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食虫目中的鼩鼱科是一个比较大的科,在长期以来的卫生防病工作中一直很重视这个类群,因为它与啮齿类(老鼠)在传病意义上相同,但是,长期以来许多口岸卫生检疫部门将捕获的鼩鼱一律称之为臭鼩鼱,实际是错误的。鉴于此,并于2006年10月对浙江省嘉兴地区的平湖市邬桥进行了调查采集,所获得之鼩鼱科动物,经过反复严谨的鉴定,确认全部为大麝鼩,此次发现为浙江省首次报道(见表1、图1、图2)。 相似文献
目的 :探讨肝郁的病理实质及其与下丘脑—垂体—性腺系统功能紊乱———排卵障碍之间的相关性。方法 :选择原发性不孕症患者 70例 ,正常已产妇女 19例作对照 ,以肝郁病理积分、性激素检测为指标。结果 :1.不孕症患者肝郁积分及肝郁分级均显著高于对照组 (P <0 .0 1)。 2 .月经周期第 10天 ,肝郁 3级E2 较 0级、2级显著降低 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;肝郁分级与性激素间无相关性 ;而PRL与E2 、P、P/E2 呈负相关 (P <0 .0 5~P <0 .0 1) ;PRL与LH、LH/FSH呈正相关 (P <0 .0 5 )。 3.月经周期第2 0天 ,肝郁 1级、3级LH较 0级显著降低 (P <0 .0 1) ;肝郁 3级P较 0级、2级显著增高 ;肝郁 3级PRL较 0级、2级显著升高(P <0 .0 5 ) ;肝郁分级与PRL呈正相关 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,PRL与LH/FSH呈正相关 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 :“肝为生殖之枢” ,肝郁是不孕症的重要病理环节 ,肝郁———下丘脑—垂体—性腺系统功能紊乱———排卵障碍之间可能存在轴性相关 相似文献
本文着重对应用日本全硅双腔气囊小肠导管行SBE检查的技术方法、小肠造影的正常表现,以气体或0.5%甲基纤维素溶液作为对比剂优缺点等问题进行阐述和讨论。84例检查结果表明,SBE检查不失为一种安全、准确的检查方法。 相似文献
Transforminggrowthfactor β (TGF β)isamul tifunctionalhomodimeric polypeptide ,whichmaycausecellcyclearrest ,terminaldifferentiation ,orapoptosisandactsasanegativegrowthregulatorinmostnormalepithelialandendothelialcelltypes ,whereasmostmalignantcelllines… 相似文献
Effects of extract of Ginkgo biloba with venlafaxine on brain injury in a rat model of depression 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
Background Recent studies have indicated that chronic stress may give rise to brain damage,which is related to the genesis of depression. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of extract of Ginkgo biloba (EGb) and venlafaxine on depression. Methods Rats were treated with chronic and comprehensive stress to create a depression model. Immunohistochemistry was used to detect the expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the hippocampal CA3 neurons of rats treated with different drugs. Behavioral changes of these rats were also examined.Results The expression of BDNF in the hippocampal CA3 neurons of the depression model decreased with a reduction in exploring behavior and a significant increase in fecal production. The expression of neuron nitricoxide synthase (nNOS) protein also increased in the rats compared to normal controls. The rats treated with EGb and venlafaxine showed an increase in expression of BDNF and exploring behavior compared to untreated rats, but a decrease in nNOS and fecal production. Conclusions Rats sustain damage to the brain after being subjected to chronic and comprehensive stress. Our research has indicated that combined EGb with venlafaxine enhances the protection of neurons and decreases damage to the brain, while relieving the side effects of synthetic antidepressants. 相似文献
Three dimensional finite element analysis of acetabulum loaded by static stress and its biomechanical significance 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Objective:To explore the mechanical behavior of acetabulum loaded by static stress and provide the mechanical basis for clinical analysis and judgement on acetabular mechanical distribution and effect of static stress. Methods:By means of computer simulation, acetabular three dimensional model was input into three dimensional finite element analysis software ANSYS7.0. The acetabular mechanical behavior was calculated and the main stress value, stress distribution and acetabular unit displacement in the direction of main stress were analyzed when anterior wall of acetabulum and acetabular crest were loaded by 1 000 N static stress. Results :When acetabular anterior wall loaded by X direction and Z direction composition force, the stress passed along 4 directions: (1)from acetabular anterior wall to pubic symphysis along superior branch of pubis firstly, (2)from acetabular anterior wall to cacroiliac joint along pelvic ring, (3)in the acetabulum, (4)from the suffered point to ischium. When acetabular crest loaded by X direction and Y direction composition force, the stress transmitted to 4 directions: (1)from acetabular crest to ilium firstly, (2)from suffered point to cacroiliac joint along pelvic ring, (3) in the acetabulum , (4)along the pubic branch, but no stress transmitted to the ischium branch. Conclusion:Analyzing the stress distribution of acetabulum and units displacement when static stress loaded can provide internal fixation point for acetabular fracture treatment and help understand the stress distribution of acetabulum. 相似文献
Myxoma is the most common type of primary tumours of the heart in adults. Majority of these myxomas are found in the left atrium, followed by the right atrium and ventricles. We describe herein a patient who had a left atrial myxoma with interesting investigational results. 相似文献
目的 探讨老年股骨颈骨折护理实施综合护理和功能锻炼对患者愈合和康复的影响.方法 通过对103例患者的护理,总结出老年股骨颈骨折的具体护理方法.结果 患者出院后一年随访,80%功能良好,疼痛消失,15%为一般,活动时轻微疼痛,5%较差,需拐杖辅助行走.结论 制定有效的护理措施和功能锻炼是减少患者卧床时间,预防并发症,恢复肢体功能,促进康复的重要保证. 相似文献