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When rural/urban differences are found in health status or health care use, it is often desirable to identify those factors (such as age, social structure, income, etc.) that influence such differences. To this end, researchers often test rural/urban differences in age, social structure, income, etc., for statistical significance. Also, researchers commonly perform multivariate analyses (such as multiple regressions) to examine rural-urban differences in the influence of various independent variables on the dependent variable of interest. Frequently, researchers discover: (1) statistically significant rural/urban differences in the independent variables (such as age, social structure, income, etc.) and (2) statistically significant rural/urban differences in the effects of these independent variables (i.e., statistically significant rural/urban differences in regression coefficients). The analysis typically stops here, without addressing the relative contributions of (1) and (2) to the rural/urban differences in the dependent variable. This paper argues that the relative contributions of (1) and (2) have important implications for the way policy-makers address rural health problems. This paper presents a method for assessing the relative contributions of differences in the independent variables and differences in regression coefficients to observed differences in the dependent variable, and illustrates the application of the method by analyzing rural/urban differences in the risk of institutionalization.  相似文献   
Constantly evolving treatment guidelines based on a growing body of randomized controlled trials are helping us to improve outcomes in sepsis. However, it must be borne in mind that proven benefit from individual sepsis treatments does not guarantee synergistic beneficial effects when new treatments are added to sepsis management. Indeed, unexpected harmful interactions are also possible. A good example of this is the conflict between intensive insulin therapy and 'low dose' hydrocortisone in septic shock. The goal of tight glycaemic control is made more complicated by steroid-induced hyperglycaemia. In their recent study, Loisa and coworkers demonstrate a measure that reduces the risk for this interaction. They found continuous infusion of hydrocortisone to be associated with fewer hyperglycaemic episodes and reduced staff workload compared with bolus application.  相似文献   
The present study was conducted to test the hypothesis that cholinergic basalforebrain neurons are a major source of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) cholinesterases. To address thisquestion enzyme activities of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) inboth CSF and parietal cortex were assayed following selective lesion of basal forebrain cholinergicneurons by a single intracerebroventricular application of the cholinergic immunotoxin192IgG-saporin. Cholinergic immunolesions led to a dramatic decrease in total AChE activity inparietal cortex, which was due to the specific loss of the G4 molecular form while the activity ofthe G1 form was increased as compared to nonlesioned animals. In contrast, the total enzymeactivity of BChE and its molecular forms were not affected by cholinergic lesion in both parietalcortex and CSF. The data suggest, that cholinergic basal forebrain neurons are seemingly not amajor source of cholinesterases in the CSF, and do not provide any evidence for using CSFcholinesterases as a diagnostic marker of basal forebrain cholinergic cell loss in humans.  相似文献   
A community sample of 1106 adults was examined to assess the impact of the doctor-patient relationship on participants' avoidance of treatment for a recognized medical or psychological problem. Of five aspects of participants' previous experience with their physicians, all but waiting time predicted participants' self-reported treatment avoidance. In two logistic regression models participants who felt their physicians listened more to their concerns were less likely to avoid treatment for both medical and psychological problems during the previous 12 months. These findings suggest that patients' perceptions of how they are treated by physicians may help explain why many people delay or avoid healthcare treatment, even when faced with a significant health problem.  相似文献   
The NTP has a long history of using Fischer rats and has compiled a large database of incidences of lesions seen in control animals. Such a database is lacking for Harlan Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats. The intention of this paper is to report spontaneous lesions observed in female vehicle control Harlan SD rats, and to compare the incidence in 2 strains of rats (Fischer and Harlan SD) used in NTP studies. Female Harlan SD rats served as the test animals for a special series of 2-year studies. Male rats were not used in these studies. Complete histopathology was performed on all animals, and the pathology results underwent comprehensive NTP pathology peer review. The most commonly observed neoplasms in these female control Harlan SD rats were mammary gland fibroadenoma (71%), tumors of the pars distalis of the pituitary (41%) and thyroid gland C-cell tumors (30%). Female Fischer rats had incidences of 44% for mammary gland fibroadenomas, 34% for tumors of the pars distalis, and 16% for thyroid gland C-cell tumors. Fischer rats had a 15% incidence of clitoral gland tumors, while the Harlan SD rats had an incidence of < 1%. In contrast to Fischer F344 rats, the Harlan SD rats had a high incidence of squamous metaplasia of the uterus (44.2%). Squamous metaplasia is not a lesion commonly observed in NTP control Fischer rats. The Harlan SD rats had a very low incidence of mononuclear cell leukemia (0.5%), compared with an incidence of 24% in female Fischer rats.  相似文献   
Cerebellar damage impairs automaticity of a recently practiced movement   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
It has been suggested that the cerebellum plays a critical role in learning to make movements more "automatic" (i.e., requiring less attention to the details of a movement). We hypothesized that cerebellar damage compromises learning of movement automaticity, resulting in increased attentional demands for movement control. The purpose of our study was to determine whether cerebellar damage disrupts the ability to make a practiced movement more automatic. We developed a dual task paradigm using two tasks that did not have overlapping sensory or motor requirements for execution. Our motor task required subjects to maintain an upright posture while performing a figure-8 movement using their arm. This motor task was chosen to simulate requirements of everyday movements (e.g., standing while reaching for objects), but it was novel enough to require practice for improvement. Our secondary task was an auditory vigilance task where subjects listened to letter sequences and were asked to identify the number of times a target letter was heard. We tested controls and people with cerebellar damage as they practiced the movement task alone and then performed it with the auditory task. We recorded 3D position data from the arm, trunk, and leg during the movement task. Errors were recorded for both the movement and the letter tasks. Our results show that cerebellar subjects can improve the movement to a very limited extent with practice. Unlike controls, the motor performance of cerebellar subjects deteriorates to prepractice levels when attention is focused away from the movement during dual task trials. Control subjects' insensitivity to dual task interference after practice was due to learned movement automaticity and was not a reflection of better dual task performance generally. Overall, our findings suggest that the cerebellum may be important for shifting movement performance from an attentionally demanding (unpracticed) state to a more automatic (practiced) state.  相似文献   
Summary Electron microscopical studies on endocrine cell hyperplasia of duodenal adenomas from five patients with familial adenomatous polyposis were performed. All the endocrine cell types normally found in the duodenal mucosa were identified. A constant feature was proliferation of duodenal-enterochromaffin cells but an increase in the number of all other endocrine cell types apart from pyloricgastrin cells and somatostatin cells, was also observed. Certain types of intestinal endocrine cells (the intestinal enterochromaffin cell and the glicentin cell) are rare cells in the normal duodenal mucosa. The finding of these cells may indicate increased biological aggressivity.  相似文献   
Recent studies have suggested that the "pressor effect" of acellular Hb is a consequence of perturbation of the macro-and microcirculatory system in multiple ways, and that PEGylation is an effective approach for controlling the same. In an attempt to confirm this concept, a new and simple thiolation mediated, maleimide chemistry-based conservative PEGylation protocol has been developed to conjugate multiple copies of PEG-chains to Hb. This approach combines the high reactivity of maleimides towards thiols with the propensity of iminothiolane to derivatize the epsilon-amino groups of proteins into reactive thiol groups, with conservation of their positive charge. One of the PEGylated products, namely (SP-PEG5K)6-HbA, that carries on an average six copies of PEG5000 chains per Hb, is non-hypertensive in hamster top load and in rat 50% exchange transfusion models. This hexa-PEGylated-Hb has (i) a hydrodynamic volume corresponding to that of an oligomerized Hb of 256kDa, (ii) a molecular radius of approximately 6.8 nm, (iii) high oxygen affinity, (iv) lowered Bohr effect, and (v) increased viscosity and colloidal osmotic pressure. These properties of (SP-PEG5K)6-HbA are consistent with the emerging new paradigms for the design of Hb based oxygen carriers and confirm the concept that the "pressor effect" of Hb is a multifactorial event. The thiolation mediated maleimide chemistry-based PEGylation protocol described here for the generation of (SP-PEG5K)6-Hb is simple, highly efficient, and is carried out under oxy conditions. The results demonstrate that a non-hypertensive PEG-Hb can be generated by conjugation of a lower number of PEG chains than previously reported.  相似文献   
Ca(v)2.1 channels, which mediate P/Q-type Ca2+ currents, undergo Ca2+/calmodulin (CaM)-dependent inactivation and facilitation that can significantly alter synaptic efficacy. Here we report that the neuronal Ca2+-binding protein 1 (CaBP1) modulates Ca(v)2.1 channels in a manner that is markedly different from modulation by CaM. CaBP1 enhances inactivation, causes a depolarizing shift in the voltage dependence of activation, and does not support Ca2+-dependent facilitation of Ca(v)2.1 channels. These inhibitory effects of CaBP1 do not require Ca2+, but depend on the CaM-binding domain in the alpha1 subunit of Ca(v)2.1 channels (alpha12.1). CaBP1 binds to the CaM-binding domain, co-immunoprecipitates with alpha12.1 from transfected cells and brain extracts, and colocalizes with alpha12.1 in discrete microdomains of neurons in the hippocampus and cerebellum. Our results identify an interaction between Ca2+ channels and CaBP1 that may regulate Ca2+-dependent forms of synaptic plasticity by inhibiting Ca2+ influx into neurons.  相似文献   
Wang Y  Liu A  Chen C 《Infection and immunity》2005,73(6):3749-3753
The basis of the rough-to-smooth conversion of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans was examined. Smooth variants often contained mutations at the flp promoter region. Replacing the mutated flp promoter with the wild-type promoter restored the rough phenotype. The expression level of the flp promoter was approximately 100-fold lower in smooth than in rough strains. Mutations of the flp promoter are a cause of the rough-to-smooth conversion.  相似文献   
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