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Plasma histamine levels were measured by radio-enzymatic technique in seven patients following 10 challenges: five methacholine challenge tests, four antigen inhalation challenge tests, and one oral aspirin challenge test. Baseline plasma histamine was the same in all patients except in the aspirin-challenged patient, who had a higher baseline histamine level. There was no statistical change in the level of histamine throughout the test in either the methacholine-challenged or the antigen-challenged patients, whereas there was a marked increase in histamine levels in the aspirin challenged patient. A possible explanation is that methacholine and antigen are inhaled and therefore have primarily local effects on the lung, whereas oral aspirin has a systemic effect with consequently systemic changes in histamine which are detectable as changes in plasma level.  相似文献   
R K Chan  Y S Chan  T M Wong 《Brain research》1991,549(1):118-126
Single unit activities were recorded from the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVL) of pentobarbital-anesthetized normotensive Wistar Kyoto rats (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Throughout the recording period, arterial blood pressures of WKY (mean arterial pressure, MAP = 103.1 mm Hg) and SHR (MAP = 159.2 mm Hg) remained stable at the respective basal levels. The units recorded in this study were all spontaneously active and cardiac-locked. Two types of discharge patterns, namely single and double discharges, were identified. These single and double discharge units were found to distribute randomly in RVL. In WKY, 92.6% of RVL neurons exhibited single discharges whereas in SHR, the majority (57%) of RVL neurons exhibited double discharges. The mean firing rate of single discharge units in RVL of SHR was significantly higher than that of WKY, whereas the mean firing rate of double discharge units in WKY was similar to that of SHR. About half of the units studied were also tested for antidromic collision; all units tested could be antidromically activated from the intermediolateral column (IML) of the thoracic spinal cord and the lowest threshold sites were consistently localized within IML. In both groups of rats, the axonal conduction velocity of RVL neurons showed a bimodal distribution viz. the fast and slow conducting axons. The mean conduction velocities of each of these two groups of neurons in WKY and SHR were similar. Most of the double discharge units in WKY and SHR belonged to the fast conducting type.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP) usually follows a heavy carbohydrate meal and this may be explained by hyperinsulinaemia stimulating Na+, K+ -ATPase activity. To clarify this the effect of glucose load on serum insulin concentration and platelet Na+, K+ -ATPase activity In thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP) was examined. DESIGN In all subjects a standard 75-g glucose tolerance test was done and blood samples were taken at 0, 1 and 2 hours. SUBJECTS Twenty-five healthy controls (8 M and 17 F), 17 uncomplicated thyrotoxic patients (7M and 10 F), 15 TPP patients who presented with paralysis and 4 TPP patients after treatment with antithyrold drugs. MEASUREMENTS Plasma glucose was measured by the glucose oxidase method, serum insulin by radioimmunoassay and platelet Na+, K+ -ATPase by the release of phosphate from ATP. RESULTS TPP patients showed glucose intolerance (area under the curve (AUC) 16·5 ± 4·4 (mean ± SD) In TPP compared to 12·9 ± 4·5 In controls (P < 0·01) and hyperinsulinaemia (AUC 189·6 ±100·6 vs 98·5 ±53·4, P < 0·001). In uncomplicated thyrotoxicosis the results were similar to that in healthy controls. Platelet Na+, K+ -ATPase were significantly higher in thyrotoxic patients compared to controls and In TPP patients were even higher. Ingestion of glucose increased platelet Na+, K+ -ATPase in all groups. AUC for platelet Na+, K+ -ATPase in TPP patients were significantly higher than in uncomplicated thyrotoxicosis (601 ±99·3 vs 482 ± 109·4, P < 0·01) or healthy controls (320 ± 107·3). In the 4 TPP patients studied after antithyroid treatment the results were similar to healthy controls. CONCLUSION Patients with thyrotoxic periodic paralysis have hyperinsulinaemia and this is accompanied by higher Na+, K+-ATPase activity.  相似文献   
Hyperinsulinaemia is said to be a risk factor for cardiovasculardisease, but the extent to which different insulinaemic measuresare associated with vascular risk factors in ostensibly healthyindividuals, and whether they operate independently in men andwomen, remains uncertain. The association between risk factors and various insulinaemicmeasures was examined in 148 men and 118 women who were normoglycaemic,normotensive, and non-obese (body mass index in men <27,in women <25). A 75 g glucose tolerance test was administeredafter blood sampling for fibrinogen, lipids, lipoproteins andinsulin. Insulin was also measured after 1 and 2 hours. Significantunivariate correlations (p<0.01) were most consistently recordedbetween insulinaemic measures and fasting serum triglyceridesin men and women, whilst systolic blood pressure only correlatedwith insulinaemia in women, and diastolic blood pressure correlatedwith fasting and 2 hour insulinaemic measures in men and women.Inconsistent associations were noted with total serum cholesterolin men and women, with high density lipoprotein cholesterol,body mass index, apoprotein B and A1 in men, and with fibrinogenin women. Age was not correlated with any insulinaemic measurein men or women. Differences in vascular risk factors between quintiles of theinsulinaemic measures were examined, after correction for bodymass index. The dominant association with fasting and post-glucoseload insulinaemic measures was with triglycerides, especiallyin women, with less frequent graded differences between quintilesobserved for total cholesterol, and diastolic and systolic bloodpressures in men and women. The incidence of other risk factors often only differed in thelowest or highest quintile in comparison to other quintiles,suggesting a threshold rather than a graded effect. Furthermore,differences in HDL cholesterol and apoprotein B were only recordedfor top quintiles of post-glucose challenge/integrated insulinaemicmeasures in men, whilst serum fibrinogen concentrations onlydiffered significantly in women in the top insulinaemic areaunder the curve quintile. In the absence of additional risk factors such as diabetes,hypertension and obesity, insulinaemic measures are not consistentlyrelated to blood pressure and measures of lipid metabolism andcoagulation, and are thus a weak predictor of other cardiovascularrisk factors. The vascular risk profile associated with insulinappears somewhat different in apparently healthy men and women.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION: The first-order kernel response of multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) decreases in myopia. A recent study indicates that the flash ERG is also reduced with increased axial length. The aim of this study was to investigate the variations in the first-order response (K1) and the first slice of second-order response (K2.1) across the retina for different axial lengths. METHODS: Thirty healthy subjects with axial length from 23.72 to 28.13 mm (spherical equivalent refractive errors from plano to -10.50 D) were recruited for mfERG measurement using VERIS 4.0. All subjects were fully corrected after cycloplegic refraction and pupils were dilated prior to mfERG recording. There is one trough, n1, and one peak, p1, in the K1 response and three troughs, n1, n2, n3, and three peaks, p1, p2, p3, in the K2.1 response. The amplitudes and implicit times of K1 and K2.1 responses were analysed to determine the characteristic of the responses across retina and the correlation to axial length. RESULTS: The amplitudes of p1 (in the first-order kernel-K1) decreased in the central region and the paracentral region (ring 3) as the axial length increased. The central retinal region showed high rates of reduction in both n1 and p1 (in K1). The amplitudes of n1p1 and n2p2 (in the first slice of the second-order kernel-K2.1) were reduced in the paracentral region (from ring 2 to ring 5) as axial length increased. The average n1 and p1 in K1, and n1p1 and n2p2 in K2.1 mfERG responses are decreased in amplitude by 6-10% per millimetre elongation of axial length. CONCLUSION: Eyes with longer axial lengths, usually with high myopia, have a weaker mfERG response and this attenuation is across the measured retina (from central to paracentral regions) but different kernel responses show a different pattern of attenuation at different retinal eccentricities. The weaker mfERG responses may be related to the morphological changes associated with increased axial length.  相似文献   
Trisomy 8 and, less commonly tetrasomy 8, are karyotypic aberrations found in myeloid malignancies. We describe a unique case of acute myeloid leukemia with partial pentasomy 8 resulting from duplication of isochromosome 8q, and discuss its possible roles in leukemogenesis.  相似文献   
Phase I trial of piroxicam in 62 dogs bearing naturally occurring tumors   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Piroxicam, a nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug, was given to 62 dogs bearing naturally occurring tumors in a phase I clinical trial. Dose escalation was performed, with oral doses ranging from 0.5 mg/kg every 48 h (q48h) to 1.5 mg/kg q48h being tested. Dose-limiting gastromestinal irritation/ulceration occurred in all four animals that received 1.5 mg/kg q48h. The maximum tolerated dose was 1 mg/kg q48h. Subclinical renal papillary necrosis occurred in two dogs (initial dosages, 1 and 1.5 mg/kg q48h, respectively). Following dose escalation, an additional group of dogs was treated with 0.3 mg/kg piroxicam q24h per os, the accepted canine dosage prior to this trial. Inclusion of this treatment group enabled evaluation of the toxicity of and tumor response to a daily dosage regimen. No complete remissions occurred in this trial. Partial remission was documented in three of ten dogs exhibiting transitional-cell carcinoma, in three of five animals bearing squamous-cell carcinoma, in one of three dogs displaying mammary adenocarcinoma, and in the one dog that exhibited a transmissible venereal tumor. The results of this study support the additional evaluation of piroxicam in a phase II clinical trial in dogs bearing naturally occurring tumors.This investigation was supported by Pfizer Inc.  相似文献   
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