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“Xiongbi“ chest (or precordial) pain with stuffiness, or chest pain syndrome is referred to choking pain in the chest due to stagnation of chest -yang, failure of qi and blood in warming and nourishing the local meridians. It is usually caused by stagnation of dampness and phlegm in the interior, or by insufficiency of qi and blood stasis, leading to impeded flow of qi and blood in the heart vessels. Its pathological characteristics are deficiency (chest-yang) in origin and excess (i.e., qi stagnation) in superficiality. The therapeutic principles are promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis, getting rid of blockage and dredging the passages of yang-qi.  相似文献   
对于肿瘤的治疗,目前现代医学有三种疗效肯定的方法,即手术治疗、放射治疗和药物治疗。但西医综合治疗癌症容易出现如下问题:手术不能控制肿瘤的转移,且耗气伤筋动血;放化疗在杀伤肿瘤细胞的同时,也损伤正常组织等。为了提高肿瘤患者的生存率,减轻综合治疗中的毒副反应,改善生活质量,我们在临床上对肿瘤患者手术、放疗、化疗等综合治疗的同时,根据“扶正不留邪,祛邪不伤正”的原则,加用以扶正为主,祛邪为辅的中药成药及其制剂,经随访观察,取得较满意的疗效,现报道如下。1临床资料1997年7月~2001年7月之间恶性肿…  相似文献   
现代护理观念是以病人为中心。要求护士提供护理服务的同时必须尊重病人,平等相待,充分认识到护士既是病人的“专家”,更是病人的亲人。急病人之所急,想病人之所想,帮病人之所需,达到有效的双向沟通,更好的融洽护患关系。  相似文献   
Enuresis is referred to involuntary dischargeof urine in children who are more than threeyears at the age and have normal function of mic-turition. If bed-wetting happens occasionally dueto fatigue or drinking too much water beforesleep, it doesn't belong to pathological state.  相似文献   
类风湿关节炎(RA)是一种慢性进行性自身免疫性疾病,累及全身多个部位,以慢性关节病变特别是以小关节受累,临床表现多以腰、背、关节疼痛为就诊主诉,在较大年龄组常与骨质疏松(OP)相混淆。近年来有学者证明类风湿关节炎可以导致骨质疏松,因此在类风湿关节炎中监测骨质疏松对诊断的确立、鉴别、治疗及合理用药十分有意义。  相似文献   
Melancholy is a general term for diseases resulting from emotional depressign and stagnation of qi. Disorder of qi-circulation can disturb functional activity of the blood system and result in many pathological changes. In this section, only hysteria is discussed. If you want to treat headache, insomnia, palpitation, seminal emission and globus hystericus, the relative sections in other lectures can be referred to.  相似文献   
“LongBi” (癃闭 )isreferredtoretentionofurine,markedbypainandfullnessinthelow erabdomenandobstructedurination .“Long”meansdifficultyinurination ,dribblingurina tion ,andthepatient’sconditionworsensgradu ally.“Bi”meansblockageofurination ,orin abilityto passurine…  相似文献   
产科急症风险预警与风险管理机制的建立与应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:评价产科急症风险预警与风险管理方法的效果。方法:将实施产科急症风险管理前后的孕产妇资料分成两组进行回顾性统计学比较分析。结果:实验组产科缺陷发生率和母婴并发症发生率明显降低,产科医疗护理质量及抢救成功率明显提高。结论:产科急症风险预警与风险管理机制的建立与应用,可有效降低产科风险,减少差错事故的发生,提高医护人员的专科技术水平。  相似文献   
目的:探讨实施流程化疾病护理预测和防范产科风险,以提高护理质量。方法:对孕产妇制定详细的观察操作指引,优化产科急症的抢救护理流程及应急预案,组织实施并通过日评估管理系统进行评价。结果:通过使用观察操作指引急重症的抢救护理流程,提高了护士的综合能力,降低了分娩并发症的发生。结论:实施流程化疾病护理,指引清楚、操作方便,可有效防范产科风险,减少差错事故的发生,提高护士的专科技术水平。  相似文献   
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