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排序方式: 共有394条查询结果,搜索用时 15 毫秒
Objective: To investigate the expression and the clinical significance of basic fibroblast growth factor (b‐FGF) and endostatin in osteosarcoma. Methods: From January 2003 to December 2005, expression of b‐FGF, endostatin and CD34 were detected in 30 osteosarcoma and 30 osteochondroma tissue specimens by the immunohistochemical Elivision method. All data were post‐processed with SPSS 13.0 software and prepared for investigation and analysis of these expressions and the relationships between the parameters. Results: (i) The rates of expression of b‐FGF, endostatin and CD34 protein in osteosarcoma were 76.7%, 93.3%, and 96.7%, respectively, and in osteochondroma 43.3%, 40.0% and 16.7%, respectively. Each of the three expressions showed obvious differences between the osteosarcoma and the osteochondroma group. (ii) In the osteosarcoma group, expression of endostatin was positively correlated with that of CD34 (P < 0.05, γs = 0.528), and expression of endostatin in poorly differentiated osteosarcoma was much greater than that in highly differentiated osteosarcoma (P= 0.004). Expression of endostatin correlated with osteosarcoma metastasis (P= 0.036). (iii) There was no correlation between b‐FGF and endostatin expression rates (P= 0.182) in the osteosarcoma group. Conclusion: Angiogenesis is the basis of tumor metastasis, as well as being an important factor in tumor growth. Expression of endostatin could be adopted as a parameter for the diagnosis of postoperative metastases and for assessing prognosis, and could act as an adjuvant indicator in the grading of osteosarcoma.  相似文献   
HIV-1 Gag、Tat、Rev和Nef蛋白特异性的免疫应答   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨中国HIV/AIDS患者HIV—1 Gag、Tat、Rev和Nef蛋白特异性CTL应答的特征。方法:应用覆盖HIV-1 B、C亚型Gag、Tat、Rev和Nef蛋白的220个肽段作为抗原,通过ELISPOT方法俭测HIV/AIDS患者HIV特异性CTL应答。结果:无沦HIV—1 B亚型还是HIV-1C亚型所构建肽库的应答强度和频率,主要集中在Gag和Nef蛋白,Tat和Rev蛋白也有不同程度的应答。HIV—1 B、C亚型间应答比较,整体应答强度大致相同,但免疫优势区间存在着一定的差异,B亚型Gagp24亚蛋白的288~313氨基酸区应答最强,而C亚型Gagp24亚蛋白的155~181氨基酸区应答最强;两个亚型免疫优势区应答频率最高的都是Nef蛋白106~143氨基酸区(48.1%)。结论:中国人群CTL应答多集中在Gag和Nef蛋白,B、C业型间略有差异且存在交叉识别,这对设计针对中国人群的HIV疫苗是有重要的意义。  相似文献   
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