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FT Chew  DYT Goh  BC Ooi  R Saharom  JKS Hui  BW Lee 《Allergy》1999,54(4):320-329
BACKGROUND: Air-pollution levels have been shown to be associated with increased morbidity of respiratory diseases. METHODS: Data for ambient air-pollutant levels, meteorologic factors, and hospitalization or emergency room (ER) visits for acute asthma in Singapore children over a 5-year period (1990-4) were obtained and analyzed for associations by time-series methods. RESULTS: Throughout this period, the annual mean and 24-h mean levels for sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and total suspended particles (TSP) and maximum 1-h daily average for ozone were generally within the air-quality guidelines established by the World Health Organization (WHO). However, positive correlation between levels of each of these pollutants and daily ER visits for asthma was observed in children aged 3-12 years, but not among adolescents and young adults (13-21 years old). The association with SO2 and TSP persisted after standardization for meteorologic and temporal variables. An adjusted increase in 2.9 ER visits for every 20 microg/m3 increase in atmospheric SO2 levels, lagged by 1 day, was observed on days when levels were above 68 microg/m3. With TSP, an adjusted increase of 5.80 ER visits for every 20 microg/m3 increase in its daily atmospheric levels, lagged by 1 day, was observed on days with levels above 73 microg/m3. Similar results were also obtained after controlling for autocorrelation by time-series analysis. CONCLUSIONS: These associations were observed even though the overall levels of all pollutants were generally within the air-quality guidelines established by the WHO. These findings suggest that asthmatic children are susceptible to increased levels of air pollutants, particularly SO2 and TSP, although the ambient levels are generally within "acceptable" ranges.  相似文献   
Whole-body and splanchnic metabolism of dietary amino acids derived from casein (CAS) or the corresponding crystalline L-amino acid mixture (AA) were compared. Male adult rats were adapted for 9 d to two isoenergetic, isonitrogenous diets (15 g/100 g protein, 5 g/100 g fat) containing either CAS or AA. On d 10, the rats were fed a single mixed meal (3 g dry mass) containing either intrinsically (13)C-labeled goat casein or the amino acid mixture containing [U-(13)C(6)] leucine and [alpha-(15)N] lysine. Rats were killed before and 1, 3, 5 and 7 h after meal ingestion and samples of plasma, stomach wall and contents, small intestine and liver were collected. (13)C and (15)N enrichments of free and protein-bound amino acids in plasma and tissues were analyzed by gas chromatography-combustion isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Urinary nitrogen excretion was higher (P < 0.05) and weight gain lower (P < 0.05) in rats given the AA diet, indicating a lower whole-body net protein synthesis. Free (13)C-leucine from the AA diet appeared in the intestinal mucosa free pool more rapidly (P < 0.05) than the CAS-(13)C-leucine, probably due to the faster transit through the stomach of the AA group. However, the incorporation of dietary leucine into plasma and liver proteins was higher in the CAS group 7 h after the meal (P < 0.05), whereas lysine incorporation into liver protein was higher in the AA group (P < 0.05). We conclude that whole-body protein homeostasis is better supported by dietary casein-bound than crystalline free amino acids, and that protein-bound leucine, but not lysine, is used more efficiently for liver protein synthesis than dietary free leucine.  相似文献   
目的:比较师范院校贫困新生与非贫困新生的心理健康状况。方法:于2005-10在衡阳师范学院完成调查。采用整群抽样横断面调查方法,以衡阳师范学院2005级3089名新生为调查对象,运用症状自评量表对其进行集体测查。在统一指导语下,学生根据最近1周内的自我感觉答题,独立完成,当场收卷。结果数据运用光电阅读机(OMR2000)输入计算机心理测评工具箱标准版V3.0系统进行总分和因子分的统计。量表中没有回答的项目记为"没有",5个以上项目未答者视为问卷无效以及总分低于95分的问卷因缺乏可靠性均不进行分析。所有数据输入电脑后用SPSS11.0软件进行统计分析;群体差异比较用t和Z检验。结果:共发放3089份问卷,收回有效答卷2994份,有效率为96.92%,其中贫困新生有效答卷510份,占17.03%。问卷结果显示,师范院校贫困新生在人际关系、偏执和精神病性3项因子上的得分分别为1.86±0.54,1.70±0.48和1.58±0.43,明显高于非贫困新生(1.78±0.51,1.65±0.46,1.53±0.39,t=3.34,2.02,2.92,P<0.05)。从阳性因子的人数比率来看,师范院校贫困新生在总分阳性的人数比率为0.28,明显低于非贫困新生(0.33,Z=-2.27,P<0.05);而在人际关系、偏执和精神病性3项因子阳性的人数比率分别为0.35,0.30,0.16,明显高于非贫困新生(0.31,0.24,0.13,Z=1.73,2.72,1.71,P<0.05)。结论:师范院校贫困新生的整体心理健康状况并不比非贫困新生差,但是在人际关系敏感、偏执和精神病性3个问题上明显比非贫困新生要严重。  相似文献   
目的:由于技术原理的限制,目前尚不能对所有的HLA等位基因进行严格的区分,特别是以往没有发现的新基因序列只能通过测序的方法解决,然而,当遇到等位基因杂合时,测序给出的结果仍然无法确认新的序列改变发生在等位基因的哪一侧,这时需要用分子生物学方法分离杂合子然后进行测序才能确定新的基因序列。采用基因克隆方法确认HLA新等位基因。 方法:实验于2006-01/05在河南省红十字血液中心HLA实验室,美国海军骨髓库HLA实验室完成。造血干细胞血样由中华骨髓库提供。采用荧光微珠HLA分型方法对中华骨髓库捐献者血样进行HLA分型检测,无法给出确切结果的摸棱两可结果标本用基因克隆(TOPO TA Cloning)、DNA测序的方法确认新的HLA基因序列。 结果:通过克隆分离杂合等位基因,再进行测序确认发现新的序列与B^*3709相比,出现4个核苷酸改变:1.355nt C〉A,2.363nt C〉G,3.412nt G〉A,4.477ntC〉G,而且均发生在H哺B基因外显子3(exon3)。4处改变引起氨基酸编码改变:①编码95CTC〉ATC,氨基酸改变L〉1(亮氨酸〉异亮氨酸)。②97AGC〉AGG.S〉R(丝氨酸〉精氨酸)。③114GAC〉AACD〉N(天门冬氨酸〉天冬酰胺)。(9135GCC〉GCGA=A无氨基酸改变。 结论:①新的基因序列已经在GenBnak注册,被WHO的HLA因子命名委员会得到正式命名为HLA-B^*3712基因。②基因克隆是确认HLA新基因的根本方法。  相似文献   
Samples from prospectively followed recipients, their respective donors, and a cohort of random donors were used to evaluate the specificity and efficacy of a recombinant immunoblot assay (RIBA) as an adjunct to anti-hepatitis C virus (HCV) testing by enzyme immunoassay (EIA). RIBA reacted (RIBA+) in 100 percent of patients who developed hepatitis associated with anti-HCV seroconversion documented by EIA and in 100 percent of the EIA-positive (EIA+) donors implicated in these cases. In contrast, RIBA reacted in none of 10 recipients who were EIA+ but did not develop hepatitis, in none of 7 EIA+ patients with hepatitis B or cytomegalovirus infection, in 33 percent of EIA+ donors who were not implicated in hepatitis transmission, and in 37 percent of EIA+ random donors. Hence, the vast majority of EIA+ individuals who have ancillary evidence of HCV infection react on RIBA, whereas the majority of EIA+ individuals in low-risk settings do not react (RIBA-negative, or RIBA-). There was a strong association between RIBA reactivity and the presence of a surrogate marker (elevated alanine aminotransferase [ALT] and/or antibody to hepatitis B core antigen); 43 percent of RIBA+ implicated donors had a surrogate marker as compared to none of 14 EIA+, RIBA- donors. Among EIA+ random donors, 77 percent of those with a surrogate marker were RIBA+, as compared with 29 percent of those without a surrogate marker. In addition, in EIA+ donors, RIBA reactivity correlated with the extent of ALT elevation; 86 percent of those with an ALT greater than 135 IU per L were RIBA+ compared with 18 percent of those with an ALT less than 30 IU per L.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   


The fear of hypoglycemia remains an important limiting factor in the ability of an individual with type 1 diabetes to tightly regulate glycemia. Continuous glucose monitors provide important feedback to improve glycemic control, but there remains a need for these devices to better alarm of possible impending hypoglycemia, particularly overnight or other periods when the individual is engaged in activities that take their focus away from glucose monitoring.


We have previously proposed an algorithm, based on the use of real-time glucose sensor signals and optimal estimation theory (Kalman filtering), to predict hypoglycemia; the algorithm was validated in simulation-based studies. In this article we further refine and validate the prediction algorithm based on the analysis of clinical hypoglycemic clamp data from 13 subjects. The sensitivity and specificity of the predictions are calculated with respect to reference blood glucose values obtained at the same sampling rate of the sensor.


For a 30-minute prediction horizon and alarm threshold of 70 mg/dl, the sensitivity and specificity were 90 and 79%, respectively, indicating that a 21% false alarm rate must be tolerated to predict 90% of the hypoglycemic events 30 minutes ahead of time. Shorter prediction horizons yield a significant improvement in sensitivity and specificity.


Sensitivity and specificity data as a function of prediction horizon and alarm threshold enable an individual to adjust the alarm to best meet their needs. Such decisions can be made depending on the subject''s risk for hypoglycemia, for example.  相似文献   
Grinnell  BW; Walls  JD; Marks  C; Glasebrook  AL; Berg  DT; Yan  SB; Bang  NU 《Blood》1990,76(12):2546-2554
Human protein S (HPS), a regulator of hemostasis, is a vitamin K- dependent plasma protein with potential clinical utility. We have obtained high-level expression of the cDNA for HPS in two mammalian cell lines. Both cell lines secreted single chain recombinant HPS (rHPS) in serum-free medium as determined by Western blot analysis. The ability of the rHPS from both cell lines to act as a cofactor for human protein C (HPC) was determined; the rHPS secreted from the human 293 cell line had an activity six times that of the rHPS from the AV12-664 Syrian hamster cell line. Furthermore, the relative specific cofactor activity of rHPS from the 293 cell line was actually 2.5-fold higher than that of single-chain human plasma-derived HPS. Essentially all of the rHPS secreted from the 293 cell line exhibited a calcium-dependent elution profile on anion exchange chromatography, whereas only 25% to 35% of the hamster cell-derived rHPS exhibited this profile. However, the calcium-eluted rHPS from the AV12 cell line had a high specific cofactor activity, equivalent to that of the 293-derived rHPS. A NaCl- elutable rHPS fraction (calcium nondependent) was isolated from the recombinant AV12-664 cell line, further purified, and found to have reduced activity, only 40% that of the calcium-dependent rHPS. The only observable difference in the calcium-dependent and nondependent rHPS molecules was in the content of gamma-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla); the calcium-dependent material contained approximately 10 mol Gla/mol protein whereas the calcium-nondependent material contained only approximately 8 mol Gla/mol of protein. In addition, the calcium- nondependent rHPS had reduced ability to interact with phospholipid vesicles as evidenced by an eightfold increase in the apparent kd. Our data demonstrate the isolation of rHPS with high specific activity, and show that a reduction in as few as two Gla residues dramatically decreases its functional cofactor activity for HPC, due to a reduction in ability to interact with the phospholipid bilayer.  相似文献   
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