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BACKGROUND: The muscular system of the jaw and face is characterized by highly differential dynamics due to its strong presence within the motoric region of the cerebral cortex. Abnormal activity of the masticatory or mimic muscular system, whether acquired or congenital, leads to aesthetic and/or functional impairments for the patient. Subsequently, pathological changes of the tissue structure caused by persistent dysfunction can entail chronic pain and progressive aesthetic reduction can induce psychopathological conditions in a patient. OPERATIVE THERAPY: Inherently, surgical techniques for the treatment of muscular imbalances are inadequately differentiated, resulting in the destruction of nerve and muscular structures and are thus irreversible. PHARMACEUTICAL THERAPY: Use of botulinum toxin A can achieve short-term correction of muscular activities with very few side effects if applied in an accurate and controlled manner. This survey presents both established treatments as well as newly developed applications in craniomaxillofacial surgery: (1) the treatment of dysfunctions of the masticatory muscular system, (2) the correction of marked imbalances of the mimic muscular system resulting from surgical treatment, (3) the therapy of salivary gland-associated malfunctions, such as hypersalivation or Frey's syndrome, (4) aesthetic corrections with botulinum toxin A as a single therapy or in combination with collagen injections, (5) EMG-controlled injection of botulinum toxin A as an alternative to surgical treatment of recurrent dislocation of the TMJ, (6) prophylaxis to prevent relapse after mandibular advancement by EMG-controlled paralysis of the geniohyoid muscles.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: Inpatients with major depressive illness often have coexistent nonaffective psychiatric and/or medical conditions. The authors' objective is to address the following questions: 1) What is the effect of comorbid illness on the severity of major depression and associated psychosocial factors? 2) How does the course of depression differ for patients with and without concurrent illness? 3) Do patients with compound depression differ in rate of recovery and time to recovery from patients with pure depression? METHOD: The subjects were 78 patients with a DSM-III diagnosis of major depression who were consecutively admitted to an acute care university-affiliated psychiatric hospital; 37 of these patients had major depression only and 41 had major depression compounded by a coexisting axis I, II, or III condition. The patients were studied while hospitalized and for 12 months after hospital discharge. Instruments used included the Modified Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, the Global Assessment Scale, and the Social Readjustment Rating Scale. RESULTS: Patients with compound depression reported significantly poorer functioning over the 12-month follow-up period and had lower recovery rates than the patients with pure depression. There were no differences in recovery rates between men and women with compound depression, but significantly more men than women with pure depression recovered. CONCLUSIONS: Compound depression is a common clinical occurrence, the course of illness is more difficult for patients with compound depression than for patients with pure depression, and the recovery rate of patients with compound depression is lower than that of patients with pure depression.  相似文献   
Plasmas from 16 patients that were found to be positive both for anticardiolipin antibodies (ACA) and lupus anticoagulants (LA) were incubated with liposomes that contained anionic phospholipids. In 11 of these plasmas, ACA could be cosedimented with the liposomes in a dose-dependent manner, whereas LA activity of the remaining supernatant was unaffected. LA activity of purified total IgG from 6 patients was measured in three different coagulation tests, using normal plasmas from different species. Prolongation of the aPTT, KCT and dRVV clotting times was observed only with normal plasma from human origin, not with bovine, rat or sheep plasma. Highly purified coagulation factors Xa, Va and prothrombin, both of human and bovine origin, were used to establish for two patient IgG's the effect of LA on the rate of thrombin formation in the presence and absence of lipid vesicles composed of 20 mole% phosphatidylserine and 80 mole% phosphatidylcholine. A strong and dose dependent inhibition by LA was observed only when human prothrombin was used as substrate in the prothrombinase complex in the presence of lipids. No inhibition was found when bovine prothrombin was used as substrate. The inhibitory effect observed in the presence of human prothrombin was independent of the source of factors Xa and Va, and was not found in the absence of lipid. Preliminary binding studies suggest that LA only associate with a lipid surface, provided that human prothrombin and calcium ions are present. These data indicate that LA are not directed to phospholipids alone, but presumably recognize an epitope which becomes exposed upon Ca(2+)-mediated binding of human prothrombin to phospholipids.  相似文献   
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