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手指屈伸肌腱附丽处断裂,主要指位于Ⅰ区的肌腱断裂,且断端距止点小于1cm的损伤。以往主要采用断腱远段切除。近段断端前移,行拉出钢丝缝合法。但存在限制了早期括动而影响效果的缺点。笔者于1999年7月~2005年6月,对32例手指屈仲肌腱附丽处断裂行改良术式修复,并给予康复护理,经随访,效果满意。  相似文献   
许昌市中小学生健康状况评价   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
近年来,青少年生长发育、营养不良、视力低下等问题愈来愈引起社会的广泛关注。对生长发育一般规律和影响因素的研究,不仅可有效地防治生长障碍性疾病,提高儿童生长发育水平,而且可以为制订学校卫生各项指标,实施学校卫生监督,确定有关卫生要求,提供科学的参考依据.为了解许昌市中小学生的生长发育和身体健康状况,探讨学生健康保障措施与对策,笔者于2005年3—5月对该市中小学在校学生进行了体质健康检查,并对学生的生长发育和健康状况进行了分析,现报道如下。  相似文献   
亚急性甲状腺炎用强的松治疗,效果较好,但停药后常复发,用X腺放射治疗,疗效虽比强的松作用持久,但在无放射治疗设备的基层医疗单位本方法也不能进行。为此作者对三例亚急性甲状腺炎病人以强的松龙混悬液局部封闭,效果较为满意,疗效巩固,经随访二年、均未复发。本方法具有疗效快,效果巩固、操作简便等优点。  相似文献   
目的 调察黑龙江省大骨节病历史病区成人大骨节病病例颈动脉粥样硬化的流行强度,探讨成人大骨节病与动脉粥样硬化发生的关系.方法 2009年,在黑龙江省大骨节病病区山河农场、尚志市和非病区双城县兰棱镇(简称双城对照区),各调查5个村,以40岁以上病区大骨节病患者和双城对照区居民为观察对象,用便携式彩超进行了颈动脉粥样硬化检查,保留超声图片并按病变程度诊断记分.结果山河病区5个村大骨节病病例颈动脉粥样硬化检出率分别为50.0%(26/52)、37.3%(19/51)、42.5%(30/71)、58.2%(39/67)、44.0%(22/50);尚志病区5个村分别为63.0%(34/54)、45.3%(24/53)、47.2%(25/53)、60.0%(30/50)、51.9%(28/54);双城对照区5个村分别为63.9%(46/72)、43.1%(31/72)、57.1%(40/70)、46.9%(30/64)、53.0%(35/66).以村为单位,山河、尚志病区与双城对照区颈动脉粥样硬化标准化检出率比较,差异均无统计学意义(T值分别为25.0、24.5,P均>0.05);3个地区间颈动脉粥样硬化标准化检出率比较,差异无统计学意义(x2=0.36,P>0.05);3个地区间颈动脉粥样硬化标准化严重程度比较,差异有统计学意义(x2=15.28,P<0.05),其中尚志病区与双城对照区比较,差异有统计学意义(x2=8.92,P<0.05).大骨节病患者病情严重程度与颈动脉粥样硬化的标准化检出率和严重程度间均未见明显关联(x2值分别为1.88、5.07,P均>0.05).结论黑龙江省大骨节病历史病区成人颈动脉粥样硬化检出率不高于非病区.  相似文献   
目的探索薄层色谱法(thin-layerchromatography,TLC)检测粮食中黄绿青霉素(citreoviridin,CIT)的实用方法。方法以CIT标准品人工污染粮样,然后用乙腈和水(80:20)提取,石油醚脱脂,蒸干,甲苯:乙酸乙酯:甲酸(6:3:1)定溶。溶液点样于60目高效薄层硅胶板上,在甲苯:乙酸乙酯:甲酸(6:3:1)溶液中展开,在紫外长波(366nm)下观察黄色条带来进行半定量分析,利用双波长薄层色谱扫描仪对CIT进行定量检测。结果最低检出限25ng,回收率在80.0%-103。1%。结论检测方法经济、快速、有效。  相似文献   
Objective To observe and scale knee joint space of the patients who suffered adults' Kaschin-Beck disease (KBD) in Shangzhi City of Heilongjiang Province in order to acquire basic knowledge for upcoming intervention trial. Methods Clinical test was proceeded in adults aged above 40 in Guanghui Village of Shangzhi City in 2007. In typical patients, bilateral knee X-ray was taken and knee joint space was scaled. Three points were chosen on inner and outer epicondyle of each knee and results were recorded. Results There were 307 peoples over the age of 40 in the village. Two hundred eighty-two accepted clinical test, in a rate of 91.9%. Eighty out of 282 suffered KBD, accounting for 28.4%. When the patients' condition became more serious, measurements from flank, middle, inside points on outer epicondyle of joint space presented a narrowing trend [degree Ⅰ: (5.85±0.17), (4.84±0.17), (4.36±0.18)mm; degree Ⅱ: (5.11±0.43), (4.24±0.34), (3.48±0.28)nun; degree Ⅲ: (3.59± 0.78), (3.10±0.56), (2.14±0.62)mm; Fflank,middle,inside= 6.547,5.372,10.302, all P < 0.05], but those on inner epicondyle of joint space did not[degree Ⅰ:(3.66±0.17), (3.47±0.17), (3.73±0.18)mm; degree Ⅱ:(3.55± 0.34), (3.54±0.29), (4.35±0.35)mm; degree Ⅲ: (3.19±0.72), (3.92±0.66), (4.51±0.72)ram; Finside,middle,flank= 0.351,0.356,1.883, all P > 0.05]. Joint space < 5.00 mm were found in 618, among which 363 were measured on inner epieondyle, obviously greater than those measured on outer epicondyle of joint space(255), the difference being statistically signifieant(χ2=9.59, P<0.05). Conclusions Adult cases of KBD occur in Guanghui Village. Knee joint space of adult patients narrows obviously, the more serious, the narrower, especially occurring more obviously on outer epicondyle, but frequently on inner epicondyle.  相似文献   
Objective To observe and scale knee joint space of the patients who suffered adults' Kaschin-Beck disease (KBD) in Shangzhi City of Heilongjiang Province in order to acquire basic knowledge for upcoming intervention trial. Methods Clinical test was proceeded in adults aged above 40 in Guanghui Village of Shangzhi City in 2007. In typical patients, bilateral knee X-ray was taken and knee joint space was scaled. Three points were chosen on inner and outer epicondyle of each knee and results were recorded. Results There were 307 peoples over the age of 40 in the village. Two hundred eighty-two accepted clinical test, in a rate of 91.9%. Eighty out of 282 suffered KBD, accounting for 28.4%. When the patients' condition became more serious, measurements from flank, middle, inside points on outer epicondyle of joint space presented a narrowing trend [degree Ⅰ: (5.85±0.17), (4.84±0.17), (4.36±0.18)mm; degree Ⅱ: (5.11±0.43), (4.24±0.34), (3.48±0.28)nun; degree Ⅲ: (3.59± 0.78), (3.10±0.56), (2.14±0.62)mm; Fflank,middle,inside= 6.547,5.372,10.302, all P < 0.05], but those on inner epicondyle of joint space did not[degree Ⅰ:(3.66±0.17), (3.47±0.17), (3.73±0.18)mm; degree Ⅱ:(3.55± 0.34), (3.54±0.29), (4.35±0.35)mm; degree Ⅲ: (3.19±0.72), (3.92±0.66), (4.51±0.72)ram; Finside,middle,flank= 0.351,0.356,1.883, all P > 0.05]. Joint space < 5.00 mm were found in 618, among which 363 were measured on inner epieondyle, obviously greater than those measured on outer epicondyle of joint space(255), the difference being statistically signifieant(χ2=9.59, P<0.05). Conclusions Adult cases of KBD occur in Guanghui Village. Knee joint space of adult patients narrows obviously, the more serious, the narrower, especially occurring more obviously on outer epicondyle, but frequently on inner epicondyle.  相似文献   
我科自1984年—1990年经手术治疗证实的外伤性硬脑膜下积液13例,现根据其发病机理,诊断及治疗讨论如下: 1 一般资料男8例、女5例,年龄最小2岁,最大40岁,病程在3d以内的急性期患者10例,慢性期者3例(22d以上)病程最长4个月,致伤方式以减速性外伤为主,打击伤2例,手术证实积液位于额部6例,额颞顶部5例、颞顶部2例、积液位于单侧、均在幕上、积液量20—1OOml,呈五色透明者9例、呈淡黄色3例、呈血性者1例,有5例患者合并有颅内血肿,其中硬膜下血肿1例,硬膜外血肿4例。  相似文献   
我科自1984年-1990年经手术治疗证实的外伤性硬脑膜下积液13例,现根据其发病机理,诊断及治疗讨论如下:  相似文献   
不同贮藏条件对镰刀菌产毒影响的实验观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
镰刀菌是污染粮食的主要产毒真菌之一 ,粮食中大多数真菌毒素来源于镰刀菌 ,故有时也将这些毒素称之为镰刀菌毒素。这些镰刀菌毒素与人类健康关系密切 ,已引起人们的日益关注。粮食中真菌毒素含量的差异 ,除与镰刀菌菌株 ,镰刀菌浸染率 ,粮食的种类 ,环境条件等有关外 ,还与粮食状态 (粉状、粒状 )、贮粮环境关系十分密切。为探讨不同粮食状态和贮藏条件对镰刀菌产毒的影响 ,我们模拟了粉状粮和粒状粮对镰刀菌产毒的影响 ,该报告已经发表[1] 。本次报告不同的贮粮环境对镰刀菌产毒的影响。1 材料与方法1 1 材料粮食接种用镰刀菌菌株M 1系…  相似文献   
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