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Otterblad Olausson P Haglund B Ringbäck Weitoft G Cnattingius S 《BJOG : an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology》2004,111(8):793-799
OBJECTIVE: Some data suggest an association between teenage childbearing and premature death. Whether this possible increase in risk is associated with social circumstances before or after childbirth is not known. We studied premature death in relation to age at first birth, social background and social situation after first birth. DESIGN: Population-based cohort study. SETTING: Women born in Sweden registered in the 1985 Swedish Population Census. POPULATION: Swedish women born 1950-1964 who had their first infant before the age of 30 years (N= 460,434). METHODS: Information on the women's social background and social situation after first birth was obtained from Population Censuses. The women were followed up with regard to cause of death from December 1, 1990 to December 31, 1995. Mortality rate ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Mortality rates by cause of death. RESULTS: Independent of socio-economic background, teenage mothers faced an increased risk of premature death later in life compared with older mothers (rate ratio 1.6, 95% CI 1.4-1.9). The increased risk was most evident for deaths from cervical cancer, lung cancer, ischaemic heart disease, suicide, inflicted violence and alcohol-related diseases. Some, but not all, of these increases in risk were associated with the poorer social position of teenagers mothers. CONCLUSIONS: Teenage mothers, independent of socio-economic background, face an increased risk of premature death. Strategies to reduce teenage childbearing are likely to contribute to improved maternal and infant health. 相似文献
OBJECTIVES: To investigate social and gender equality in access to coronary revascularization for those treated for coronary heart disease in Sweden between 1991 and 2000. DESIGN: All Swedish residents between 25 and 74 years old with a hospital stay for coronary heart disease were eligible for the study, in total about 153,000 persons. The Swedish Hospital Discharge Register from 1988 through 2000 was used to define the study population. Poisson regression analyses were used to estimate the effect of socio-economic status on the likelihood for coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) within 2 years. In the analysis of gender differences, the likelihood for percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) was also included. RESULTS: Males were 1.5 times more likely to undergo revascularization procedures than females even after adjusting for confounding factors and the fact that women are less eligible for interventions. The analyses also showed significant socio-economic inequalities in access to CABG among men, but not among women. CONCLUSIONS: There are gender and socio-economic inequalities in access to cardiac procedures in Sweden. 相似文献
Wettermark B Haglund K Gustafsson LL Persson PM Bergman U 《Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety》2005,14(8):579-588
PURPOSE: To study the effect of feedback using prescribing profiles combined with interactive group discussions on hospital specialists' adherence to evidence-based guidelines for drug treatment of common diseases issued by a regional Drug and Therapeutics Committee. METHODS: Intervention study performed at 17 clinics at a university hospital in a Swedish metropolitan health region with comparative clinics at a second university hospital as a control. Prescribing profiles based on aggregate pharmacy dispensing data were presented for the physicians in interactive group discussions. Deviations from the guidelines were discussed at each clinic and specific goals of improvement were formulated. The effect was assessed by pre- and post-intervention comparison of the adherence to guidelines for all drugs and within 11 selected therapeutic areas. The credibility and usefulness of the prescribing profiles were evaluated by a questionnaire. RESULTS: The adherence to pharmaceutical products within the pharmacological groups stated in the guideline increased by 2.8%-units at the intervention hospital compared with 0.8%-units at the control hospital. The adherence to drug substance increased by 0.4%-units at the intervention hospital while it decreased by 1.8%-units at the control hospital. For 8 of 11 pre-defined specific goals of improvement, the change in adherence was more positive at the intervention hospital. Most doctors considered the feedback provided clear and relevant. CONCLUSIONS: Interactive group discussions with prescribing profiles were found to be useful in improving hospital specialists' adherence to guidelines. However, the effect on the overall adherence was modest, indicating the importance of clear messages for improvement and relevant guidelines for the prescribing of specialist drugs but also more precise methods for evaluating the effect of real-life-interventions. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: Syndecan-1 is a transmembrane receptor that participates in cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions, cell proliferation and cell migration. Expression of syndecan-1 is downregulated in many cancers, but in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma it is upregulated. Method: We studied the immunohistochemical expression of syndecan-1 in 144 pancreatic adenocarcinomas and evaluated the prognostic value of syndecan-1 expression. Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded specimens were stained with mouse monoclonal antibody B-B4 against human syndecan-1. The epithelial and stromal staining was separately evaluated and compared with patient survival, clinical stage and histological grade. RESULT: Epithelial immunoreactivity was observed in most of the pancreatic carcinoma samples: in 70 (49%) of the samples the epithelial staining was weak, in 48 (33%) moderate, in 18 (12%) strong and in only 8 (6%) of the samples the epithelial staining was negative. Stromal staining was weak in 24 (17%), moderate in 31 (22%), strong in 11 (8%) and negative in 78 (54%) of the pancreatic carcinoma samples. Lack of stromal expression predicted a better prognosis (p = 0.002; HR 1.7) and it was independent of stage (p = 0.01; HR = 1.5) and grade (p = 0.0004; HR 2.1) in multivariate analysis. Epithelial expression predicted better prognosis for patients that underwent surgery for cure (n = 94, p = 0.03). CONCLUSION: Stromal syndecan-1 expression is an independent prognostic marker in pancreatic cancer, whereas epithelial syndecan-1 expression predicts better prognosis only in resectable disease. 相似文献
Haglund J Haiman M Loehr N 《Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America》2005,102(8):2690-2696
Haglund recently proposed a combinatorial interpretation of the modified Macdonald polynomials H(mu). We give a combinatorial proof of this conjecture, which establishes the existence and integrality of H(mu). As corollaries, we obtain the cocharge formula of Lascoux and Schutzenberger for Hall-Littlewood polynomials, a formula of Sahi and Knop for Jack's symmetric functions, a generalization of this result to the integral Macdonald polynomials J(mu), a formula for H(mu) in terms of Lascoux-Leclerc-Thibon polynomials, and combinatorial expressions for the Kostka-Macdonald coefficients K(lambda,mu) when mu is a two-column shape. 相似文献
p27 expression correlates with short-term, but not with long-term prognosis in breast cancer 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
Leivonen M Nordling S Lundin J von Boguslawski K Haglund C 《Breast cancer research and treatment》2001,67(1):15-22
New prognostic and predictive factors are needed to adjust more appropriate therapy for individual patients after operation. p27 is a cell cycle regulator, and a low tissue expression of this protein has been shown to correlate with poor prognosis in colorectal, lung, gastric, prostate, and breast cancer. In this study on 197 breast cancer patients with a median follow-up of 17 years, the prognostic value of immunohistochemical p27 expression was evaluated. After 5 years of follow-up patients with a p27 expression in less than 50% of the tumor cells had a significantly lower survival rate than those with an expression above this level (p=0.01). However, after longer follow-up the difference decreased and was no longer significant at 7 years (p=0.1) or when the entire follow-up period was examined (p=0.67). Tests for associations showed that a low p27 expression correlated with a high histologic grade, a high S-phase fraction (SPF), an advanced TNM stage and negative hormone receptor status. In conclusion: Tissue expression of p27 is a significant predictor of 5-year, but not of 10- or 15-year breast cancer specific survival. 相似文献
B Glimelius J Bergh L Brandt B Brorsson B Gunnars L Hafstr?m U Haglund T H?gberg K G Janunger P E J?nsson G Karlsson E Kimby G Lamnevik S Nilsson J Permert P Ragnhammar S S?renson P Nygren 《Acta oncologica (Stockholm, Sweden)》2001,40(2-3):135-154
This report by The Swedish Council on Technology Assessment in Health Care (SBU) reviews, classifies, and grades the scientific literature on cancer chemotherapy in some major tumour types, describes the practice of chemotherapy in Sweden, compares practice with scientific knowledge, and analyses the costs and cost-effectiveness of chemotherapy. The report is intended primarily for decision-makers at various levels, both practitioners and administrators. It is also of interest for the medical profession. The extensive body of scientific literature was reviewed according to strict criteria that reflected the scientific weight of the literature. Sixteen experts representing different disciplines (oncology, surgery, internal medicine, health economy and quality of life research) participated in the literature review. Each section was discussed within the project group and was reviewed by at least one, but usually two international researchers. Additional input was provided by national experts representing different scientific disciplines. For the final evaluation to be as close to the objective truth as possible, a concerted effort was made to guarantee objectivity and thorough assessment of current knowledge about the effects of chemotherapy on the selected cancers. The tumour types selected for this assessment include firstly those types where three investigations had shown an increased use of chemotherapy in Sweden during the latest decade. These were non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), gastric cancer, pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer and urinary bladder cancer. Secondly, the two tumour types comprising the greatest number of patients treated with chemotherapy in Sweden, breast cancer and haematological malignancies, were included. Among the haematological malignancies, the most prevalent ones, acute myeloid leukaemia (AML), chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL), Hodgkin's disease (HD), aggressive non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) of the large B-cell type and indolent NHL of follicular type were evaluated. These constitute about 75%, of all haematological malignancies. Thirdly, ovarian cancer was included since chemotherapy has been extensively used and since, at the time of the planning of this overview, a group of very expensive drugs, the taxanes, had preliminarily shown promising results. A wealth of scientific literature has been published on cancer therapy. The review presented in this report is limited to scientific studies judged to be important for evaluating chemotherapy efficacy. Assessments of the content and quality of these studies, and a critical summary of the results in all stages of the selected tumours, have never before been attempted in this way. However, similar comprehensive overviews of certain stages of the tumours have previously been made. These overviews were also critically evaluated. Totally 1,496 studies involving 558,743 patients were reviewed. The survey of practice of chemotherapy use involved all departments of surgery, urology, gynaecology, internal medicine including haematologic units, pulmonary medicine and general and gynaecologic oncology at 16 hospitals in two health care regions in Sweden, covering 39% of the Swedish population. During the 4 weeks of the survey, all patients with the diagnoses concerned who received chemotherapy were registered. The study included 1,590 patients. The working group's general conclusions are summarised in the following points: The literature on the effects of chemotherapy is extensive. Chemotherapy has a well-documented role in the curative and palliative treatment of patients with several types of cancer. The use of chemotherapy is of utmost importance for the possibility of cure in certain tumour types. In other tumours, chemotherapy increases the possibility of cure when added to local and regional treatments, particularly surgery. In the instances of no possibility of cure, chemotherapy may to a variable extent improve both patient survival and well-being. In Sweden chemotherapy is largely used in accordance with that documented in the scientific literature. The extent of both over- and under-treatment seems to be limited but cannot be excluded at the individual patient level. The literature-based knowledge is scientifically of lower quality in the most chemotherapy sensitive tumours than in tumours showing more limited sensitivity. In the more sensitive tumours, positive effects on a symptomatic stage and survival were seen several decades ago. In those days, clinical treatment studies did not fulfil the current high quality requirements. Small life-prolonging effects of chemotherapy are sometimes very well documented in large, high quality scientific studies. Some of these s 相似文献
Recordings of neuronal activity in humans have identified few correlates of the known hemispheric asymmetries of functional lateralization. Here, we examine single-unit activity recorded from both hemispheres during two delayed match-to-sample tasks that show strong hemispheric lateralization based on lesion effects; a line-matching (LM) task related to the right hemisphere, and a rhyming (RHY) task related to the left. Nineteen neuronal populations were recorded with extracellular microelectrodes from the left temporal neocortex of 11 awake patients, and 18 from the right in 9 patients during anterior temporal lobectomy for complex partial seizures under local anesthesia. All subjects were left hemisphere dominant for language. Twelve (32%) populations exhibited statistically significant changes in activity at p <.05. Although changes in firing frequency were recorded from both hemispheres during both tasks, the RHY task elicited changes in activity several hundred milliseconds earlier on the left side than on the right. The LM task, on the other hand, induced changes earlier on the right side than on the left. Both hemispheres contained units active during verbal responses regardless of which behavior elicited the response. Our results indicate that cerebral dominance is reflected in earlier neuronal activity in the anterior temporal lobe during tasks lateralized to that hemisphere. 相似文献