test, growth was rarely detected (13/540 tubes) and the inactivation factor for both apparatus was greater than 5 log10. In the rinse test, no growth was detected. The mean temperature for 15 disinfection cycles was 84.2 +/- 0.8 degrees C for Decomat 128 and 88.9 +/- 0.5 degrees C for Hospital A. However, for Decomat 128 we observed a variation of 3 degrees C from one disinfection cycle to another and a progressive reduction of 2.2 degrees C over a series of five consecutive complete cycles. Both methods gave reproducible results. Under our experimental conditions, both hot water washer disinfectors proved to be efficacious for the disinfection of reusable anesthesia equipment.  相似文献   
Immunopathologic study of Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
We studied an enucleated eye from a patient with a 30-year history of Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome using both conventional and immunohistochemical techniques. Clinically, the eye was in the end stage of Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome, and was characterized by the absence of inflammation, large areas of chorioretinal scarring, and pigmentary changes. Histopathologic examination showed marked retinal gliosis, extensive chorioretinal adhesion and scar formation, migration of pigment into the retina, and severe retinal pigment epithelial changes. However, foci of mild to moderate nongranulomatous inflammation of the uvea were observed. These foci contained infiltrating cells that were mainly T lymphocytes with B lymphocyte aggregates at the center. Scattered macrophages were also noted in the uvea and retina. These findings suggest that both the cell-mediated and humoral immune arms may play roles in the pathogenesis of Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome.  相似文献   
1 Within the context of neural regulation of the activity of sinus node pacemaker cells, the study of heart rate variability, as explored in the frequency domain by spectral analysis, was proposed about 15 years ago as a quantitative tool for the evaluation of short-term autonomic cardiovascular control. It has since been postulated that the two main oscillations observed, one at low and the other at high frequency, may respectively be markers of sympathetic vs. vagal efferent cardiac activity, and that the low- and high-frequency signals may reflect a reciprocal or ‘push–pull’ relationship between sympathetic and parasympathetic control. 2 In our power spectra assessment, ECG R–R intervals were submitted to fast Fourier transformation analysis in order to study the mechanisms underlying the control of heart beats in rats. Data were acquired in conditions of steady arterial blood pressure and cardiac and respiratory activity (spontaneous or artificially stimulated) in diethyl-ether-anaesthetized and pithed rats, as well as in a group of control rats, all in the presence and absence of l-hyoscyamine. 3 With increasing doses of the parasympathetic antagonist, the fractal dimension of the time-series structure remained stable in most cases. The low-frequency spectral component narrowed with increasing drug doses and the high-frequency band underwent either no, or only very slight, changes. 4 In these rodent assays, the low- and high-frequency signals cannot be interpreted as a push–pull relationship between sympathetic and parasympathetic control.  相似文献   
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