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AIMS: Inappropriate therapy delivered by implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) remains a challenge. The OPERA registry measured the times to, and studied the determinants of, first appropriate (FAT) and inappropriate (FIT) therapies delivered by single-, dual- and triple-chamber [cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillator (CRT-D)] ICD. METHODS AND RESULTS: We entered 636 patients (mean age = 62.0 ± 13.5 years; 88% men) in the registry, of whom 251 received single-, 238 dual-, and 147 triple-chamber ICD, for primary (30.5%) or secondary (69.5%) indications. We measured times to FAT and FIT as a function of multiple clinical characteristics, examined the effects of various algorithm components on the likelihood of FAT and FIT delivery, and searched for predictors of FAT and FIT. Over 22.8 ± 8.8 months of observation, 184 patients (28.9%) received FAT and 70 (11.0%) received FIT. Ventricular tachycardia (VT) was the trigger of 88% of FAT, and supraventricular tachycardia was the trigger of 91% of FIT. The median times to FIT (90 days; range 49-258) and FAT (171 days; 50-363) were similar. The rate of FAT was higher (P <0.001) in patients treated for secondary than primary indications, while that of FIT were similar in both groups. Out of 57 analysable FIT, 27 (47.4%) could have been prevented by fine tuning the device programming like the sustained rate duration or the VT discrimination algorithm. CONCLUSIONS: First inappropriate therapy occurred in 11% of 636 ICD recipients followed for ~2 years. Nearly 50% of FIT could have been prevented by improving device programming.  相似文献   
AIMS: To compare the quality of life (QoL) of those in atrial fibrillation (AF) aged 75 years and over with that of the general population, to explore what factors affect the QoL of those with AF, and to assess the sensitivity of the EuroQol (EQ-5D) and Short-Form 12 (SF-12) generic health questionnaires in detecting differences in health status in those with AF in this age group. METHODS AND RESULTS: The study population was 1762 men and women aged 75 years and over with confirmed AF who attended a randomization clinic for the Birmingham Atrial Fibrillation Treatment of the Aged (BAFTA) study, a primary care based trial of stroke prevention. Patients self-completed the EQ-5D and SF-12 questionnaires, and a simple measure of disability (Rankin). Cardiovascular co-morbidities were collected and number of drugs used as an additional proxy for co-morbidity. Quality-of-life outcomes were compared with general population samples of the same age. On multiple regression, female gender, greater medication use, and disability were independently associated with lower QoL scores in AF. Those in AF with a Rankin score ≥2 had lower QoL scores, while those with a Rankin score <2 had higher scores than the general population. Increasing co-morbidity was associated with reduced QoL scores, with the EQ-5D and SF-12 Physical Component Score showing similar sensitivity to these associations, and the SF-12 Mental Component Score showing less sensitivity. CONCLUSION: In the absence of co-morbidity, chronic AF has little impact on generic QoL in an elderly non-acutely ill population.  相似文献   

Biologic agents have proven to be effective against rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in clinical trials and post-marketing surveillance (PMS) studies. However, limited follow-up periods and strict criteria for recruitment might lead to an underestimation of adverse events. To document the long-term course of patients with RA treated with biologics in clinical settings, we established the Tsurumai Biologics Communication Registry (TBCR). First, we retrospectively collected data of patients registered for any biologic PMS study or clinical trial at participating institutes. Thus far, thirteen institutes have joined the registry and 860 patients have been identified. Comparing baseline characteristics by age and initiation year of biologics, young patients had significantly less joint damage and dysfunction and a higher dose of concomitant methotrexate (MTX) compared to older patients. Older age and functional class were significantly related to the incidence of adverse events that resulted in discontinuation of the 1st biologic treatment. The TBCR is in its initial stages, and information on all patients newly starting biologic therapy at participating institutes is being collected prospectively. Differences in baseline characteristics by age and initiation year of biologics need to be carefully evaluated in order to report on drug-related survival and long-term prognosis, using follow-up data in the near future.  相似文献   
A monthly service dealing with the basic problems of increasing your net income and building personal capital… in the face of today's high tax structure  相似文献   
The MICs and minimum bactericidal concentrations (MBCs) for the biocides benzalkonium chloride and chlorhexidine were determined against 1,602 clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus. Both compounds showed unimodal MIC and MBC distributions (2 and 4 or 8 mg/liter, respectively) with no apparent subpopulation with reduced susceptibility. To investigate further, all isolates were screened for qac genes, and 39 of these also had the promoter region of the NorA multidrug-resistant (MDR) efflux pump sequenced. The presence of qacA, qacB, qacC, and qacG genes increased the mode MIC, but not MBC, to benzalkonium chloride, while only qacA and qacB increased the chlorhexidine mode MIC. Isolates with a wild-type norA promoter or mutations in the norA promoter had similar biocide MIC distributions; notably, not all clinical isolates with norA mutations were resistant to fluoroquinolones. In vitro efflux mutants could be readily selected with ethidium bromide and acriflavine. Multiple passages were necessary to select mutants with biocides, but these mutants showed phenotypes comparable to those of mutants selected by dyes. All mutants showed changes in the promoter region of norA, but these were distinct from this region of the clinical isolates. Still, none of the in vitro mutants displayed fitness defects in a killing assay in Galleria mellonella larvae. In conclusion, our data provide an in-depth comparative overview on efflux in S. aureus mutants and clinical isolates, showing also that plasmid-encoded efflux pumps did not affect bactericidal activity of biocides. In addition, current in vitro tests appear not to be suitable for predicting levels of resistance that are clinically relevant.  相似文献   
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