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Hernia of the inferior lumbar space. A cause of back pain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twenty hernias of incarcerated fat at the inferior lumbar space were seen during a 23-year period. The usual complaint was a painful mass that caused a backache. The condition was more common in women and girls than in men (18 v two). The wider female pelvis creates a larger inferior lumbar space, which predisposes to the hernia. The hernia appears through a defect of the covering lumbodorsal fascia. Increased physical activity in young women seemed to be a causative factor. One patient had acute strangulation of incarcerated fat. Nineteen of the 20 hernias were treated with surgical excision and repair of the lumbodorsal fascial defect. Results of treatment were good. Though rare, hernias of the inferior lumbar space should be considered when back pain is present, particularly in a young, athletic woman.  相似文献   
Olfactory transduction is thought to occur by processes that are mainly restricted to the specialized cilia emanating from the distal end of the receptor neuron's single dendrite. The involvement of a cAMP-based second messenger system seems likely, and a cyclic nucleotide-sensitive current has been recorded in patches of membrane from the cilia. However, the small diameter of the cilia and the high density of channels within the membrane limit the application of the patch recording technique in the cilia. We have found that the cAMP-sensitive channels also exist at a much lower density within the far more accessible dendritic membrane. Recording from on-cell patches, we have observed single-channel activity in response to extracellularly applied odor substances. The channels have a single-channel conductance of 40 pS and a reversal potential near 0 mV. These same channels are activated by treatments that elevate intracellular cyclic nucleotide concentrations. The results provide a direct demonstration that the cyclic nucleotide-gated channel is the conductance pathway for the odor-elicited current.  相似文献   
As an adjunct to a European multicentre prospective study, five quality assessment (QA) exercises, spanning a period of 2.5 years, were undertaken. In these, fifteen laboratories from eight countries each performed ten haemostatic factor assays. The design of the QA exercises allowed the between-duplicate, between-day and between-laboratory coefficients of variation (CVs) to be calculated. The between-duplicate CV decreased by a factor of one quarter, and the between-day CV by a factor of one third, over the five exercises. The activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) assay consistently showed the lowest CVs, while there was notable improvement in the between-day CVs for von Willebrand factor related antigen (vWF R:Ag) and factor VIII clotting activity (VIII:C). However, the between-laboratory CV, assessing extent of agreement between the different laboratories, did not apparently improve over the five exercises. Thus, while QA exercises may be very useful in improving the performance of haemostatic assays according to criteria which an individual laboratory can assess, improving agreement on haemostatic assay results between laboratories may be more difficult to achieve.  相似文献   
The plasma levels of several haemostatic and fibrinolytic parameters were measured before and after delivery in 61 hypertensive pregnant women of whom 22 developed preeclampsia, and compared to the results obtained in 42 normal pregnant women. In the two last weeks before delivery (D less than or equal to -15) tPA antigen, PAI-1 activity, vWF:Ag/FVIII:C ratio, ATIII activity and platelet count were found to be significantly different in the hypertensive pregnant women with and without preeclampsia. Combined all together, an association of three of these five parameters were found to be pathological (i.e.:tPA:Ag greater than or equal to 19 ng/ml, PAI-1 activity greater than or equal to 58 IU/ml, vWF:Ag/FVIII:C ratio greater than or equal to 2.6, ATIII activity less than or equal to 73%) in none of the hypertensive women without preeclampsia and in only 35% of the preeclamptic group. A positive correlation was demonstrated between vWF:Ag/FVIII:C ratio and tPA:antigen levels suggesting that both tPA and vWF:Ag could be considered as early indicators of a possible micro angiopathy occurring in preeclampsia. However, due to the high dispersion of the results, it appears that the investigated haemostatic and/or fibrinolytic criteria give only presumptive arguments before assigning risk for preeclampsia development among hypertensive pregnant women.  相似文献   
This paper reports the changes in prolactin levels after 12 spontaneous and 52 induced pregnancies in 54 women with unambiguous hyperprolactinaemia (median plasma prolactin levels 67.5 ng/ml, range 40-400). Twenty-three of the patients showed radiological evidence of prolactinoma. The pregnancies were induced in 37 patients by bromocriptine, in nine by metergoline, in two by lisuride and in four by other treatments. Of the 64 pregnancies, 16 ended in spontaneous abortion, while 48 went to term. Follow-up was continued for at least 6 months after delivery or until the end of lactation. In a control group of 32 hyperprolactinaemic women (median prolactin 70 ng/ml, range 40-400) not wishing to become pregnant, prolactin changes were similarly registered over a mean period of 15 months without any treatment (range 6-38 months). After pregnancy, a significant downward trend of plasma prolactin was observed in the puerperal women with a 'normalization' rate of 17%. No changes were observed in the 32 controls who did not become pregnant.  相似文献   
The authors analysed the prevalence of atrioventricular conduction defects and sinus node dysfunction by Holter monitoring in three population groups with similar clinical characteristics: 50 controls (Group I), 17 physically fit subjects with an atrioventricular conduction defect on the resting ECG which was usually asymptomatic (Group II), and 48 professional pilots who were also physically fit but who had no conduction defects on resting ECG (Group III). The 24 hour recordings showed: --a similar incidence of sinus dysrhythmias and atrioventricular conduction defects in the three groups although the frequency of low degree block was a little higher in sportsmen; --a preponderance of the association of first degree block and nocturnal Luciani-Wenckebach periods, sometimes with episodes of Mobitz II block; --the absence of progression to high-degree atrioventricular block. Holter monitoring would therefore seem to be a good method of detecting and following up abnormalities of sinus node function and atrioventricular conduction defects in asymptomatic patients. In addition, it gives a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the recorded changes and provides a means of monitoring their evolution.  相似文献   
E Bartoli  G F Branca  A Satta  R Faedda 《Nephron》1987,46(3):288-300
In a previous study, we described a new method [3] to measure Na reabsorption by each segment of the human nephron independently. Reabsorption was expressed as equivalent volumes of solute-free water (CH2O) generated by the loop of Henle (CH2O-HL) and by the distal tubule (CH2O-DT), and dissipated by back diffusion (BD) across collecting ducts (CH2O-BD). These data were obtained during maximal water diuresis (MWD). The present study was undertaken to calculate CH2O-HL by experiments performed during maximal antidiuresis (MA). For this purpose, a new theoretical approach was devised, described by algebraic equations which allowed calculations of segmental transport during MA alone, where only CH2O-HL could be calculated independently. The study was performed on 14 normal volunteers who were studied twice by clearance measurements, firstly during MWD and again during MA. In each experiment, clearance periods were performed during baseline conditions and during the administration of furosemide (0.7 mg/kg bolus injection followed by 0.06 mg/kg/min maintenance infusion). From the values measured during either condition, segmental reabsorption was calculated. During MWD, CH2O-HL averaged 19.4 + 10.4, during MA 20.4 + 8.0 ml/min/GFR X 100; p greater than 0.05. The paired measurements were significantly correlated (r = 0.80; p less than 0.01). These data demonstrate that CH2O-HL obtained with the original theory is a reproducible result that can be confirmed with independent measurements obtained during different experimental conditions. Thus, measurements of segmental Na transport in the human nephron are feasible and can contribute important informations on disease states.  相似文献   
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