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目的:评估QRS-VHIS和QRS-VRVA间期在鉴别流出道室性早搏起源部位中的价值。方法:连续入选2016年6月—12月行导管射频消融治疗流出道室性早搏的16例患者,术中放置标测导管于希氏束(HIS)区域及右室心尖部(right ventricular apex,RVA),在电解剖标测系统和影像指引下行流出道多个部位起搏,同步记录体表12导联心电图、HIS和RVA腔内电图,分别测量QRS-VHIS和QRS-VRVA间期。结果:16例患者共获得139个起搏点,分为右室流出道(right ventricular outflow tract ,RVOT)组94个和主动脉窦(aortic sinus cusp,ASC)组45个,RVOT组QRS-VHIS间期显著大于ASC组[(42.98±14.83)ms vs. (19.66±16.14)ms,P<0.001],而两组QRS-VRVA间期则无显著性差异。ROC曲线显示QRS-VHIS间期的曲线下面积(AUC=0.860)显著大于QRS-VRVA间期(AUC=0.626),QRS-VHIS间期≤36.4 ms预测ASC起源的敏感性为67.1%、特异性为85.0%,QRS-VRVA间期≥57.4 ms预测ASC起源的敏感性为54.3%、特异性为72.0%。结论: QRS-VHIS间期可作为一种鉴别流出道室性早搏起源的新方法。  相似文献   
Objective To evaluate the feasibility of mdiofrequency catheter ablation of atrial fibrilla-tion (AF) guided by complex fractionated atrial electrograms (CFAEs). Methods Twenty-two patients with drug refractory and symptomatic AF(16 paroxysmal, 6 persisten) were enrolled. Using Carto, the left atrial or biatrial replica was created during spontaneous or induced AF, and areas associated with CFAEs were identi-fied. Radiofrequency ablation at the site with CFAEs was performed and the end points were to eliminate CFAEs or convert to sinus rhythm. Results Thirteen patients(59%)were converted to sinus rhythm, (7 cases conver-ted directly to sinus rhythm, and 6 via the intermediate atrial tachycardia(AT) or atrial flutter (AFL). The re-maining nine patients required cardioversion with D. C. shock or drug. Repeat ablation was performed in 6 pa-tients (5 AT/AFL, 1 paroxysmal AF). During(10.9 ±4.8) months follow-up, 16 patients (73%) were free of arrhythmia and symptoms. CFAEs were most commonly found along the left interatrial septum, pulmonary veins, left atrial roof. CFAEs ablation prolonged AFCL[(157 ± 18) ms vs (211 ± 32) ms, P < 0.05]. Only one patient had pericardial tamponade that required pericardiocentesis. Conclusion Radiofrequeney catheter abla-tion of atrial fibrillation (AF) guided by CFAEs is safe and effective.  相似文献   
目的总结经心内膜消融失败的难治性局灶性房性心动过速(房速)在高密度标测下的电生理特点及经心外膜消融成功的经验。方法本研究为回顾性描述性研究, 选取2018年6月至2021年10月来自3家医疗机构共186例经术中电生理检查确诊为局灶性房速患者, 使用高密度标测系统常规进行心内膜导管消融。13例经心内膜消融失败患者中, 3例起源于心耳尖部接受外科微创手术行心耳结扎或切除, 10例经心外膜标测和消融成功。总结并分析10例经心外膜消融成功患者的临床特征、电生理检查、高密度标测相关指标、消融及随访结果。结果 10例经心外膜消融成功的局灶性房速患者中, 女7例、男3例, 年龄(38.4±11.5)岁, 术前左心室射血分数为51.2%±4.6%, 抗心律失常用药(包括Ⅰ类、Ⅲ类抗心律失常药物)共(1.5±0.7)种。内外膜联合的高密度标测结果:3例起源于右心耳与上腔静脉交界处、3例起源于Bachmann束在左心房的插入点、2例起源于右心房游离壁的心外膜侧、1例于右心耳心外膜侧、1例起源于左心房心外膜Marshall静脉区域。心外膜最早激动点(EAS)的激动时间提前心内膜(8.3±4.5) ms, 内...  相似文献   
目的报道1组起源于心外膜远离crux区和summlt区城的特发性室性早搏(PVC)的心电图、标测特征, 以及经皮心包穿刺心外膜消融结果。方法回顾性分析2015年8月至2020年11月在南京医科大学附属第一医院和武汉亚洲心脏医院共收集9例在经皮心包穿刺心外膜消融的特发性PVC患者资料, 通过心外膜标测和消融确定PVC的起源部位, 分析不同起源部位的体表心电图和标测特征。如GRS波宽度, 相应导联GRS波呈GS型, 心内膜标测提前量。如体表起始有无r波, GRS波宽度以及心内膜最早激动总相比于GRS波起点的提前量。结果入选9例患者, 年龄(32±13)岁。其中男6例, 所有患者PVC均起源于心外膜, 其中有4例位于下壁, 1例位于前壁, 1例位于心尖部, 其余3例位于侧壁。体表心电图的对应导联组QRS波为无r波的QS型。在心内膜和心外膜都进行标测, 两者激动提前QRS时限分别为(-11±4)ms和(-25±8)ms。所有患者心内膜单极电图均呈rS型, 外膜起源处标测单极电图为QS型。所有患者均消融成功且无相关并发症发生, 中位随访11个月无复发。结论部分特发PVC可起源于远离cru...  相似文献   
目的:分析不同的体表心电图指标在鉴别流出道室性心律失常(OTVA)起源部位中的价值。方法:连续入组98例消融成功、靶点明确的OTVA患者,其中74例起源于右室流出道(RVOT),另24例起源于左室流出道(LVOT),术前记录标准12导联心电图,测量并计算胸导联移行区指数(TZI)、V2移行比率以及V2S/V3R指数,比较3种不同的心电图指标预测流出道室性心律失常起源部位的准确性。结果:V2S/V3R指数的ROC曲线下面积(AUC)最大,其敏感性及特异性(85.9%、94.3%)均优于V2移行比率(70.3%、90.1%)及胸导联移行指数TZI(62.5%、89.5%)。在心脏转位的亚组中,胸导联移行指数TZI预测价值最高,其敏感性、特异性及准确性分别为80%、93%、91%。在V3导联R/S移行的亚组中,V2移行比率预测价值最高,其敏感性、特异性及准确性分别为75%、66%、67%。结论:不同的心电图鉴别指标可相互补充以提高术前判断OTVA起源部位的准确性。  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the prevalence of Epsilon wave in patients with arrhythmogenic right ventrieular cardiomyopathy (ARVC). Methods The Epsilon wave was detected in 32 patients [24 men, mean age (42.3±13.3) years] with ARVC using three different electrocardiography (ECG) recording methods: standard twelve leads ECG (S-ECG), right precordial leads ECG (R-ECG) and Fontaine bipolar precordiai leads ECG (F-ECG). The Epsilon wave was defined as wiggle, small spike wave and smooth potential between the end of the QRS complex and the beginning of the ST segment. Results Epsilon wave was detected in 37.5%, 37.5% and 50.0% patients with ARVC by S-ECG, R-ECG and F-ECG respectively. The detection rates derived from the three recording methods were similar(P > 0.05). The Epsilon wave was only detectable by S-ECG in one case, by R-ECG in three cases, and by F-ECG in five cases. The detection rate of Epsilon wave was 50.0% by combined use of S-ECG and R-ECG (SR-ECG), 56.3% by combined use of S-ECG and F-ECG (SF-ECG), and 65.6% by combined use of the three recording methods (SRF-ECG). The detection rate was significantly higher by SF-ECG (56.3%) and SRF-ECG (65.6%) than by S-ECG alone (37.5%, all P <0.05). Most Epsilon waves detected by the S-ECG, R-ECG and F-ECG were small spiked waves. Conclusion Combined use of S-ECG, F-ECG and R-ECG could increase the detection rate of Epsilon wave in patients with ARVC.  相似文献   
致心律失常性右室心肌病患者Epsilon波的检出率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Objective To investigate the prevalence of Epsilon wave in patients with arrhythmogenic right ventrieular cardiomyopathy (ARVC). Methods The Epsilon wave was detected in 32 patients [24 men, mean age (42.3±13.3) years] with ARVC using three different electrocardiography (ECG) recording methods: standard twelve leads ECG (S-ECG), right precordial leads ECG (R-ECG) and Fontaine bipolar precordiai leads ECG (F-ECG). The Epsilon wave was defined as wiggle, small spike wave and smooth potential between the end of the QRS complex and the beginning of the ST segment. Results Epsilon wave was detected in 37.5%, 37.5% and 50.0% patients with ARVC by S-ECG, R-ECG and F-ECG respectively. The detection rates derived from the three recording methods were similar(P > 0.05). The Epsilon wave was only detectable by S-ECG in one case, by R-ECG in three cases, and by F-ECG in five cases. The detection rate of Epsilon wave was 50.0% by combined use of S-ECG and R-ECG (SR-ECG), 56.3% by combined use of S-ECG and F-ECG (SF-ECG), and 65.6% by combined use of the three recording methods (SRF-ECG). The detection rate was significantly higher by SF-ECG (56.3%) and SRF-ECG (65.6%) than by S-ECG alone (37.5%, all P <0.05). Most Epsilon waves detected by the S-ECG, R-ECG and F-ECG were small spiked waves. Conclusion Combined use of S-ECG, F-ECG and R-ECG could increase the detection rate of Epsilon wave in patients with ARVC.  相似文献   
目的 心房颤动(房颤)消融术中测量左心房压(LAP),研究不同类型房颤患者LAP的变化,探讨LAP与消融术后房颤复发的关系.方法 106例初次行房颤导管消融的患者,分为阵发性房颤(Paro-AF)组(62例)和非阵发性房颤(Non-Paro-AF)组(44例),消融术前1 d行超声心动图检查.消融术中通过心导管术测量LAP:Paro-AF组先记录初始窦性心律时LAPSNR,其中46例患者诱发出持续时间>3 min的房颤,记录诱发房颤3 min时LAP3min.Non-Paro-AF组记录初始房颤节律下的LAPNon-paro-AF.结果 Non-Paro-AF组LAPNon-paro-AF高于Paro-AF组初始窦性心律下LAPSNR[(21.77±8.72)mm Hg对(14.40±7.77)mm Hg,P<0.01].Paro-AF组LAP3min高于LAPSNR[(18.30±8.62)mmHg对(13.33±6.55)mm Hg,P<0.01],但仍然明显低于LAPNon-Paro-AF[(18.30±8.62)mm Hg对(21.77±8.72)mm Hg,P<0.01].平均随访(14.15±1.75)个月共有32例(30.19%)患者复发,复发患者LAP测量值显著高于未复发者[(23.56±11.30)mm Hg对(14.82±6.06)mm Hg,P<0.01].单因素回归分析显示左心房内径(LAD)增大、LAP增高和房颤类型是复发的相关因素,多因素回归分析提示LAP和LAD为房颤消融术后复发的独立预测因素.结论 阵发性房颤患者房颤节律下LAP高于窦性心律下LAP,持续性和永久性房颤患者LAP高于阵发性房颤患者.LAP是房颤消融术后复发的独立危险因素之一.  相似文献   
随着射频导管消融治疗心房颤动(atrial fibrillation,AF)的广泛开展,AF患者选择范围逐渐扩大,而消融策略也更为激进。尽管技术策略渐趋成熟,AF消融导致的其他类型并发症似有下降趋势,但消融术后的房性心动过速(atrial tachycardia,AT)却愈加常见,并成为棘手的临床问题。AT的处理和最终治愈已成为导管消融治疗AF的一部分,  相似文献   
植入心脏再同步起搏器(CRT-D)的患者反复发作室性心动过速、反复放电。不仅耗电,缩短了电池的使用寿命,而且损害了患者的心功能,加速了心功能的下降,使患者的生活质量受到严重影响。因此减少CRT—D放电,改善患者的生活质量非常重要。本例患者在临床使用多种药物治疗不能控制的情况下,采用了导管射频消融的方法,由于心内膜消融无效,尝试采用经心外膜途径消融,并取得成功。本文病例不仅为射频消融治疗CRT—D植入术后室性心动过速风暴的治疗进行了一次成功的尝试,而且探索了经心外膜途径的射频消融,这是一次新方法探索,有一定的临床意义和价值,值得借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
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