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Objective To observe and scale knee joint space of the patients who suffered adults' Kaschin-Beck disease (KBD) in Shangzhi City of Heilongjiang Province in order to acquire basic knowledge for upcoming intervention trial. Methods Clinical test was proceeded in adults aged above 40 in Guanghui Village of Shangzhi City in 2007. In typical patients, bilateral knee X-ray was taken and knee joint space was scaled. Three points were chosen on inner and outer epicondyle of each knee and results were recorded. Results There were 307 peoples over the age of 40 in the village. Two hundred eighty-two accepted clinical test, in a rate of 91.9%. Eighty out of 282 suffered KBD, accounting for 28.4%. When the patients' condition became more serious, measurements from flank, middle, inside points on outer epicondyle of joint space presented a narrowing trend [degree Ⅰ: (5.85±0.17), (4.84±0.17), (4.36±0.18)mm; degree Ⅱ: (5.11±0.43), (4.24±0.34), (3.48±0.28)nun; degree Ⅲ: (3.59± 0.78), (3.10±0.56), (2.14±0.62)mm; Fflank,middle,inside= 6.547,5.372,10.302, all P < 0.05], but those on inner epicondyle of joint space did not[degree Ⅰ:(3.66±0.17), (3.47±0.17), (3.73±0.18)mm; degree Ⅱ:(3.55± 0.34), (3.54±0.29), (4.35±0.35)mm; degree Ⅲ: (3.19±0.72), (3.92±0.66), (4.51±0.72)ram; Finside,middle,flank= 0.351,0.356,1.883, all P > 0.05]. Joint space < 5.00 mm were found in 618, among which 363 were measured on inner epieondyle, obviously greater than those measured on outer epicondyle of joint space(255), the difference being statistically signifieant(χ2=9.59, P<0.05). Conclusions Adult cases of KBD occur in Guanghui Village. Knee joint space of adult patients narrows obviously, the more serious, the narrower, especially occurring more obviously on outer epicondyle, but frequently on inner epicondyle.  相似文献   
我院医务人员在毛主席思想指导下,为减轻病人痛苦,减少并发症,从1965年5月开始,指定部分高年医生采用人工流产术不挟宫颈的操作方法,共做26例,收到一定的效果。兹介绍如下: 操作步骤及方法一、术前准备及消毒,同一般刮宫术。二、阴道检查:确定子宫大小及位置。若系后屈位,必须以手复柆至前倾位。单纯后倾而无明显后屈者,若复位困难,则不必强行,只要在吸宫时  相似文献   
近年来,人体硒水平的监测主要是测定血、尿及头发中硒。测定血硒因要采血,常遇困难;尿硒测定需收集24小时尿,在现场采样不仅麻烦也不易准确;采发测硒故然是一种好办法,但发硒与血硒、尿硒水平存在着时间差,即在同一时间内常见不同步现象。采发测硒有时还会因头发长的快慢、长短、采样部位、头发的洗涤等因素影响测定结果。为此我们试测了唾液中硒水平,旨在初步探讨唾液硒水平生物监测的意义。 在大骨节病病区,选8~12岁儿童17例,不予投硒,另选同龄儿童12例,每周投服硒酵母,含硒量为700μg,连续服用4个月。在同一天内,嗽口后,用一个特制的采样器,收集  相似文献   
真菌毒素(mycotoxins)是有毒真菌在适宜条件下的次级代谢产物,主要通过污染粮食及其制品对人畜安全造成损害。黄绿青霉素(citreoviridin,CIT),是较常见的真菌毒素,对心脏有特殊毒作用,也具有神经毒性。关于CIT对粮食的自然污染水平,国外有少数文献报告,国内至今未见报告。本实验室在完善HPLC检测方法的基础上,抽样检测了哈尔滨市市售粮食中CTT的水平。  相似文献   
偏头痛型血管性头痛是一种常见病,至今还未找到理想的治疗方法。我院神经外科1984年1~10月份用咖啡因局部封闭治疗偏头痛型血管性头痛,获得了显著效果,现报告如下:临床资料1、性别及年龄:男性38例,女性168例:年龄:最小13岁,最大50岁,其中13~18岁88例,19~30岁53例,31~50岁65例,2、病程:最短1年左右,最长达22年,其中5年以下35例,6~10年106例,10年以上65例。3、发作持续时间及间歇期:头痛持续时间大多数在2天左右,2天以内者114例,3~7天77例,8~20天15例;发作间歇期:122例均在1个月内,每年一定  相似文献   
目的观察大骨节病与克山病老病区丰田村和林茂村地产粮食中T鄄2毒素和黄绿青霉素(CIT)的污染状况。方法选40岁以上自愿者作右手X线拍片检查,评估大骨节病历史患病情况;收集文献数据评估克山病历史病情;用ELISA法和高效液相色谱(HPLC)法检测病区地产粮食T鄄2毒素和CIT。结果丰田村和林茂村成人大骨节病患病率很高,是历史上的严重病区。地产面粉中T鄄2毒素阳性检出率为77.78%,T鄄2毒素平均水平为120.64 μg/kg;地产玉米面中CIT阳性检出率为42.31%,CIT毒素平均水平为12.33 μg/kg,均明显地高出本省市场同类粮食。结论丰田村和林茂村是大骨节病、克山病历史上的严重病区,地产粮食中T鄄2毒素、CIT 水平仍然相当高,如果不是当地粮食占居民主食中的比例已经很小(< 20%),这两种病的当前检出率也许达不到现在程度的低水平。  相似文献   
Objective To observe and scale knee joint space of the patients who suffered adults' Kaschin-Beck disease (KBD) in Shangzhi City of Heilongjiang Province in order to acquire basic knowledge for upcoming intervention trial. Methods Clinical test was proceeded in adults aged above 40 in Guanghui Village of Shangzhi City in 2007. In typical patients, bilateral knee X-ray was taken and knee joint space was scaled. Three points were chosen on inner and outer epicondyle of each knee and results were recorded. Results There were 307 peoples over the age of 40 in the village. Two hundred eighty-two accepted clinical test, in a rate of 91.9%. Eighty out of 282 suffered KBD, accounting for 28.4%. When the patients' condition became more serious, measurements from flank, middle, inside points on outer epicondyle of joint space presented a narrowing trend [degree Ⅰ: (5.85±0.17), (4.84±0.17), (4.36±0.18)mm; degree Ⅱ: (5.11±0.43), (4.24±0.34), (3.48±0.28)nun; degree Ⅲ: (3.59± 0.78), (3.10±0.56), (2.14±0.62)mm; Fflank,middle,inside= 6.547,5.372,10.302, all P < 0.05], but those on inner epicondyle of joint space did not[degree Ⅰ:(3.66±0.17), (3.47±0.17), (3.73±0.18)mm; degree Ⅱ:(3.55± 0.34), (3.54±0.29), (4.35±0.35)mm; degree Ⅲ: (3.19±0.72), (3.92±0.66), (4.51±0.72)ram; Finside,middle,flank= 0.351,0.356,1.883, all P > 0.05]. Joint space < 5.00 mm were found in 618, among which 363 were measured on inner epieondyle, obviously greater than those measured on outer epicondyle of joint space(255), the difference being statistically signifieant(χ2=9.59, P<0.05). Conclusions Adult cases of KBD occur in Guanghui Village. Knee joint space of adult patients narrows obviously, the more serious, the narrower, especially occurring more obviously on outer epicondyle, but frequently on inner epicondyle.  相似文献   
用气相色谱法检测哈尔滨市市售玉米粉24份,面粉23份,大米12份,小米11份,发现T-2毒素阳性例数分别为玉米粉8份,面粉9份,大米和小米各3份。污染水平以玉米粉和面粉为高,最高者玉米为748ng/g。大米、小米的污染水平多数小于50ng/g,仅有1份小米达到80ng/g。  相似文献   
目的 调查青海省兴海县大骨节病相对活跃病区儿童大骨节病流行现状,以及当地儿童硒营养水平和家庭主食粮食T-2毒素污染水平.方法 2009年对兴海县唐乃亥乡上、中、下3个村7~ 12岁儿童进行右手X线拍片,根据《大骨节病诊断标准》(GB 16003-1995)进行诊断.同时采集拍片儿童的枕部发样、饮水以及主食粮食(小麦和/或面粉),2,3-二氨基萘荧光法测定其头发、饮水和主食粮食硒含量,酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA法)检测主食粮食T-2毒素污染水平.结果 儿童大骨节病X线总检出率为12.20%(31/254),其中下村X线检出率达到14.97%(22/147),上村X线检出率为9.52%(6/63),中村X线检出率为6.82%(3/44).病区儿童内外环境硒水平普遍较低,头发、饮水、小麦、面粉硒含量分别为(0.250±0.136)mg/kg、(0.16±0.05)μg/L、(0.0045±0.0030)mg/kg、(0.0067±0.0116)mg/kg.病区儿童家庭主食粮食T-2毒素含量较高,小麦为(78.91±46.17)μg/kg;面粉为(47.47±46.47) μg/kg.结论 青海省兴海县大骨节病相对活跃病区7~ 12岁儿童内外环境硒水平较低,而主食粮食T-2毒素污染水平较高,与当地儿童大骨节病病情分布基本一致.  相似文献   
患者女 ,3 3岁 ,农民。停经 5月余伴胎动 1月来院就医。 5年前曾宫腔内放置节育器。B超检查示 :胎儿头皮明显肿胀与颅骨分离呈双环状 (图 1) ,颅骨光环光滑完整 ,脑中线居中 ,脑室未见扩张 ,胎心搏动规律 ,14 0次 /min ,脊柱呈双排串珠样排列 ,探头与胎儿脊柱平行的纵切面在胎儿颈部清晰可见条状强回声 ,该处固定探头 ,然后旋转 90°时 ,可见圆形的强回声光环 ,回声均明显强于胎儿骨骼 ;在实时超声下显示典型“慧星尾”征(图 2 ) ,胎儿肢体正常。超声提示 :①宫内带环受孕 2 0周 ;②金属节育环圈套胎儿颈部 ;③胎儿头皮肿胀变形。经行引产 …  相似文献   
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