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Arterial and lymphatic supply of the knee integuments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The surgical approach to the anterior knee region carries a risk for postoperative integument infection and skin necrosis. A hypothesis is that surgical approach may damage integumental blood supply and additionally the lymphatic drainage from the foot and leg. The goal of this study was to describe the arteries and lymphatics directly affected by the antero-medial approach. Injection of the femoral a. was used to identify the femoral and popliteal aa. and their branches distributed to the integument of the anterior, medial and lateral aspects of the knee. Lymphatic injection into the plantar aspect of the first toe was also performed to identify the subdermal lymphatics traversing the area. Our results showed that most of the blood supply arises from the medial aspect of the knee integuments. However, subcutaneous arterial anastomoses provide a significant blood-supply when there is interruption of the medial vessels as seen in the medial surgical approach to the knee. Most of the lymphatic drainage originating from the foot crosses the knee region on the medial side, opposite or below the tibial tuberosity. Because the subdermal arterial network is well-developed, the medial approach for knee surgery does not endanger the anterior knee integuments as long as the lateral vascular supply is preserved. However, this approach may interrupt the lymphatic circulation, particularly in the case of an extended incision, which could explain postoperative edema and an increased rate of wound infection.
Vascularisation artérielle et lymphatique des téguments du genou
Résumé L'abord chirurgical du genou présente un risque d'infection post-opératoire et de nécrose cutanée. Une hypothèse serait que la voie d'abord peut détruire la vascularisation artérielle et lymphatique qui draine la jambe et le pied. Le but de notre étude était de décrire la circulation artérielle et lymphatique impliquée dans la voie d'abord antéromédiale du genou. Des injections ont été utilisées pour identifier les aa. fémorale et poplitée et leurs branches qui se distribuent aux téguments de la région médiale et latérale du genou. Des injections lymphatiques ont été également utilisées pour localiser le réseau subdermique lymphatique de la région du genou. Nos résultats montrent que la majorité de l'apport artériel des téguments du genou provient de la partie médiale. Des anastomoses sub-cutanées entre les systèmes artériels latéral et médial permettent un apport artériel suffisant pour les téguments en cas d'interruption de l'apport médial. La plupart des vaisseaux lymphatiques provenant du pied et de la cheville croisent la région dorsale du pied de dehors en dedans à une distance variable de la tubérosité tibiale. Du fait du bon développement du réseau artériel sub-cutané, la voie d'abord médiale ne présente pas de risque de nécrose des téguments de la face antérieure du genou tant que l'apport latéral est préservé. Toutefois, elle peut être responsable de l'interruption des conduits lymphatiques, en particulier lorsque l'incision s'étend vers le bas, exposant aux lésions des collecteurs lymphatiques, ce qui expliquerait un dème post-opératoire et un taux accru d'infection.
傅菊芳  戴月娥  李蕊 《医学争鸣》2000,21(10):1199-1199
1 临床资料 患者 ,女 ,6 1岁 ,1999- 0 6 - 0 3日确诊为急性红白血病 (M6 ) .先后 4次住院 ,鉴定血型均为 O型 . 2 0 0 0 - 0 1- 2 2日复诊 ,正反鉴定表明 ,患者红细胞与抗 - B不凝集 ,与抗 - A凝集 ,血清中有抗 - B抗体 (表 1) ,吸收释放试验证实为 A型 (表2 ) .输 A型浓缩红细胞 2 μ,无不良反应 .表 1 血型正反鉴定试剂血清试剂红细胞标本抗 A 抗 B 抗 A+ B Ac Bc Oc被检红细胞 2 + -3+ ---自身血清 -3+ -表 2 吸收、放散试验被检 RBC吸收抗血清后上清被检 RBC吸收抗血清后释放液试剂细胞抗 A修正液抗 B修正液抗 A修正液抗…  相似文献   
综合疗法治愈狼疮性急性肾衰1例   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
杨洁  孙脊峰 《医学争鸣》2000,21(4):398-398
1 病例报告 患者 ,女 ,6 0岁 ,因反复发热 2 5 a、全身性关节疼痛 2 3 a,双下肢水肿 2 mo,腹胀、尿少 1mo,于 1998- 10 - 2 0入院 .1975年患者出现发热 ,全身关节疼痛 ,四肢关节周围皮肤出现结节性红斑 ,触之疼痛 ,多次化验血沉 115 mm· h- 1 ,抗核抗体阴性 ,类风湿因子阳性 ,未找到狼疮细胞 ,诊断为“类风湿性关节炎”.1986年因上述症状复发再次入我院 ,多次检查后发现血抗核抗体 ( ) ,抗双链 DNA抗体 ( ) ,临床确诊为系统性红斑狼疮 (SL E) ,狼疮性肝炎 ,狼疮性胸膜炎 ,狼疮性肺炎 .经治疗好转 ,但上述症状反复发作 .此次上述症状复…  相似文献   
Food allergy, synonymous with food hypersensitivity (FHS), is defined as an immunologically-mediated adverse reaction to food. Initiation of FHS could result from a break in the immune mucosal barrier with abrogation of oral tolerance. Food hypersensitivity is mostly due to immediate-type reaction involving IgE-dependent mastocytes activation. Changes in intestinal function and structure have been mainly studies in an animal model of rat sensitized to egg albumin. Intraluminal antigen challenge resulted in abnormalities of gut absorption, secretion and motility in sensitized rats. In man, experimental data are scarce. Gastrointestinal manifestations of immediate FHS are varying and unspecific. A role for FHS in irritable bowel syndrome is debated. Participation of delayed-type FHS to digestive diseases is still questionable, but eosinophilic gastroenteritis might be an example. In clinical practice, diagnosis of FHS demands rigorous criteria. Double blind placebo-controlled food challenge has eventually proved to be the "gold standard" test for FHS diagnosis.  相似文献   
Summary Abstinence signs were precipitated in rats by naloxone (1 mg·kg-1 s.c.) injected at various times (from 1.5 to 16 h) after a single dose of morphine hydrochloride (15 or 50 mg·kg-1 s.c.) administered incaqueous solution. Increasing the dose of morphine increased the latency of the phenomena and the duration of the underlying state shifts of signs as described by Bläsig et al. (1974) in chronically morphinized rats also occurred when increasing the dose of morphine and the time interval between the injections of morphine and of naloxone. Naltrexone and diprenorphine were also effective. These three antagonists, given before morphine, were able to prevent precipitated abstinence: however, naloxone was almost ineffective when the higher dose of morphine was used and when the time interval was long. In these latter conditions, naltrexone was definitely more effective and longer acting and diprenorphine still more so. The same characteristics were found for the protective action of the three antagonists in acutely morphinized mice and the same order for their potencies in precipitating abstinence in acutely morphinized mice. Like naloxone, naltrexone and diprenorphine facilitated a nociceptive reaction in normal mice.The abstinence signs precipitated in acutely morphinized rats or mice are probably not unmasked excitatory effects of morphine as such effects should have been increased rather than inhibited by previous administration of specific antagonists; they might correspond to potentiated effects of the antagonists themselves. The prevention by specific antagonists of the abstinence syndrome is most simply interpreted by antagonism (direct or indirect) of dependence induction, but other interpretations are not excluded.
BACKGROUND: Boys and young men with hemophilia treated with factor infusions before 1985 had a substantial risk of acquiring the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. This study was designed to assess the effects of HIV and hemophilia per se on neurological function in a large cohort of subjects with hemophilia, and to investigate the relationships between neurological disease and death during follow-up. METHODS: Three hundred thirty-three boys and young men (207 HIV seropositive and 126 HIV seronegative) were evaluated longitudinally in a multicenter, multidisciplinary study. Neurological history and examination were conducted at baseline and annually for 4 years. The relationship between neurological variables, HIV serostatus, CD4+ cell counts, and vital status at the conclusion of the study was examined using logistic regression models. RESULTS: The risks of nonhemophilia-associated muscle atrophy, behavior change, and gait disturbance increased with time in immune compromised HIV-seropositive subjects compared with HIV seronegative or immunologically stable HIV-seropositive subjects. The risk of behavior change in immune compromised HIV-seropositive hemophiliacs, for example, rose to 60% by year 4 versus 10% to 17% for the other study groups. Forty-five subjects (13.5%), all of whom were HIV seropositive, died by year 4. Subjects who died had had increased risks of hyperreflexia, nonhemophilia-associated muscle atrophy, and behavior change. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that immune compromised, HIV-seropositive hemophiliacs have high rates of neurological abnormalities over time and that neurological abnormalities were common among subjects who later died. By contrast, immunologically stable HIV-seropositive subjects did not differ from the HIV-seronegative participants. Hemophilia per se was associated with progressive abnormalities of gait, coordination, and motor function.  相似文献   
Dermoid tumours in children usually occur in two locations: at the anterior fontanelle and on the occipital squama. An exceptional site of origin for a posterior fossa dermoid cyst is the extradural space. There are only six previous cases of this situation reported in the literature. A series of 103 subscalp and calvarial masses in children were reviewed and three children are reported with extradural dermoids of the posterior fossa, which communicated with the skin through midline occipital dermal sinuses. All three children were seen after the rapid growth or the formation of an abscess in a previously noted occipital subcutaneous mass present since birth. Although computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging showed the dermal sinus and the intracranial tumour, these studies were unable to ascertain the intradural or extradural nature of the tumours, their exact origin only being established at operation. Histopathological study showed preclinical signs of infection in the two patients that had not yet formed an abscess. It is suggested that early neurosurgical treatment of these neoplasms should be done to prevent the development of severe intracranial infection. The previously reported simplicity of surgical removal of occipital extradural dermoids was not confirmed in this series.  相似文献   
目的:观察视神经损伤动物模型在损伤后和不同时期视神经管减压后视觉诱发电位的变化,了解创伤性视神经损伤的手术时机与疗效的关系。方法:实验于2005-03/05在解放军南京军区南京总医院动物实验中心完成。①实验分组:30只新西兰白兔随机分为正常对照组、术后2d减压组、术后7d减压组、术后14d减压组、术后不减压组,每组6只。②造模:除正常对照组外,其余各组在视神经孔中塞入一细端为2mm直径的圆锥软硅胶,阻塞视神经孔,造成视神经的挤压伤。③指标检测:采用图形翻转视觉诱发电位检测损伤前、损伤后1h、减压前1h、减压后2周视功能变化,记录NPN曲线主波(P波)的绝对潜伏期、绝对波幅。正常对照组仅采集一组数据作为对照。结果:30只实验动物均进入结果分析。①正常对照组家兔图形翻转视觉诱发电位检查均引出典型NPN波型曲线,视神经挤压伤后1hNPN波形低阔扁平,P波潜伏期延长,波幅降低。②P波潜伏期:术后2d减压组减压后短于减压前[(71.25±8.51),(86.47±14.28)ms,P<0.05];术后7d减压组减压前后比较差异无显著性(P>0.05);术后14d减压组减压后明显长于减压前[(158.73±15.16),(116.35±17.13)ms,P<0.05]。术后2d减压组和术后7d减压组短于术后不减压组(P<0.01)。术后7,14d减压组和术后不减压组明显长于正常对照组(P<0.01)。③P波波幅:术后2d减压组减压后高于减压前[(5.25±0.78),(4.42±0.42)μV,P<0.05]。术后2d减压组减压后低于术后7d减压组、术后14d减压组(P<0.01),术后14d减压组低于术后7d减压组(P<0.05);术后7d减压组、术后14d减压组、术后不减压组低于正常对照组(P<0.01)。结论:神经元继发性损伤是视功能进行性下降的重要原因,视神经减压术有利于减轻视神经间接损伤,较早期(损伤后48h以内)减压可阻止轴突继发性损伤,避免视功能进一步下降,并在一定程度上逆转视功能的损害。  相似文献   
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