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A consistent analytical method incorporating sulfuric acid (H2SO4) digestion and ICP-MS quantification has been developed for TiO2 quantification in biotic and abiotic environmentally relevant matrices. Sample digestion in H2SO4 at 110°C provided consistent results without using hydrofluoric acid or microwave digestion. Analysis of seven replicate samples for four matrices on each of 3 days produced Ti recoveries of 97%?±?2.5%, 91?% ±?4.0%, 94%?±?1.8%, and 73?% ±?2.6% (mean?±?standard deviation) from water, fish tissue, periphyton, and sediment, respectively. The method demonstrated consistent performance in analysis of water collected over a 1 month.  相似文献   
This article presents the first Danish study of the acceptance of children’s nudity and sexuality at Danish childcare institutions. The study revealed an important cultural shift in the attitude toward children’s nudity and sexual games, the so-called doctor games. Although these were quite accepted at Danish childcare institutions until the beginning of this century, the study showed that new, pervasive regulations had been established to control the child’s body and its sexuality. A new discourse revealed that fear of child sexual abuse, in particular, had influenced views of children’s sexual games and nudity and that, at times, the child itself was viewed as a potential threat to other children. This marks a new development in Denmark, internationally known for its broadmindedness, and this article discusses the background to this cultural shift in the institutions, and possible implications for the children.  相似文献   
This prospective study tested whether sexual activity and emotional closeness during partnered sexual activity relate to cognitive decline (episodic memory performance) in older adulthood. In total, 6016 adults aged 50 and over (2672 men, 3344 women; M age?=?66.0?±?8.8 years) completed an episodic memory task and self-report questions related to health, sexual activity, and emotional closeness. Two years later, participants again completed the episodic memory task. After controlling for demographic and health-related lifestyle factors, more frequent sexual activity and greater emotional closeness during partnered sexual activity were associated with better memory performance. The association between sexual activity and memory performance was stronger among older participants in the sample. Memory performance worsened over 2 years, but change in memory performance was unrelated to sexual activity or emotional closeness during partnered sexual activity. These findings build on experimental research that has found sexual activity enhances episodic memory in non-human animals. Further research using longer timeframes and alternative measures of cognitive decline is recommended.  相似文献   
Impulsivity is an important construct for understanding sexual behaviors, but behavioral and self-report measures of impulsivity often are not correlated. One possible explanation for this is that there is little shared variance in the measures because behavioral measures index impulsivity by asking questions about monetary preferences, while self-report measures index impulsivity by asking about a broad range of real-world outcomes (including those of a sexual nature) largely unrelated to money-related preferences. Undergraduate students (total N?=?105; female n?=?77, male n?=?28) completed laboratory measures—delay discounting (DD) and probability discounting (PD)—for two different outcomes—money and sexual activity. Participants also completed the Delaying Gratification Inventory (DGI), which measures difficulty with delaying gratification (i.e., impulsivity) across different domains, including money and physical pleasures. Findings indicated that DD and PD for money were not related to any of the DGI subscales. However, DD for sexual activity was significantly related to the DGI Physical Pleasures subscale, but not other subscales. These findings suggest that the relationship between behavioral and self-report measures of impulsive choice may be stronger when both are measuring domain-specific rather than domain-general behavioral patterns, but further research is warranted.  相似文献   
Disorders of sex development (DSD) are congenital conditions in which the typical genetic and hormonal profiles are affected and thereby the usual process of sexual differentiation. Most of these studies, however, have been conducted in Western countries. In the present study, preschool sex-typed activities of Iranian individuals with DSD and their age-matched non-affected male and female relatives were assessed using the Pre-School Activities Inventory (PSAI) modified for retrospective self-report. A total of 192 individuals participated in our study, including 33 46,XX individuals with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH; M age?=?10.36, SD?=?5.52), 15 46,XY individuals with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS; M age?=?19.8, SD?=?7.14), and 16 46,XY individuals with 5-alpha reductase deficiency type-2 (5α-RD-2; M age?=?17.31, SD?=?7.28), as well as one age-matched non-affected male and female relative for each patient. With regard to PSAI scores, male-identifying participants with 5α-RD-2 and male controls reported similar levels of male-typical childhood play. Female-identifying participants with 5α-RD-2 and CAH showed comparable scores: significantly less masculine and more feminine than male controls, but significantly more masculine and less feminine than females with CAIS and female controls. These findings support the role of androgens in the development of sex-typical childhood play behavior, with those being exposed to higher levels of fetal functional androgens expressing more masculine behavior at preschool ages.  相似文献   
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