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目的观察125I偶联Ki67基因反义核酸(ASODNs)对裸鼠肾癌移植瘤的治疗作用.方法合成ki67基因ASODNs,氯胺-T法125I偶联ASODNs(125I-ASODNs).BALB/c种系裸鼠接种人肾癌786-0细胞.125I-ASODNs治疗组12只瘤体注射125I-ASODNs 0.1 ml(7.4 MBq/L、10 nmol),ASODNs治疗组12只瘤体注射ASODNs 0.1 ml(10 nmol),连续4 d.治疗后第3、6、12 d每组分别处死小鼠4只,取瘤组织检测肿瘤体积,免疫组化、Western blot技术检测Ki67表达,免疫组化TUNEL法检测细胞凋亡率.结果125I-ASODNs组治疗后3、6、12 d小鼠肿瘤体积分别为(51.8±13.7)、(76.1±22.9)、(636.9±73.8)mm3,与ASODNs处理组(70.3±18.9)、(185.7±37.7)、(868.9±128.2)mm3比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);Ki67抗原表达率分别为(16.5±2.1)、(20.8±1.0)、(28.6±2.4)%,ASODNs组为(26.8±2.3)、(29.2±1)、(33.6±2.6)%,Ki67蛋白量比分别为(54.8±2.6)、(58.6±2.9)、(63.9±3.5)%,与ASODNs组(72.6±5.1)、(79.7±3.4)、(85.7±4.4)%比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);肿瘤细胞凋亡率分别为(22.6±2.0)、(24.9±2.0)、(27.7±2.2)%,与ASODNs组(15.1±1.6)、(17.8±1.9)、(18.3±2.3)%比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论125I-ASODNs比ASODNs具有更强的抑制裸鼠肾癌移植瘤生长及促进凋亡作用.  相似文献   
腺苷(adenosine),或嘌呤核苷(adeni-ne nucleoside),是体内嘌呤核苷酸(ad-eninenucloetide)的代谢中间产物。自1929年Drury等人发现它具有舒张血管(简称“舒管”)活性以来,人们对其复杂的生理作用和机制进行了深入的探讨。腺苷对体内多数器官是一很强的舒管剂,对冠状循环尤为显著。它的心脏效应,包括松弛冠脉血管平滑肌,抑制交感神经末梢释放去甲肾上腺素,减慢房室结的传导速率,负性肌力和负性频率作用。临床上,腺苷已被用于麻醉中的控制性降压和治疗室上性心动过  相似文献   
On the basis of discussing the existing problems of the capital constrution in health service inHeilongjiang province and summing up the experience,the article points out that in order to makea good job of the scientific management of capital construction in health service,great importanceshould be attached to the following points:1.Make a good job of the reform of the managementsystem of capital construction,and strengthen and perfect the rational setups;2.Do not take onextra-programming project.Act strictly according to the procedure of examination and approval  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the antitumor effect of oncolytic adenovirus armed with small interference RNA targeting hTERT gene for renal cancer therapy. Methods Nude mice were divid-ed randomly into 4 groups (8 mice/group),and were treated by intratumoral injections of ZD55-hTERT ( an oncolytic adenovirus armed with small interference RNA targeting hTERT gene) ,ZD55-EGFP ( an on-colytic adenovirus) and Ad-hTERT (replication-defective adenovirus armed with small interference RNA targeting hTERT gene) with three consecutive daily at 7 × 108 pfu/day or treated with PBS as a control. The expression of E1A and hTERT, and apoptosis of tumor xenografts were assessed by immunohistochemi-cal technique at the 7th day after injections. The tumor volume was measured at the 50th day after injec-tions. Results The tumor volume in ZD55-hTERT treatment group ( 124.1±27.5) was significantly less than that in ZD-EGFP (499.8±77.1 ) and Ad-hTERT ( 609.0±102.5 ) treatment groups. The E 1A pos-itive expression in ZD55-hTERT treatment group was significantly higher than that in Ad-hTERT treatment group. The hTERT positive expression in ZD55-hTERT treatment group was significantly lower than that in Ad-hTERT treatment group. ZD55-hTERT treatment of tumor xenografts resulted in an increased apoptotie cell death as compared with ZD55-EGFP and Ad-hTERT treatment. Conclusion The antitumor effect of ZD55-hTERT was more potent than oneolytie adenovirus ZD55-EGFP and Ad-hTERT.  相似文献   
流行性出血热多尿期的常见并发症有水、电解质紊乱,继发感染和肾衰等,然而有些并发症,虽不常见,但往往比较严重,甚至导致病人死亡。这些少见并发症主要有颅内出血、腔道出血、中毒性精神病、Flsher综合征、尿潴留、溃疡性角膜炎;高血钾、高渗性脱水、肠系膜血栓形成、高血压等。  相似文献   
例1,男,65岁,农民。2个月来出现午后发热,体温38℃左右,无畏寒、咳嗽、盗汗、腹泻、大便呈糊状,每天5—7次,无脓血、腹痛、下坠及里急后重,伴乏力、纳差、下肢水肿,进行性消瘦。查体:体温37.5℃,衰竭状,浅表淋巴结不肿大,双肺呼吸音粗糙,无干湿性罗音,心(-),舟状腹,无压痛、反跳痛,肝脾不大,双下肢不水肿。血常规:WBC  相似文献   
欣逢吴珏教授八十华诞,经麻醉界同道们倡议和多方支持,除筹设“吴珏八十寿辰基金”(章程草案见后)外,本期特刊出“吴珏教授八十寿辰专辑”。吴老在1950年怀着拳拳报国之心,从美国毅然返回祖国,开始在上海第一医学院从事麻醉学的教学、科研和临床医疗的开拓工作,至今正好十足40年。一个80岁和一个40年都值得庆贺,故而本专辑除祝寿之外,还多了一层意思。麻醉学这个新兴医学专科,在我国自诞生以来的40年历程,可粗线条地分为四个阶段。  相似文献   
异氟醚吸入麻醉对肝脏血流和氧耗影响的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
气管内插管及其心血管副反应的产生与预防   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
气管内插管及其心血管副反应的产生与预防麻醉科傅润乔,梁淑筠刘俊杰同济医科大学协和医院主题词:插管法;气管内/副作用1895年Kirstein首次借助喉镜行气管内插管。1913年Jackson正式确立以直接喉镜完成气管内插管的理论。气管内插管术挽救...  相似文献   
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