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Toxic Shock Syndrome is an acute multisystemic disease, characterized by high fever, hypotension and involvment of the skin and mucous membrane, associated with multisystem dysfunction. It is a rare condition in the paediatric population. We describe a newborn child with asphyxia and meconium aspiration, who developed a temperature of ≥38.9°C, severe hypotension and rash with desquamation, associated with evidence of coagulopathy and renal and muscular dysfunction. Strict CDC criteria of toxic shock syndrome were fulfilled in our patient, with all major criteria verified. These criteria have never been validated in neonates, but in this case some symptoms favour a diagnosis of toxic shock syndrome since they are not associated with birth asphyxia, viral intrauterine infection or other disease. We believe a probable intrapartum transmission occurred through ingestion or aspiration of contaminated amniotic fluid. The patient described in this report is, to our knowledge, one of the youngest described to fulfil all of the strict CDC criteria for Toxic Shock Syndrome.  相似文献   
对胡椒属(Piper Ruizet Pavon)植物中的木脂素类化合物精细立体结构与生物活性进行研究。选择该类化合物三种骨架的3个化合物进行了X衍射单晶结构分析,获得其立体结构参数;应用分子图形学,分子力学等诸方法,获得3种骨架中的9个分子的自由态下立体结构数据;并以已有的药理(血小板活化因子拮抗活性)实验数据为基础进行结构与活性分析。  相似文献   
The records of 63 consecutive fresh water immersion patients seen from 1969 to 1978 were examined retrospectively to evaluate those factors most relevant to the patients' eventual outcome. Nineteen patients had hematuria on admission, all 19 had complicated courses or died as a result of their immersion. Nine of the 63 patients had plasma hemoglobin concentrations of 30 mg/dl or above. Five of the nine died as a result of their immersion. The remaining four developed Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome but survived. All other parameters measured seemed to have little effect on the prognosis. An elevation of PCO2 on admission seemed difficult to evaluate but might in certain circumstances suggest an ominous prognosis.  相似文献   
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