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Human African trypanosomiasis, caused by Trypanosoma brucei (T.b.) gambiense or rhodesiense, evolves in two stages: haemolymphatic stage and meningo-encephalitic stages, the latter featuring numerous neurological disorders. In experimental models infected with diverse T.b. sub-species, body weight (BW) loss, drop in food intake (FI), and hypo-activity after an asymptomatic period suggest the occurrence of a similar two-stage organization. In addition to daily measurement of BW and FI, body core temperature (T(co)) and spontaneous activity (SA) were recorded by telemetry in T.b. brucei-infected rats. After a 10--12-day symptom-free period, a complex clinical syndrome occurred suddenly. If the animal survived the access, the syndrome re-occurred at approximately 5-day intervals until death. The syndrome was made of a drop in FI and BW, a sharp decrease in T(co) and a loss of SA, suggesting a brisk alteration of the central nervous system functioning. Such events confirm the existence of a two-stage disease development in experimental trypanosomiasis. The entry into the second stage is marked by the occurrence of the first access, BW follow-up being essential and often sufficient its determination.  相似文献   
In humans, some evidence suggests that there are two different types of spindles during sleep, which differ by their scalp topography and possibly some aspects of their regulation. To test for the existence of two different spindle types, we characterized the activity associated with slow (11-13 Hz) and fast (13-15 Hz) spindles, identified as discrete events during non-rapid eye movement sleep, in non-sleep-deprived human volunteers, using simultaneous electroencephalography and functional MRI. An activation pattern common to both spindle types involved the thalami, paralimbic areas (anterior cingulate and insular cortices), and superior temporal gyri. No thalamic difference was detected in the direct comparison between slow and fast spindles although some thalamic areas were preferentially activated in relation to either spindle type. Beyond the common activation pattern, the increases in cortical activity differed significantly between the two spindle types. Slow spindles were associated with increased activity in the superior frontal gyrus. In contrast, fast spindles recruited a set of cortical regions involved in sensorimotor processing, as well as the mesial frontal cortex and hippocampus. The recruitment of partially segregated cortical networks for slow and fast spindles further supports the existence of two spindle types during human non-rapid eye movement sleep, with potentially different functional significance.  相似文献   
Significant paravalvular regurgitation (PVR) remains a relatively frequent (4% to 9%) and deleterious complication of transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), even with the latest generation of bioprosthesis. Although mini-invasive TAVR without general anesthesia or transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is progressively becoming the predominant approach, identification and grading of PVR in the catheterization laboratory remain an important and challenging clinical issue. The authors discuss how a recently reported blood biomarker reflecting the von Willebrand factor activity, that is, the closure time with adenosine diphosphate, can be successfully applied during the TAVR procedure to detect and monitor PVR in real time, with an excellent negative predictive value. This point-of-care testing performed directly in the catheterization laboratory may improve the diagnosis of PVR and rationalize the decision of whether or not to perform corrective measures. They further discuss how such a test could be a substitute for the multimodal approach combining TEE, hemodynamics, and cine-angiography, and help to secure the transition to the mini-invasive approach and facilitate the expanding indications of less invasive procedures to lower-risk patients without jeopardizing procedural and clinical outcomes.  相似文献   
Acute painless paraparesis due to bilateral femoral artery occlusion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Acute peripheral arterial occlusion is a medical emergency manifesting with pain, pallor, absence of pulse, paralysis, and paresthesia. Neurological deficits have occasionally been described as the presenting symptoms of acute arterial ischemia. We report a patient with acute bilateral occlusion of the femoral arteries and an underlying severe atherosclerotic aorto-iliac disease who presented with acute painless paraplegia and anesthesia in the lower extremities. The patient underwent arterial thrombectomy of the right and left femoral artery, followed by angioplasty and stent insertion of the right and left common iliac artery within 5 h from the onset of his symptoms. Subsequent physical therapy resulted in rapid improvement in the strength of his lower extremities and the patient was able to walk unaided after two weeks.  相似文献   
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