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We have recently reported that ligation of the CD44 cell surface antigen with A3D8 monoclonal antibody (mAb) triggers incomplete differentiation and apoptosis of the acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL)-derived NB4 cells. The present study characterizes the mechanisms underlying the apoptotic effect of A3D8 in NB4 cells. We show that A3D8 induces activation of both initiator caspase-8 and -9 and effector caspase-3 and -7 but only inhibition of caspase-3/7 and caspase-8 reduces A3D8-induced apoptosis. Moreover, A3D8 induces mitochondrial alterations (decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential DeltaPsi m and cytochrome c release), which are reduced by caspase-8 inhibitor, suggesting that caspase-8 is primarily involved in A3D8-induced apoptosis of NB4 cells. However, the apoptotic process is independent of TNF-family death receptor signalling. Interestingly, the general serine protease inhibitor 4-(2-aminoethyl)-benzenesulfonyl fluoride (AEBSF) decreases A3D8-induced apoptosis and when combined with general caspase inhibitor displays an additive effect resulting in complete prevention of apoptosis. These results suggest that both caspase-dependent and serine protease-dependent pathways contribute to A3D8-induced apoptosis. Finally, A3D8 induces apoptosis in all-trans-retinoic acid-resistant NB4-derived cells and in APL primary blasts, characterizing the A3D8 anti-CD44 mAb as a novel class of apoptosis-inducing agent in APL.  相似文献   
The prevalence of latex allergy has been increasing not only in risk groups but also in the general population, where it is accepted to average 1%. In children, latex sensitization prevalence studies are scarce and involve different population sampling and allergy testing methods, which makes it difficult to compare across studies. Nevertheless, existing studies point towards a low prevalence of latex allergy in children, which still needs to be confirmed in the Portuguese population. Aiming at studying the prevalence of latex sensitization and allergy in a sample of Portuguese children, we studied 182 children from two different hospital outpatient clinics. A standardized questionnaire focusing on atopic background, previous history and allergic signs or symptoms on exposure to latex or fruits was given to all children and parents. Skin prick testing was performed with a battery of common aeroallergens as well as latex. Serum total IgE, Phadiatop, F x 5E and latex-specific IgE were determined in all children. Specific IgE to latex-crossreacting fruits was determined in latex-sensitized children. Based upon the questionnaire, the prevalence of latex allergy would be 0.5%. The prevalence of latex sensitization would be 3.8%, when based solely upon skin prick testing, and 12.1% (>/=0.35 IU/ml) or 6.6% (>/=0.70 IU/ml) when based singly upon determination of latex-specific IgE. When positive results for either test were considered, the prevalence of latex sensitization was 14.3%. All latex-sensitized children were atopic. Sensitivity to latex-crossreacting foodstuffs was demonstrated in 61.5% of latex-sensitized children (16/26). This study shows that the prevalence of latex allergy and sensitization in Portuguese atopic and non-atopic children, as analysed using various diagnostic methods, is similar to that observed in other countries. In addition, the assessment of latex allergy and sensitization should always include skin prick testing and determination of serum IgE.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) arthroscopy has been considered a safe surgical procedure in the treatment of TMJ derangement. However, it is not exempt from complications. This study evaluates the complications of arthroscopy in patients with internal derangement of TMJ. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Five hundred consecutive patients (670 joints) with TMJ derangement who underwent arthroscopy between 1995 and 2004 were retrospectively analyzed. All the patients were classified as II to V in the Wilkes classification. Lysis and lavage, electrocautery of the posterior ligament, injection of corticoids, injection of ethanolamine, myotomy of lateral pterygoid muscle attachments, myotomy and electrocautery, motor debridement, injection of sodium hyaluronate, and meniscal suture were performed in different patients. RESULTS: Complications were recognized during or immediately after the surgery. They were observed in 5 of 341 (1.26%) arthroscopies of the right TMJ and 4 of 329 (1.21%) arthroscopies of the left TMJ. A 1.34% complication rate was found in the whole series. No blood clots within the external auditory canal were observed. Bleeding within the superior TMJ space was observed in 57 cases (8.5%), 36 of them in the right TMJ and 21 in the left TMJ, but they were not considered as true complications. Lacerations of the external auditory canal were found in 2 cases (0.3%), with no cases of perforation of the tympanic membrane. Lesion of the auriculotemporal nerve was observed in a case. Paresia of the facial nerve was found in 4 cases (0.6%). Alteration of visual accuracy of the ipsilateral eye was also observed in a patient immediately after the surgery. CONCLUSION: Special care must be taken to reduce complications within the upper joint space by means of an adequate instrumentation and by paying attention to essential points of the arthroscopic technique.  相似文献   
Experience in the treatment of 129 patients with esophagogastric hemorrhage due to portal hypertension is discussed. An original modification of the design of Blakemore's tube is suggested, with the use of which the results of nonoperative treatment were improved and the mortality among this category of patients was reduced. Operation was performed on 75 patients. The total mortality among all hospitalized patients was 6.2%. The Tanner-Petrov operation was carried out on 55 patients, splenorenal anastomosis was formed in 6, organopexy was conducted on 4, splenectomy in combination with organopexy in 8, and portocaval anastomosis was formed in 2 patients. Three patients died after the operation.  相似文献   
A case of a pedunculated arachnoid cyst within the third ventricle is presented. The cyst was small so as not to appear as a significant expanding lesion on CT. The clinical history, however, suggested intermittent increase of the intracranial pressure. On CT there was some widening of the lateral and third ventricles, while the fourth ventricle had normal width. This finding in combination with the clinical history prompted further neuroradiologic examinations, including pneumoencephalography and ventriculography. The presence of a pedunculated mobile cystic lesion within the third ventricle was shown and its nature further elucidated by stereotactic puncture combined with contrast injection into the cyst. After emptying of the cyst, the patient has been free of symptoms during an observation time of 2 years. The diagnostic and differential diagnostic aspects are discussed and the value of traditional neuroradiologic methods emphasized.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION: Ischemic heart disease is a major cause of heart failure in western societies. However, the factors that may influence left ventricular function (LVF) recovery after an acute coronary syndrome (ACS) are still unclear. OBJECTIVE: To identify variables that may influence LVF evolution one year after ACS. METHODS: 104 patients hospitalized with ACS between 7/1/2001 and 12/31/2002 and with systolic dysfunction--defined as an echocardiographic ejection fraction (EF) < or = 45%--were randomly allocated to a planned coronary follow-up program (FUP) or a general cardiology clinic (GC); patients from both groups were also randomly referred to a structured cardiac rehabilitation program (CRP). EF was re-assessed at one year. We compared differences between patients who recovered left ventricular function (EF > 45%; group 1) and those who did not (group 2). RESULTS: One year after discharge, 44.2% of the patients had recovered function. There were no significant differences between the groups in gender (77.7 vs. 76.5% male), age (56 vs. 59 years), hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, smoking habits or family history. A previous history of cardiovascular events was more frequent in group 2 (11.1% vs. 35.3%, p = 0.03). Cardiac catheterization was performed before discharge in 88.8% and 88.2% in groups 1 and 2 respectively (p = NS); no differences were found in coronary anatomy between the two groups. Angioplasty was performed in 54.2% in group 1 and 50% in group 2 (p = NS). There were no differences in the use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (83.3% vs. 87.5%), beta-blockers (87.5% vs. 87.5%), nitrates (37.5% vs. 33.3%), aspirin (95.8% vs. 95.8%), statins (79.1% vs. 75%) or diuretics (20.8% vs. 45.8%). There was no significant difference in LVF recovery between patients randomized to FUP or GC (38.5% vs. 54.5%). 87.5% of patients who completed the CRP had normal EF at one year compared to 32.7% of patients not referred to the program (p = 0.009). Although EF improved in both groups, this improvement was greater in patients who completed a CRP (EF 8% vs. 5%, p = 0.003). CONCLUSION: A previous cardiovascular event and completion of a CRP were the only variables that influenced LVF recovery. Thus, enrollment in a CRP, in addition to standard therapy, could be an important therapeutic measure in patients with systolic dysfunction after ACS; our data suggest that these programs should be more widely used.  相似文献   
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