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Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCN) enables the urologist to remove upper urinary tract stones through a percutaneous nephrostomy tract. The principal advantages of PCN are the low morbidity, shortened hospital stay and rapid recovery. Percutaneous puncture failed in 5 (11%) of the first 44 patients with upper tract urolithiasis treated by PCN at Tygerberg Hospital. In 35 patients (80%) PCN cleared the kidney of stones but in 4 patients (9%) all stone fragments were not removed during the procedure. If the puncture and dilatation was successful, then 90% of patients were stone-free after PCN. Complications were minimal except for a diabetic who died of septicaemia. PCN is an alternative to open renal surgery in the management of most upper urinary tract stones. The technique is readily mastered by any urologist experienced in endoscopic surgery.  相似文献   
In a follow-up evaluation of 3721 Multiload IUD users, the removal rate for medical reasons other than bleeding/pain was only 2.6 per 100 women at three years. Most of these removals were for reasons that appeared to be unrelated to IUD use. The removal rate for pelvic inflammatory disease was 0.3 per 100 woman years. Women were followed up for up to three years after removal of their IUDs. Among women with PID at least 70% of those who desired pregnancy subsequently became pregnant, a rate similar to that of women who had their IUDs electively removed to become pregnant. The study provides further data on the safety of intrauterine contraception.
Resumen Durante el seguimiento de 3721 usuarias del DIU Multiload, la tasa de remociones por otras razones médicas que sangrado/dolor, fué de 2.6 por 100 mujeres en tres años. La mayoría de estas remociones fueron hechas por razones que parecen no estar relacionadas con el uso del DIU. La tasa de remociones por enfermedad inflamatoria pelviana fué de 0.3 por 100 años-mujer. Las mujeres tuvieron seguimiento hasta tres años después de la remoción de sus DIU. Entre las mujeres con enfermedad inflamatoria pelviana, al menos 70% de las que desearon un embarazo lo consiguieron; una tasa similar a la de mujeres que eligieron la remoción del DIU para quedar embarazadas. El estudio proporciona más información sobre la inocuidad de la anticoncepción intrauterina.

Résumé Lors d'une évaluation de suivi effectuée sur 3721 utilisatrices de DIU Multiload, le taux de retrait pour des raisons médicales autres que des pertes sanguines/douleurs n'a atteint que 2,6 pour cent des femmes après trois ans. La plupart de ces retraits ont été pratiqués pour des raisons qui ne semblaient pas liées à l'utilisation du DIU. Le taux de retrait pour cause d'inflammation pelvienne s'est élevé à 0,3 pour cent femmes-an. Les femmes ont été suivies pendant des périodes allant jusqu'à trois ans après le retrait du DIU. Parmi les patientes qui avaient contracté une inflammation pelvienne, 70% au moins de celles qui souhaitaient une grossesse sont par la suite devenues enceintes; taux semblable à celui des femmes qui avaient choisi de ne plus porter leur DIU précisément pour avoir un enfant. Cette étude fournit des données supplémentaires sur la sécurité qu'apporte la contraception intrautérine.
Twenty-six patients with open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension were studied in a concomitant double-masked clinical trial lasting three months, in which the ocular hypotensive efficacy and safety of levobunolol (0.5%) and timolol (0.5%), topically administered twice daily, were compared. At all follow-up examinations there was a significant decrease in mean intraocular pressure from baseline in both treatment groups, with no significant difference between them in this regard. Few changes were seen in either treatment group in cup/disk ratio, visual fields, visual acuity, biomicroscopy, or ophthalmoscopy. In both groups slight decreases in mean blood pressure were observed. Levobunolol and timolol were similarly effective and safe in reducing intraocular pressure in patients with chronic open-angle glaucoma and those with ocular hypertension.  相似文献   
The association between the outcome of 531 surgically treated retinal detachments (RD) and preoperative findings was studied by logistic univariate and multivariate analysis. The following factors were significantly, and negatively associated with the surgical results: 1) previous RD in the same eye, 2) pre-operative visual acuity less than 2/60, 3) cloudy ocular media and/or a poorly dilated pupil, 4) an RD area of more than three quadrants, and 5) no retinal breaks detected. In the multivariate analysis no significant association was found for 9 factors: open angle glaucoma, interval of more than 2 months between symptoms and surgery, aphakia, pre-operative hypotony, absence of demarcation lines, posterior retinal breaks, pre-operative proliferative vitreo-retinopathy, sex and age. The significant factors combined with aphakia were studied in all conceivable combinations. The estimated probability of failure varied between 4 and 93%, indicating that the most important factors were observed.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To provide Canadian physicians with comprehensive, evidence-based guidelines for the nonpharmacologic management and prevention of gestational hypertension and pre-existing hypertension during pregnancy. OPTIONS: Lifestyle modifications, dietary or nutrient interventions, plasma volume expansion and use of prostaglandin precursors or inhibitors. OUTCOMES: In gestational hypertension, prevention of complications and death related to either its occurrence (primary or secondary prevention) or its severity (tertiary prevention). In pre-existing hypertension, prevention of superimposed gestational hypertension and intrauterine growth retardation. EVIDENCE: Articles retrieved from the pregnancy and childbirth module of the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews; pertinent articles published from 1966 to 1996, retrieved through a MEDLINE search; and review of original randomized trials from 1942 to 1996. If evidence was unavailable, consensus was reached by the members of the consensus panel set up by the Canadian Hypertension Society. VALUES: High priority was given to prevention of adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes in pregnancies with established hypertension and in those at high risk of gestational hypertension through the provision of effective nonpharmacologic management. BENEFITS, HARMS AND COSTS: Reduction in rate of long-term hospital admissions among women with gestational hypertension, with establishment of safe home-care blood pressure monitoring and appropriate rest. Targeting prophylactic interventions in selected high-risk groups may avoid ineffective use in the general population. Cost was not considered. RECOMMENDATION: Nonpharmacologic management should be considered for pregnant women with a systolic blood pressure of 140-150 mm Hg or a diastolic pressure of 90-99 mm Hg, or both, measured in a clinical setting. A short-term hospital stay may be required for diagnosis and for ruling out severe gestational hypertension (preeclampsia). In the latter case, the only effective treatment is delivery. Palliative management, dependent on blood pressure, gestational age and presence of associated maternal and fetal risk factors, includes close supervision, limitation of activities and some bed rest. A normal diet without salt restriction is advised. Promising preventive interventions that may reduce the incidence of gestational hypertension, especially with proteinuria, include calcium supplementation (2 g/d), fish oil supplementation and low-dose acetylsalicylic acid therapy, particularly in women at high risk for early-onset gestational hypertension. Pre-existing hypertension should be managed the same way as before pregnancy. However, additional concerns are the effects on fetal well-being and the worsening of hypertension during the second half of pregnancy. There is, as yet, no treatment that will prevent exacerbation of the condition. VALIDATION: The guidelines share the principles in consensus reports from the US and Australia on the nonpharmacologic management of hypertension in pregnancy.  相似文献   
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