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It is well known that perimetric findings fluctuate within a single examination. There is additional fluctuation between perimetric examinations. The cause of this fluctuation is not yet fully understood, but such things as changes in attention, patient cooperation, or drugs have been discussed. To study such possible factors, we carried out perimetry on subjects who had consumed alcohol and who had not. The results indicate that alcohol, at a blood concentration of approximately 0.08%, barely influences the results of static automated perimetry. Differential light sensitivity remained unchanged by alcohol at all eccentricities tested. A decrease in the ability to cooperate was manifested by a significant higher score of false-positives in catch trials. There was also a tendency toward an increase in false-negative responses in catch trials, an increase in the number of stimuli presentations required, and higher short-term fluctuation. Lack of the influence of alcohol on the differential light threshold does not necessarily mean that alcohol has no influence on visual function. It indicates, however, that differential light sensitivity, as measured with the automated perimeter Octopus, is not influenced by moderate alcohol ingestion.  相似文献   
We examined the relationships between the relaxation mediated by beta-adrenoceptor and either the associated cyclic AMP production or the activation of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (A-PK) in canine saphenous and portal veins. In the saphenous vein constricted with methoxamine, isoproterenol caused concentration-dependent relaxation (maximum relaxation 92.7%), and concomitant increases in cyclic AMP and A-PK activity ratio (from 52.8 to 73.5%). The portal vein was only slightly relaxed by isoproterenol (14.7% in the longitudinal strips) after constriction with methoxamine, while cyclic AMP and A-PK activation increased significantly. Isoproterenol markedly activated A-PK of the portal vein after KCl constriction (from 52.6 to 74.6%) but the maximum relaxation was only slight (13.3%). The portal vein also showed a smaller relaxation response to either forskolin or dibutyryl cyclic AMP than the saphenous vein. These results indicated that the relationship between the relaxation response to isoproterenol and either cyclic AMP production or A-PK activation was different in the saphenous and portal veins.  相似文献   
Input-output (I/O) functions of hearing aids were measured in response to a 2000-Hz tone burst, having 0.5 ms rise/fall time and 10 ms duration. I/O functions, measured with a hearing-aid analyzer, served as reference conditions. Hearing-aid outputs at onset and during the steady-state portion of the waveform differed; these differences often depended upon stimulus rate. The relation between onset and steady-state estimates of output were not always predictable from hearing-aid attack and release times. These findings indicate that the steady-state output limitation characteristics of hearing aids cannot be estimated from their onset responses. In turn, this suggests that ABR measurements may not provide accurate estimates of the compressive characteristics of hearing aids.  相似文献   
The incidence of AIDS among blacks and Hispanics   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Compared with whites, the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) has affected blacks and Hispanics disproportionately. The cumulative incidence (CI) for black men was 2.6, and for Hispanic men 2.5, times the rate for white men. Intravenous (IV) needle use alone does not account for this difference. Not counting IV needle-using cases, the CIs for black and Hispanic men were 1.7 times the CI for white men. Although there were fewer cases in women than men, the white-to-minority disparity was greater for women. The CIs for black and Hispanic women were 12.2 and 8.5 times, respectively, the CI for white women. Prevention programs are urgently needed and should focus on risky behavior (IV needle sharing and receptive anal intercourse), not just risk groups.  相似文献   
Although silicones, as a class, are nontoxic in animal and tissue studies, implanted silicone prostheses and medical devices are associated with various local and systemic host inflammatory reactions. They also have been associated with a form of autoimmune disease. To test the hypothesis that silicones may evoke an immunologically mediated inflammatory reaction, 10 guinea pigs were stimulated for 1 month with intraperitoneal injections of sterile medical-grade silicone oil admixed with homologous serum and complete Freund's adjuvant. Ten controls were stimulated with saline. Four additional animals were passively sensitized with splenic homogenates from four sensitized animals. Intradermal antigenic challenges consisted of silicone-homologous serum, pure silicone, saline-homologous serum, and purified protein derivative. Cutaneous reaction patterns were graded grossly and microscopically. Silicone-serum and purified protein derivative antigens evoked three to four times greater palpable lesions in all 10 actively and all 4 passively sensitized animals at approximately 24 h compared to controls. Biopsies showed a moderate to marked lymphocytic infiltrate. Control sites and naive animals showed only edema at the challenge sites. The data suggest that silicone-protein complexes are potentially immunogenic.  相似文献   
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