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Levels of the soluble form of the triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells (sTREM)-1 are elevated in severe sepsis. However, it is not known whether sTREM-1 measurements can distinguish milder bacterial infections from noninfectious inflammation. The present authors studied whether serum sTREM-1 levels differ in community-acquired pneumonia, exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma and controls, and whether sTREM-1 may be used as a surrogate marker for the need for antibiotics. Serum sTREM-1 levels in 150 patients with pneumonia, COPD and asthma exacerbations and 62 healthy controls were measured. Serum sTREM-1 levels were significantly elevated in pneumonia (median 295.2 ng x mL(-1)), COPD (280.3 ng x mL(-1)) and asthma exacerbations (184.0 ng x mL(-1)) compared with controls (83.1 ng x mL(-1)). Levels were higher in pneumonia and Anthonisen type 1 COPD exacerbations than in type 2 and 3 COPD and asthma exacerbations. The area under the receiver operating characteristics curve for sTREM-1 as a surrogate marker for the need for antibiotics was 0.77. Serum levels of the soluble form of the triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 were elevated predominantly in pneumonia and Anthonisen type 1 COPD exacerbations versus type 2 and 3 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations, asthma and controls. Serum levels of the soluble form of the triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 has moderate but insufficient accuracy as a surrogate marker for the need for antibiotics in lower respiratory tract infections.  相似文献   
Ninety-seven inpatients with tardive dyskinesia (average AIMS score = 13), the majority of whom were schizophrenic, were studied. Forty patients were Caucasian, and 57 were African-American. The APOE genotypes of these patients were compared to previously published genotypes of controls and with previously published studies of APOE genotypes in patients with schizophrenia. There were no significant differences in APOE allele frequencies comparing the African-American tardive dyskinesia population and the African-American control groups. In contrast, significant (< 0.05) P values were obtained comparing the Caucasian tardive dyskinesia population to the Caucasian controls, when comparing allele frequencies and genotypic frequencies. This study suggests that Caucasians bearing an APOE2 allele are at increased risk of developing tardive dyskinesia, whereas African-Americans are not. APOE genotype-specific risks of both tardive dyskinesia and Alzheimer's disease that vary across populations could be due to recruitment of patients or controls or could be due to modifying effects of differing genetic or environmental backgrounds. The mechanism by which the APOE2 allele increases risk of tardive dyskinesia is not known. Further information about the mechanisms of increased risk of tardive dyskinesia could result in stratification of prescribing practices weighing the costs of medications against the relative risk of side effects.  相似文献   
The precise molecular cause of insulin resistance has not yet been elucidated. Resistance to the normal action of insulin contributes to the pathogenesis of a number of common human disorders, including type 1 (insulin-dependent) and type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and the Metabolic Syndrome X, thus constituting a major public health problem. A disease program aimed at combating this disorder should focus on the identification of targets for therapeutic intervention which may overcome insulin resistance and hence the associated metabolic consequences characteristic of the Metabolic Syndrome. Although the primary defect in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes is unknown, genetic and environmental factors are likely to contribute to the manifestation of this progressive metabolic disorder, which is usually not clinically apparent until mid-life. Defects at the level of glucose uptake/phosphorylation characterize insulin resistance in skeletal muscle of type 2 diabetic patients. Identification of putative components of the insulin receptor-signaling pathway may offer insights into mechanisms involved in insulin resistance. Enhanced flux of free fatty acids due to impaired lipid metabolism may contribute to impaired insulin secretion and peripheral insulin resistance. Genes regulating lipolysis are prime candidates for susceptibility towards the metabolic syndrome. Here we describe pathways constituting complex interactions that control glucose homeostasis. We will be considering (1) regulation of glucose uptake by the insulin receptor signaling pathway, and (2) control of adipogenesis and insulin sensitivity by the sterol response element binding protein (SREBP) pathway.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Three dimensional skin equivalents are widely used in dermatopharmacological and toxicological studies and as autologous transplants in wound healing. In pharmacology, there is tremendous need for monitoring the response of engineered skin equivalents to external treatment. Transplantation of skin equivalents for wound healing requires careful verification of their quality prior to transplantation. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a non-contact, non-destructive imaging technique for living tissues offering the potential to fulfill these needs. This work presents an analysis of OCT for high-resolution monitoring of skin equivalents at different stages during the culture process. METHODS: We developed a high-resolution OCT imaging setup based on a commercially available OCT system. A broadband femtosecond laser light source replaces the original superluminescence diode. Tomograms of living skin equivalents were recorded with an axial resolution of 3 mum and correlated with histology and immunofluorescence images. Comparison with standard low-resolution OCT is presented to emphasize the advantages of high-resolution OCT for this application. RESULTS: OCT is particularly able to distinguish between different layers of skin equivalents including stratum corneum, epidermal and dermal layer as well as the basement membrane zone. The high-resolution OCT scans correlate closely with two key benchmarks, histology and immunofluorescence imaging. CONCLUSIONS: This study clearly demonstrates the benefits of high-resolution OCT for identifying living tissue structure and morphology. Compared with the current gold standard histology, OCT offers non-destructive tissue imaging, enabling high-resolution evaluation of living tissue morphology and structure as it evolves.  相似文献   
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